an old friend

the atmosphere in the room was tense, as kyle stared down the pale man's face.

he didn't quite like the idea of him being here, and the Creepy smile he had on his face. so he thought of getting rid of him.

"lilith it's nice to see you again." the deep voice said.

"it's been a long time Vladimir." lilith smiled hugging the foreign stranger in the tavern.

looking at the man at first glance, kyle's heart didn't sit well with him about this stranger at all. first kyle noticed the pale skin with red lips, sharp nails and the choice of clothing this man wore.

and most of all, he didn't like the way he hugged his demon wife in his presence. it basically meant he was being taunted!

"kyle this is Vladimir he's one of my old friends." lilith smiled gesturing kyle to shake Vladimir's hand, but the latter didn't move an inch.

kyle tried to hold in his temper, but his anger was clearly visible on his face.

"is he alright?" Vladimir asked with a smile looking at kyle. he could see kyle was struggling to breathe, and his face was really red.

"y-eah he's just been through a lot." lilith chuckled going over to her master's arms.

"kyle what happened you don't seem so-"

lilith didn't finish her words as out from kyle's palms, shot a dark flame heading straight for Vladimir. the distance between the flames and Vladimir was so close, that it didn't up to 10sec before it reached him.

seeing this there was a smile on Vladimir's face, as he simply walked through the dark flames.

"what!" kyle exclaimed in shock, seeing the man just simply walk through the flames without being harmed. he knew this person was strong, but he at least expected to see a scortch mark or something. but there wasn't a single scratch on him.

"k-kyle what was that for!" lilith nudged his shoulders angrily.

she had predicted his attack, which was really slow in her eyes. but she didn't stop it at all, because she knew she didn't have to apparently.

"w-what was that for? well forgive me for being jealous." kyle sarcastically said, folding his arms together averting lilith's stare.

"ha! ha~" Vladimir gently chuckled, seeing the awkward reaction this two displayed.

'this type of reaction was only one which really close people exhibited.' he thought.

"it seems you two are close." he said sitting down on one of the wooden chairs.

"I apologize for what happened earlier my master wasn't in his right senses." the bloody demon of lust bowed slightly to the pale skinned man.

"master? is he your new toy."

"oh no! h-he's my pre-desessor and also my husband to be." lilith's cheek puffed like a balloon as her face turned red.

'p-pre-desessor t-that must mean it's him?' the vampire was struggling hard, to believe what it is he was thinking about. his pale face went even paler, as he stared at kyle shocked. but there wasn't any emotion on his face.

"I really hope you don't mind Vladimir kyle can be possessive at times."

"i-t's nothing he was just startled by my sudden appearance I get it." Vladimir waved not bothered in the slightest simply happy.

lilith simply nodded and brought out a piece of paper from thin air. kyle caught a glimpse of the strange paper, before lilith handed it over to Vladimir.

"w-hat's that?" kyle asked hazily.

he knew that paper was like a contract of some sort. but what he didn't know was who was making the contract.

"this is the contract you asked for my master will be submittive to you until the training is over." lilith said which Vladimir nodded to, and made a small cut on his palm. fresh blood trickled down his arm to the contract.

"well stop standing around it's your turn boy." Vladimir stretched his hand, and kyle's body unwilling floated to him. he couldn't struggle to break free at all, no matter how he tried.

"i-i can't resist him." snow muttered. she had been paying attention this whole time.

she quickly noticed that this so called Vladimir, was a vampire the moment he showed face. and another worrying thing was, the system suddenly started malfunctioning the moment he stepped over.

the calm vampire simply ran his finger through kyle's palm, and a small slash formed. kyle looked at lilith for help, but she averted his gaze ignoring him completely.

'w-what's wrong with her i can't believe she trusts this weirdo.'

kyle watched at his blood dropped down to the paper, which glowed a bright light then disappeared into thin air.

"it's done." Vladimir acknowledged and released his spell on kyle.

"w-who are and what did you just do to me." kyle roared, his body felt weird cause he could now feel a connection with Vladimir.

"since you'll be under me for a while I guess it's only fair we both introduce ourselves." he smiled as he began his introduction.

"my name is Vladimir and i'm a fourth cycle vampire of the blood moon clan." he let out a creepy smile, as he said the words 'blood moon clan'. and the hairs on kyle's body, immediately rose up upon hearing this.

it felt as if they poured ice down his spine, as his teeth couldn't stop clattering together. i mean who wouldn't be scared, when they met a vampire from a clan called blood moon clan.

it basically screams death danger, and all the worst things you could possibly think of!

