amos vs athos

the celestial city was very gaurded with war angels in every corner as an attack could suddenly occur. every angel was known by each other and even if a new one was created. then the record would be stored in their head.

each angel had it's different purposes that were assigned to him or her.

some angel's purpose, were to ensure all the records, of all the tasks. done by angels, and the mortals the light created. while some were meant for war, to guide, etc.

a beautiful angel which looked more radiant than all the other angel's. walked calmly through the golden palace, attracting many gazes and words from the passing angels.

"who's the new angel?"

"I don't know but why didn't his record get stored in our heads."

"maybe he had been here all along."

"yeah maybe but he sure is handsome.."

the light just chuckled at all the remarks and confused gazes his angels threw at him. he had already lowered his aura as he stepped out the door to blend in with the others.

but it seems his beautiful and charming appearance wouldn't let him have his way. and he didn't want to change his look for any reason at all.

"excuse me." the beautiful angel said which caused the light to turn back.

"my name is Lorena may I know you're name"? she asked softly with a smile on her face.

"d-didnt you get my records." the light spoke with a chuckle as he observed the angel known as Lorena's face.

"i didn't... we all didn't.."

the light eyes widen when she said that. he thought all of the gazes they gave to him was because of his looks. but he had forgotten he didn't store his records in their heads.

"ha. i must be getting old." he mumbled to himself leaving Lorena more stupefied at his behaviour.

"who is he.." she was trying hard to recognise the angel in her front. from the moment he walked by but she just couldn't. and she didn't feel any flutter in his aura as his power level was on the same par with her's.

"which name should I give myself..." the light thought inwardly. Lorena could see him mumbling some things which made the situation feel more weird for her.

"are you okay.." she said bringing the light out of his thoughts.

"i am.. i was just trying to remember my name." he said scratching his head. even though there were truth in his words. she still found it hard to believe how he would just forget his name. few seconds after he was created.

"my name is Amos." he extended his hand forward. he didn't know which name to take. so he went with the name on his mind that instant which was athos. but he couldn't possibly say athos so he just slightly changed the letters.

"o-ok Amos it's nice to meet you.." she shook his hand trying her best to reply normally.

"what's your rank here." Amos asked. the confidence she excluded right now made him know she wasn't weak.

Lorena simply raised a brow by the boldness this angel protruded. no one would dare talk to her the way this angel casually did. which made her wonder but she decided to go with it .

"am the seventh strongest angel in here and am also a saphhiere." she boldly stated which clarified the light's thoughts.

"i guess you know your position here so i'll just leave now." she turned around to leave but Amos stopped her back.

"err.. i kinda don't know my way around here could you possibly show me around here?"

she looked at him weirdly as this angel was just pushing her. but she kept her calm and decided to take him around. since she was free at the moment.

as they walked through the golden palace Amos couldn't help but smile at his own creation as they were just perfectly made.

"i can see your amazed by all this."

"well it was the light that created all this for we to occupy." Lorena said.

"for we to occupy?"

"yes.. is there something not clear to you.."

"well it's just that i heard some angels say we were going to share this place with some mortals." he asked. he had already had it in mind to give the mortals he created divine energy to help boost his army.

Lorena stopped in her tracks as she thought of something. the light saw that her hands were slowly reaching the long sword on her back.

"is there something wrong?"


"n-no nothing at all... come on." she hastingly walked away with the light following behind. the way she acted right now made the light reason something wasn't right.


meanwhile somewhere in the vast beautiful garden at the far end stood two figures. one was injured slightly as blood trickled down his mouth. he held a weirdly shaped golden bow in his hand.

while the other figure took a more secretive appearance as on could tell he was a male that hid his face underneath a white cloat.

"w-what do you want from me..." lapidot asked warily being careful of the mysterious angel before him.

"we want the same thing." the cloated angel replied in a deep voice.

"what do you mean..."

"Zena.. I know you like her and I hope you also know angels are forbidden to have any relationships."

"i-i understand all that but why do you also want Zena. "

"well let's just say she owes me a little something which I need." the angel smiled mischievously holding his hands together.

"what is it you want from her..." lapidot said carefully. he wanted to know why this angel was also after Zena.

yes she was the most beautiful female angel but he felt this angel had a more interior motive.

"it's none of your business I could've killed you since but I need you for the plan to work." the hooded figure firmly replied him.

"w-why should I help you you tried to kill me so how do I know you won't do it again."

"look! your in no position to negotiate I know what you want and I can help you get it." the angel suddenly appeared beside lapidot holding his shoulders.

"y-you mean you can make Zena to be mine?" there was a glimmer of hope in lapidot's heart but there was still the lingering law.

