
as Elise walked down the stairs, there were wooden lamps which lit up as she passed by. it didn't seem weird at all to her, because magic and casting of spells wasn't new here.

"I don't think anyone's been here for a while." she said looking at the dust filled items, and cobwebs all around. even wiping a few cobwebs, that blocked her path.

"huh! that's weird it looks like I hear water?" elise wasn't sure or not were this passage lead to, but she was sure she heard a waterfall.

and as she continued walking down the stairs, the noises got louder and louder. she could even feel small vibrations from the stairs.

"there's definitely a waterfall around here." she had walked a considerable amount of steps, as she heaved a sigh of relief. seeing the end of the seemingly long steps.

"w-what's that?" elise could see what looked like the opening of a cave in front.

"wow! this is amazing." she wasn't sure at first, but now she could properly see it. the hidden passage lead to a cave behind a waterfall.

she tried to shut her mouth, but she couldn't stop staring at the crystal clear water, falling down to the pointy rocks.

after about a minute of looking, Elise followed a small path that lead to the outskirts of onwood, just at the entrance of the dreaded vaanderwood. she couldn't see much clearly, because of the thick fog covering her view.

"aurora flamiticus." she chanted and a small wisp of flame appeared in her front.

"death welcomes you to vaanderwood."she muttered, reading the sign with a creepy skull nailed on it. that was the first thing she saw, as the flame illuminated the place a bit.

"t-this doesn't seem so bad." she tried to comfort herself, as chills ran down her spine. her senses were on high alert the moment she came.

"m-maybe I shouldn't be here." her heart was racing, with the thought of her father's words running through her mind.

"no what am I doing am not some weak princess a-am stronger than you think!" she yelled shaking off the negative thoughts, picking up courage.

"ha.. it's now or never." taking a deep breath, Elise walked into the thickness of the dark fog.

"no turning back."


"hey watch it!" a man with hook as his hands, yelled at a hooded figure.

"i don't understand what we're doing outside." the other cloaked figure angrily grunted, following behind the first.

"just wait and see master." the first figure giggled, going through what looked like a market in the thick dark fog.

these two figures were non other than kyle and lilith, dressed in black hoods. it had been about six hours, since they arrived in vaanderwood at the cottage.

lilith and kyle had a small scale argument, about what happened back on earth but it quickly faded as soon as it started.

kyle trusted lilith so much, that he basically put his life in her hands. and after much discussion in the cottage, lilith decided it was best if kyle got on with his quest, which he also agreed on.

though it meant leaving the women in the cottage, which they didn't agree with. and kyle also didn't quite sit well with it, but lilith gave him her word. so he momentarily agreed to it, considering how powerful lilith was and how well she knew this place.

"aren't we there yet I can't breathe under this thing." kyle complained drawing tight the cloak.

"we're almost there master." lilith smiled as they walked past stalls, and stopped at a particular tavern.

the tavern was quite huge and nicely built, painted grey and black. "it looks luxurious." kyle didn't think a tavern would be in vaanderwood, talkmore of an expensive one.

"black mass tavern." kyle read the signboard hung at the top of the tavern.

they entered the tavern, through the small wooden door at the side. cheers, sharping of swords, and all other strange noises you could imagine were heard in the tavern.

"why are there so many people." kyle said looking at the crowds of people.

"I don't know but I don't think it's anything important." lilith shrugged walking forward.

"since when has anything been important to you." kyle sighed following behind. as they walked past the round tables, the Peery eyes of the crowd fell on them.

"what's wrong with them." kyle could feel the intimidating gazes at his back, but he maintained his composure and walked forward.

"you can hold my hand if you're scared master." lilith whispered.

"yeah right." kyle scoffed walking forward, to what seemed to be the reception area.

a dark haired lady in her late fifties wearing a brown leather jacket, with fitted black hide pants sat behind the wide counter.

"ehhm excuse me! can we get a room?" kyle asked indifferently, but received no reaction from the woman as she only stared at him.

"someone outta teach you some manners." kyle thought. he wasn't in a good mood right now, and this woman added more salt to the injury.

"hey am taking-"

"i'll take it from here master." lilith intervened calming her master down.

"here we need a room." two small gold coins, appeared in lilith's palms as she stretched it to the woman.

the dark haired just emotionesly got up and took the coins, handing over a bone like key.

"let's go master." kyle scoffed at the woman, as he and lilith walked to their room door. which was at the third to last floor of the tavern.

inserting the bone key into the door knob, it made a click sound as it twisted with the door opened. the duo entered and shut the door, removing their cloaks.

"ah! finally fresh air." kyle exclaimed panting large chunks of air, resulting in lilith staring at him weirdly.

"fresh air?"

"whatever i'll take it anyways." lilith just rolled her eyes, at her young master's childish behaviour. he was hopeless without her.

the room they're in has about four extra rooms in it, it wasn't that big but it was spacious to their needs.

