
in a huge golden palace, decorated with nothing but the purest gold, one could imagine. there were many parallel doors, each leading to different worlds.

but there was a particular door, at the center of this huge palace. with the symbol of, four strange beasts on them.

the aura excluding from this door, was by no means small. and inside this door had a theme, like the vast space with countless stars.

"i don't understand why you pity him lord..." the arc angel said with an unfriendly face.


"you don't understand Athos the way i do micheal..." the light spoke, sitting on the flaming throne, surrounded by the four beasts.

"w-what do you mean.. i do know him and i know he's not trustworthy at all.."

"do you really despise him that much Michael?" the light spoke with power. that made the flames on the throne, burn more brightly.

"i-i don't despise him i just don't think he's trustworthy that's all..." there was all form of sincerity as Micheal spoke.

"Athos may have some faults but he's still remains my second best angel micheal.." the light boldly stated, which made arc angel micheal heart flutter.

"w-why do you think so highly of him?" Michael asked confused, he was the first angel the light created. and gave him more power over all angels, except the light. to guide them and help them. so he had been with the light, as long as time.

but as the light made this safe paradise to reside in. and within some years it got boring. so the angels were asked, to stay in this haven. there were other god's like the light, and each had their followers. which they made to worship them.

so the light, decided to create his own mortals. and put them in a suitable place, for them to worship him. but they sinned against him very quickly, and he punished them. but his love for them never died.

"over the years you've sent us to watch over them but the one rule you gave us was never to do anything to them."


"you are still young micheal.. you have a lot to learn." the light then slowly, started floating in the air. as it descended down, to where Michael was. the light was to bright for Michael, so his eyes were shut.

"I've never shown this to anyone but i think it's time i showed you my true form." slowly the light started to form a figure. since it was too bright, it took some while. as what looked like two feets, were slowly forming going upwards.

it was like a male human figure, made of bright white light. until the light, started to slowly fade away.

Michael was shocked, by the sudden transformation. never did he expect the light, to have a definite shape. out of all the years, he's been with the light.

"w-why do you choose to reveal your true form now?" Michael asked with glistening eyes.

"it's been a while since i took that light form so i decided to change things up a bit." the light warmly chuckled. as his appearance was slowly being seen, under the radiance.

now that micheal looked closer, he could see the outline of his face. it looked like it was made, by a million gods. his very beautiful and delicate face, was just not worth missing. as it glowed brightly.

his flaming eyes shone fiercely, toppled with his long white hair, that reached his kneecap. gently swaying gracefully, with his movements.

he wore a special kind of white armour, that boasted dominance, over all the other angel's. with a beautiful long white sword, that had different engravings on it. his body was not too husky or thin. but just rightly shaped, to enhance every bit of himself.

"m-my lord..." Michael mellowed himself the more bowing himself slightly.

"get up Michael.." the light commanded as he helped lift Michael up. the moment he touched Michael, micheal could feel a tremendous amount, of divine energy pass through him. that made his form shudder.

"you too should take on this form as well as other angel's from now on..."

"of course my lord you must have a reason for everything..." micheal said as he too, took on a human like form. his snowy white face, looked so enticing, that would even tempt almost everyone. he also had long white silky hair, that reached his elbows. while he wore a silver embroidered armour, that had a fiery crimson sword, sheathed on his waist.

"i-it does feel good to have a change of appearance." micheal smiled slightly. which just enhanced his beauty more, with just that smile.

the light just smiled, as he was walking towards the door. which made micheal wonder, what he wanted to do.

"am going to take a walk round to get to know the angels better.." the light clarified micheal's questioning gaze.

"don't worry they wouldn't be able to recognise me..." he said as he opened the door, and was about to leave when he stopped.

"micheal you should get to know athos at least.." with that he left through the door.

"g-get to know that traitor.." michael stuttered with anger in his voice clenching his fists.

"i'll rather kill him..." he thought inwardly as he slowly walked away with a creepy smile on his face.


"hahaha... i can't believe you didn't know you were gone for so long." a beautiful woman with wings laughed out without care.

"i-i don't believe it." there was a doubted look plastered on the male's face besides her.

"s-so that must mean your really old." Zena spoke mischievously into athos ear's which caused his eyes to widen the more.

"o-o o-ld..."

"don't worry i won't spill your secret out.." she gently chuckled mimicking a sealed mouth with her soft hands.

"a-m not old!" athos shouted with a frown on his face. he and Zena had been together ever since he came. as they sat on a rock near a huge waterfall.

he had known her since forever. and she always pestered him, since he was in the celestial city, and when he left. and it seems she wasn't going to stop now.

"hey.." she held his shoulders. "there's no need to beat yourself up because you're old.."

"you.." athos felt defeated. he knew he had been with the light for a long time. but angels never grew old but retained their youthfulness.