"of course!"

"but how? what about the law..."

"don't worry about the law once we get rid of a particular someone everything we want would be ours." the figure happily said.

"d-do you mean the light.. then your crazy if you're planning to go against the light." lapidot immediately stated.

there was no way they could possibly beat the being who created them. and even all the angels tried he still wasn't sure. cause no one knew the power level of the light only he did.

"no you idiot i mean Athos..."


"of course think about it Athos is the only thing standing in our way if we get rid of Athos then we'll be fine."

"b-but we can't possibly get rid of Athos that easily I mean he's really strong and the light loves him dearly."

"bam!" the sturdy glowing tree received a punch by the figure as it fell down backwards with a crash. it's bright yellow colour fading away until it turned black.

"just play your part and leave the rest to me." he said as lapidot began to ponder on what he just said. it seems this angel really hated athos for some reason. and he also noticed he didn't like the way athos was close with the light.

"so what do you say..." the figure asked lapidot.

"i-i..." lapidot was in a state of confusion. even though he hated athos for being with Zena he didn't hate him to the extent of killing him. the two had met many years back when athos saved him from a group of mummies in an uncharted planet.

and since then they had been really tight friends until he found out athos and Zena were in love. his heart just couldn't bear seeing his lifelong crush with athos. so he blamed the latter for his misfortune and started thinking of a way to get revenge.

"I'm just trying to help you but if you don't want it then-"

"I accept." lapidot immediately accepted as he had thoroughly thought it through.

so what if athos was his best friend he cared more about Zena. and he would rather sacrifice his friendship to have a chance with Zena.

"good." the figure said as his wings flapped fiercely slightly pushing lapidot back.

"but I promise to help you on two condition."

"and what's that?"

"only if you promise to not kill athos." this word made the figure frown as he didn't expect lapidot to request for this. but in the end he had no other choice but to accept. as he would still get rid of athos either way.

"fine I promise i'll try not to kill him." the figure said.

"and." lapidot hadn't finished his words as there was another thing on his mind.

"I want you to remove your cloak so I can see your face." lapidot had long wanted to see this mysterious face he felt he recognised. cause there was no way someone could sneak into the celestial city without being an angel.

and even still the angel would have to release his divine energy to open either of the gates. then the angel would be checked by the war angels stationed at the entrance.

"hmm." the figure chuckled. "I guess there's no harm in looking." he started to slowly remove the cloak revealing his beautiful face with his white long hair.

"a-ar-c angel micheal..." lapidot stuttered he felt the voice felt familiar. but never in his wildest thoughts did he think it was first angel created by the light.

"why do you look so surprised lapidot?" the beautiful arc angel smiled as he touched his crimson sword sheathed in a strange blue item.

"w-why..." lapidot could barely talk as that was the only word which came out from his mouth staring at micheal in shock.

"it's simple I only want revenge." micheal spoke clenching his fists.


"no but's.. there's a special artifact of the light i destroyed I want you to lure Athos and blame it on him."

"i-t's impossible to destroy an artifact of the light and even if you did no one would ever believe me."

"look just do as you're told i'll handle the rest." then out of thin air bright light formed in micheal's hand. as it dissipated a broken spear fell in his hands.

"all you have to do is cause a commotion inside the golden palace." micheal said as he vanished without a trace leaving lapidot with the broken spear.

"whatever it takes." lapidot said heading out to find athos.


the light disguised as amos flew by the springs with ease as they both enjoyed the beautiful scenery before them.

"for a new angel you sure do know how to fly." Lorena complemented him.

"ha! I guess am a natural." Amos smiled back. they had only explored a little part in the celestial city as it was just too wide.

"well that's enough siteseeing you've been a good company but i should head back to my duty."

"thank you Lorena." Amos bowed slightly but the next sec an angel hurriedly flew past him pushing him off balance.

"what was that about." Lorena wondered but she didn't need to ask further as more flew past them all heading to the golden palace.

"hey you what's going on." she caught a male by the wings.

"m-miss Lorena there's been a confrontation in the golden palace between lapidot and athos."

as amos heard athos name he knew something was wrong.

"do you know what they're arguing at?" amos hurriedly asked the young male.

"i-i don't but lapidot just accused athos of destroying a precious artifact of the light."

amos then suddenly left his position as he went to the golden palace with speed.

"how did he become so fast.." Lorena was surprised at how Amos suddenly gained that speed within few seconds. but she didn't have time as she also went to the golden palace.

upon reaching there the scene she saw was not what she expected. as athos and Amos were now holding their respective weapons a fight about to break out.