fun kills

gangsters were brutal and fierce people feared in the society as they always hurt anyone whenever they pleased.

and they were slowly becoming rampant in the society though the law enforcement's worked tiredlessy to curb them but they couldn't.

as some of the big gangs were backed up by the most influential people in the society so they were untouchable to the law.

and the rising of new small gangs were currently ongoing with new gangs popping here and there so eventually the law enforcement's hands were tied together.

"so that's where they're headed.." kyle had a feeling they were going to the second floor but he didn't expect them to stop at the door of his room.

"but why are they looking for me?" he didn't know why they were looking for him he wasn't involved in any gang business whatsoever and he hadn't been any trouble he'd been in.

"they don't recognize me." he knew they didn't recognize him cause they wouldn't had let him go on the first floor.

"shit! yua and Susan are still in there." he cursed himself for having forgotten he left the two females in the room unprotected.

"well well well..." Dimitri had a creepy smile on his face as he opened the door where yua and Susan were in with the other's walking in.

kyle saw the group walk in and he heard a shut sound from the inside which meant they had locked the door.

"no one touches my women except me." something was rising in him which made his blood boil more. the only thing in his mind was to kill the unlucky gangsters which dared interfare in his business.

[killing intent: 06]


inside the room yua and susan had woken up a few minutes after kyle left. as they recalled what happened both their cheeks were flushed.

they were bare naked right now only the blanket on the bed served as a cloth to cover their hot bodies.


"do you know where he is?" yua asked Susan but she just shook her head. she didn't expect her to know where kyle was as they woke up together.

the situation was awkward for them and they both blamed kyle inwardly for leaving them in this awkward situation.

"a-am Susan." she extended her hand to yua who accepted it with a smile.

"am yua nice to meet you."

"t-that boy h-how long have you two been together?"

"d-do you mean k-yle.."

"yes your boyfriend.."

"h-he's not my boyfriend he's my man and this was our first time..." yua shyly spoke hiding her face under the blanket.

"oh! am sorry I interrupted you two.." Susan never thought that this would ever happen at all.

all she was meant to do was give kyle his medicines. but as she entered the room her body couldn't stop urging for kyle. and in the end she felt satisfied even if she didn't say it out loud.

"are you married?" yua said looking at the ring on her finger. if someone wore a ring on their hand then one would assume they were married or engaged.

"oh this it's nothing don't worry about it." she shifted the ring more down.

"i better take my leave now it was nice to meet you yua." susan smiled as she and yua wore their clothes respectively.

Susan was about to leave the room when the door was abruptly opened with a group of 19 individuals walking in.

"g-gansters.. argh!" Susan was pushed back onto the bed by Dimitri who stared at her body with lustful eyes.

"hold yourself Dimitri." the leader spoke staring at the two females on the bed.

"where is he..." the leader asked indifferently.

"w-we don't know what you're talking about..." yua yelled. she wasn't afraid of these so called gangsters anymore cause she already had an encounter with them.

"hmm you seem to know something don't you.." the leader saw Susan's head was bent downwards with her hands fidgeting slightly.

"s-she doesn't know a th- ahh.." yua was slapped hard across the face by Dimitri who then licked the hand.

"shut up bitch." Dimitri frowned as he forcefully held Susan's head up to the leaders gaze.

"look I don't have time just tell me what I need to know and you won't be harmed."

"i-i.. h-he's." susan nearly gave out the information that kyle was in the hospital but she saw yua's eyes begging her not to.

"i-i don't know..."

"it seems you two are ready to die for him oh well i'll just let my men do the work." he gestured his hands for the gang to move to where yua and Susan layed. they all smiled mischievously with lust in their eyes.

"I promise it will hurt a lot." Dimitri grinned but the next moment the door was hit open with force.

kyle walked in with a fire extinguisher in his hands. he knew his women were alright from the moment he stepped in.

"get out of here..." kyle said as he faced the 14 gangster's in his front.

"b-but what about you I can't possibly leave you.."

"yua! go..." kyle shouted at yua he knew she wouldn't want to leave. but he had to focus if he wanted to beat this gang so he couldn't afford any extra load or witnesses.

"be safe." yua and Susan hurriedly got up from the bed and left the room leaving kyle and the gangster's in the room.

"why didn't you stop us.." kyle asked the leader.

"ha.. why would I it wouldn't be any fun if we just kill you.." the leader rolled his eyes as he just carefreely sat down on the sofa behind him. with two women on his lap while the other three sat besides.

"you know you're ballsy for a boy your age I can't believe how you could've killed shiro."

when the leader said that name it immediately jogged kyle's memory back to the life and death fight he had with those gangsters.

"oh that weak thing." kyle chuckled. "he was the first one I killed."