"look even though we don't look old on the outside who knows what's on the inside." she pointed at his body demonstrating a vertical slitting sign.

"oh really..." Athos smirked. he'd had enough of her toils so he decided to repay the favour.

"of course. "Zena nodded sincerely.

"why don't we test that out on you shall we.."

"why no- wait wha..." before she realized what was happening. her body had already been pulled by athos. as he held her face delicately with his hands.

the next moment his lips moved fast as he planted them on hers. she was shocked when he suddenly did this. but she didn't try to resist accepting the deep kiss.

"wow i didn't expect to see the two love birds her here..." another beautiful female angel appeared along with a male.

"you two shouldn't be doing that you will surely get caught one day." the male angrily spoke.

"hey calm down lapidot they've been away for a long time so at least let them have that moment."

"hmm. it was mearly a warning..." he folded his hands together and flew away.

"it seems a lot of people doesn't like me." athos chuckled which resulted in zena giving him a nudge.

"don't mind lapidot he just cares about you guys."

"it's a shame we aren't meant to fall in love with ourselves or other races." liona sighed. it was written in the law the light made for all angels. that they could never fall in love with their kinds or other races. and if an angel disobeyed the law. then the punishment would be banishment or worse death.

yes the punishment was a bit extreme. but that was the price they had to pay to maintain they're divine nature and powers. though two angel disagreed and that was the young Athos and Zena.

they couldn't possibly display their affection outside so they did it secretly. even though Athos was the second most powerful angel. he was still loyal to the light to some extent.

"don't worry about it liona one day everything will change i promise." athos spoke with confidence which made the two women raise their brows in awe.

"I don't know what you're planning athos but i'll make sure to help you.." Zena thought as she looked at athos.

"anyways it's good to see you back athos but am afraid we have some work to do." liona smiled as she flapped her wings fiercely in the air.

"ha.." Zena sighed. "i-it's just not fair."

"i don't see why other god's allow their followers to have intimacy with other races but he forbids it for we angels."

"we'll be alright." Athos hugged her deeply as they both flew away with liona into the beautiful garden.

"haha." a figure wearing a white cloak chuckled as he hid behind the rock.

"don't worry dear Athos you'll soon be gone and zena would be mine again before you stole her from me." it said flapping it's wings really fast and heading in the opposite direction.


"so stupid! why does he has to be the one who get's zena." lapidot hit his head in anger. as he sat on a very high tree which had glowing yellow fruits.

"w-why did he even return i was this close to getting Zena." he hit his legs on the tree which caused it to pulsate more brightly. with two of the fruits falling then floating up to him.

"argh!" he roared in frustration. "i-i just wish athos c-could just-"

"disappear..." a voice spoke from beneath which startled lapidot.

"w-who's there." a beautiful golden bow appeared in his hands. as he pulled the string a golden arrow made of aura emitted with power formed.

he flew downwards and had his guard up clenching his bow tightly in his hands.

upon closer inspection he could see a hooded figure cloated in white. leaning on the tree eating one of the yellow fruits.

"i won't ask again who are you?" lapidot stretched his bow to the extreme.

"you ungrateful fool." the figure roared. the next moment he slapped the bow, out of lapidot hands, as he punched him in the guts. it happened so fast, that the figure moved faster, than the blink of an eye.

but lapidot wasn't a weak angel at all. no infact he was ranked top 13, in the list of powerful angels. but as this strange angel moved so fast. made him realize he was in trouble.

"argh." lapidot was flung backwards with force. but his wings managed to help stop his moment. as he wiped blood off his mouth.

"he's power level is far above mine and he's using divine energy.." he muttered.

"you must be a rebellious angel." lapidot shouted.

"then that makes three of us." the hooded figure replied. which caused lapidot to think who it was the figure talked about.

"no! am the angel who's going to put you in your place." he ran at full speed. as the ground cracked slightly, with his every step supported by his wings. but the hooded figure, just let out an intimidating smile.

"you low life's never learn a thing." he stomped his legs which caused a huge crater to form as he shot his body forward.

"he's too fast!" lapidot could barely keep up with the blur as he managed to shoot out a white beam of light from his hands.

the figure which was now a blur coming straight at lapidot was enveloped in flames. as it went through the beam of light and crashed into lapidot.

"booom!!" a loud explosion occurred at the far end of the celestial city where the figure collided with lapidot.

"ph-ou-gh! w-hat d-do you w-ant.." lapidot meekly spoke as the figure held his throat fiercely.

"how disgraceful of an angel you are how dare you plan to have a relationship with your fellow angel." the figure emitted a powerful essence which caused lapidot body to shiver.

"pl-please i'll do anything..." lapidot begged as he could see his life flash before his eyes.

"I can't possibly kill you here but you could help me get something I want..." the figure said as it slowly revealed his plot.