"the people in this town are weird it's like they have no emotion at all."

"hm-hmm! of course! vaanderwood is a wicked place meant only for the tough." lilith giggled softly.

"but why do most of them have a single black fur tail sticking out them are they somehow related to wolves or something?" kyle was keen to his new surroundings, and noticed quite a lot weird things. but the most stricking if all, was the tails that sprung out of the locals.

"as I said earlier vaanderwood is a place only for the tough and it has also housed many races like demon's, orcs, vampires, and even foxes." lilith smiled taking a bite out of a red apple, laid on a tray besides her.

"so you mean they're foxes?" kyle asked surprised, he didn't expect this much race to be in vaanderwood. vampires, foxes, they were all mythical creatures, he'd never thought he would see in his life.

"yes! they're the locals that live here."

"that must explain how they can see fine here." as a demon, kyle's eyesight in the dark had improved a lot, helping him out in cases like this. he knew something's about foxes, and that they had good eyesight in the dark that helped them track their prey.

"you seem to be learning fast master." lilith clapped cheering her young master.


kyle had his hand on his chin as he looked downwards, thinking about something.

"in all the books I've read some foxes tend to have more than a tail and they also know how to cast spells." lilith burst out in laughter, spilling the cup of water beside her.

"what's funny?" kyle was confused, intrigued by the cause of her laughter.

"n-nothing nothing it's just I never thought you were this much of a reader." lilith grinned, sitting on kyle's thighs resting her head on his hard chest.

"well you're right master." she softly said.

"i-i am? hm-hmm i mean I am!"

"there are some foxes that have two, three and even reaching up to eight tails."

"e-eight!" kyle nearly fell backwards. he had thought they would maybe have three tails, at most but eight was just shocking.

"why are you shocked didn't you read that in your books?"

"i-i did but they never mentioned a fox person having up to eight tails."

"well they do and most do know how to cast lethal spells depending on the number of tails they have." lilith mentioned, running her fingers through kyle's abs and shoulders.

"so you mean the foxes here in vaanderwood all know how to cast spells." kyle's spoke excited, he never thought magic existed. but as he became a demon, all the possibilities became rekindled to him.

"no!" lilith shook her head. "even though the people here are foxes majority can't cast spells maybe a few but I doubt they'll be much." kyle's heart sank, he had wanted to fight one of the foxes here so he could train, and also learn about magic. but with what lilith said, he could only kill to evolve.

"an eighth tailed fox she must really be powerful." kyle muttered imagining the creature.

"what makes you think it's a she?" lilith grinned staring into kyle's eyes.

"w-well you know in the books." kyle defenslesly said.

"weird! anyways there are several eighth tailed foxes both male and female."


"you didn't think eight was the highest on the power-scale did you?"

"isn't it?" kyle asked with doubt in his heart.

"no! the highest is the fox queen a nine tailed powerful fox." lilith spoke with all form of seriousness, not messing around. the hairs on kyle's arm stood up, as he heard lilith. he had managed to keep his composure, when she spoke about the eight tailed. but nine tailed was just overpowered.

"j-judging by how you speak of her you must've been close with her before right?"

"yes! we were close even if we had some little scuffles here and there her power is no joke she really gave me a hard time when we fought." lilith said sarcastically waving her hand like it was nothing.

"why did you guys fight?" kyle softly muttered, his voice was low due to the high pitch in his tone before.

"it was just a friendly duel to test our skills and yes i won of course." the demon of lust praised herself puffing her cheeks. "but she really is no joke a single blow of hers would turn you into bloody paste so don't mess with her."

kyle could see lilith was dead serious about the fox queen, and he didn't even dare want to mess with her. not unless he was looking for a sudden death ofcourse.

"ha~ vaanderwood sure is interesting." kyle sighed brushing his demon wife smooth hair, with his hands. receiving cute purring sounds from his mistress.

"if you think vaanderwood is great then wait till we reach onwood."

"onwood! what do mean?"

"well it's the exact opposite of vaanderwood clear sunny skies, castles, princesses etc."

"wait! d-did you just say princesses?" kyle wanted to be sure he heard right, cause princesses and magic castles were only in fairytales.

"why! did that turn you on." lilith said slyly touching kyle's crotch.

"n-no." kyle pushed lilith off him crossing his arms, furrowing his brows to look like he's mad.

"I hate princess they're so nice and weak and ugh!" kyle spoke in disgust, emphasizing his disgust for princesses.

"hm-hmm! we'll see about that master." lilith smiled hugging kyle's back, her melons pressed against it.

"w-why exactly are we here anyways who are we waiting for?*

"a friend."

"and how are you sure this friend is coming or even knows we're here?"

"you don't find him he finds you so relax master he'll be here soon." it wasn't up to a second, as the clicking of the door could be heard.

"lilith it's really nice to see you again." a deep voice sounded from the door.