"bam." the small table underneath the gang leader's leg was destroyed.

"that got to him." kyle smiled inwardly. "but why isn't my demon eyes working on them."

due to kyle's distance from them they couldn't see that his eyes were slightly glowing red.

he tried to use demon eyes to put control them as this skill was passive but it wasn't working.

"is it maybe due to my distance?"

"their will is higher than yours." snow cleared his doubts. which made him frown a bit but still remained calm.

"anyways who is he to you?" kyle asked unafraid.

"he was my brother..." the leader said in a deep voice that made the two ladies tremble a bit.

"then it's good he's dead your fucking brother touched my woman so he got what's coming to him."

"don't worry you'll be joining him soon." the boss said as two of the gangster's at the front instinctively moved to attack kyle.

"I got this." kyle gripped the head of the fire extinguisher firmly. swinging his hand upwards using the big round end of the extinguisher to knock the teeths out of the gangster.

the other one saw his colleague's teeth flew out which made him worry a bit but he shook his head and continued forward.

he punched forward at kyle's face but the latter dodged his head to the side kicking the former's guts.

"urgh!" the man held his stomach with a pained expression but kyle had no remourse and punched his head breaking a lot of bones there.

"am really strong." kyle said impressed he was on a whole different level now that he had become a demon.

"hmm he does has some moves..."

"but how about you handle all of them." the boss gestured his hands as they all ran forward to kyle each pulling out different weapons.

"shit." a knife was thrown fast from the left to kyle's head but he dodged as it hit the wall.

"argh!" kyle was pierced in the side by a pocket knife. but the pain just hurt a little.

"you fucker..." he looked at the balled haired idiot who dared to stab him with murderous eyes.

"come on boy." the man chuckled sending out both his fists really fast. but kyle was faster using the fire extinguisher to forcefully disfigure both the man's hand.


"shut up!" the red extinguisher hit his head cracking it blood pouring down his head as his eyes went white with him dropping to the floor dead.

[+50 exp gained]

[+30 exp gained]

the others saw one of their own killed and two more beaten up badly which made their face turn really serious.

[-5 hp]

"fuck." kyle was stabbed in the back but this time more deeper. he used his elbow to hit the jaw of the attack jilting his head sideways.

[-5 hp]

[-5 hp]

the fire extinguisher slipped off his hands as his thighs were bleeding fast as two daggers stuck there in place.

he saw two men pushing the daggers more deep to make the blood flow faster.

"fucking idiots." his hands wanted to punch the two men but we're both caught in place as a bat landed on his head.

[-10 hp]

kyle's vision was dazy while his head hurt but more pain was about coming.

"argh phough.." he coughed up fresh blood as he stumbled but more men began punching him and stabbing him all over.

[-5 hp]

[-10 hp]

[-25 hp]

"arghh!!" a gush of blood rushed out from kyle's chest as the dagger deeply cut through his chest horizontally.

"how do you like that." Dimitri grinned licking the blood off the dagger. he was the one who cut deep in kyle's chest.

"i-i promise i'll kill you.." kyle swore. he was bleeding badly from the stabs and bruises. and he didn't know why he wasn't healing like the system said he would.

"how you possibly kill me when you're already dead boy..."

"dark flames..." suddenly the two men who pinned kyle's hand together were slowing being enveloped in a dark flame.

"argh! help me.."

"it burns so much.."

"what the fuck how did those flames get there." the other's backed out from kyle seemingly afraid of the black fire that had already spread throughout the other two bodies.

"what the.." the leader's face turned ugly seeing his men in flames and not just the normal red but black. but the question now on everyone's mind was how did the flames start up.

"argh thud." they fearfully watched as the two men who were in the dark flames peel.

"haha. now this is some fun kill." kyle said pulling a dagger out from his side.


"huh! so that's how that works." kyle slowly watched as his tissues grew back with his flesh covering up the wounds like it was never there.

"bang!" a gun sound went off as Dimitri held a hand gun in his hands with a shell casing on the ground.

"y-you pie-ce of shit." kyle gulped. he was shot right in the heart as he vision was fading his legs weak.

"fuck you motherfucker it's time you die once and for all." Dimitri laughed raising the confidence of the other gang members.

"i-i don't think I can heal from this right snow..." kyle barely muttered but he couldn't even hear what snow was saying only echoing sounds rang in his ears. blood gushing out from his heart area.

he knew he was going to die even as a demon he was still not invincible as his skin could only withstand 5% of any damage.

"m-my only regret is not killing this bastards.." kyle slowly said as his vision slowly faded away with him falling to the ground.

everything around him was slowly fading away as he drifted in his consciousness.

"looks like I had the fun kill.." Dimitri smiled cocking his gun.