"lilith you can't be serious i mean this is madness!" kyle turned to lilith who pouted and shrugged him off.

"stop being such a baby master he will help you evolve faster."

"are you kidding me he's a freaking vampire a bloodsucker and to make my life more miserable he's from the blood moon clan t-this is basically suicide!" kyle whispered. he knew vampires had great hearing, so he tried his best to keep his voice down as low as possible.

"you know he can hear you right?"

"and besides he's not as bad as you think he helped me a lot when I went on missions so you could say we're close."

"w-what do you mean by close." kyle frowned.

"jealous." lilith muttered rolling her eyes.

"kyle look I know this is probably the worst means of helping you train but it's the fastest you're a demon now and Lucifer basically wants your head on a plate." kyle gulped as he touched his neck. he was scared of this vampire, but facing Lucifer was a nightmare.

"ha~" kyle sighed deeply, there was nothing he could do and lilith was really trying to help him. he's sick and tired of being weak and defensless, so if this was meant to help him train faster then so be it.

"i-I understand and I accept." kyle smiled which made lilith clap in joy and gave him a warm kiss, without caring about if Vladimir was in the room.

'so this is the successor of the demon of lust a human turned demon.'

'what was she thinking wasting a mighty weapon that challenged higher beings on a useless human.' Vladimir thought as he stared at kyle still maintaining his fake smile.

'I must get my hands on the system.'

"ehhm.. sorry to interrupt but we must begin training immediately time waits for no one."

"oh! o-of course." lilith giggled. "i'll leave the two of you for now."

"he'll explain everything to you master." lilith explained staring into kyle's eyes, and planting a kiss on his lips before heading towards the door.

"kill many people!" lilith cheered as she walked out the room, leaving only kyle and Vladimir.

'why's does he keep staring at me.' kyle noticed Vladimir kept on staring at him with a creepy smile spread across his face, which gave him goosebumps all over.

"it's been a while since I've helped train youngsters like you." Vladimir said excitedly.

"someone's unexplainably happy." kyle muttered.

he guessed vampires didn't have any emotions, from the few books he'd read. but this one seems undeniably happy.

'phaa~ I can do this I have to.' shaking his head kyle resulted to lilith's words, and stopped worrying about the vampire and started trusting him a bit.

"s-so what was that contract about master." kyle didn't know why he called him master, but it just felt like he should because he was under training.

"please don't call me master am not yet old." the vampire laughed, touching his pale face. "just call me Vladimir."

"anyways am sure you've signed a magical contact before but the contract you just signed was called a blood contract."

"blood contract?"

"yes! you see there are different types of contract both parties could sign either by blood marriage duel etc."

"some of this contract can be broken but some can't that's where the blood contract falls in." the vampire breathed in air, before resuming his speech. "blood is an amazing thing found in each creature it can be used for many things and one of that is signing a contract."

"once a blood contract is formed between two members it is unbreakable until the agreement is reached or a party dies then the contract is nullified."

"but can a member who signed the contract betray the other or maybe try to kill the other?" kyle had read a bit about this in vampire books. about how blood contracts can't be broken, and the punishment a member would receive if he disobeyed the agreements.

"it seems you have some ideas about the blood contract." Vladimir childishly clapped. "of course once in a blood contract you are bounded by blood and you can't kill or harm the other party or you'd be tortured severely."

"is there any other thing you wish to know?" Vladimir asked with a smile, as he stood up kyle's body indistinctly followed. it was like there was a force controlling his body, which he couldn't fight.

"yes! you said you were from the blood moon clan can you tell me a bit about the clan?" kyle had been curious, to know more about the blood moon clan. intrigued he decided to ask.

this time Vladimir's face twitched a bit before returning to normal. "why do you want to know about the blood moon clan?"

"n-nothing I figured since you're from there you could tell me a bit I was just curious to understand more about vampires t-that's all." Vladimir looked at kyle strangely and for a moment, it looked like the blood in kyle's body began to boil.

"don't ask questions you don't want the answer to boy if there's any other questions you'd like to ask I promise to answer the ones I can." he said walking to the door and kyle's body again followed.

"he's definitely hiding something." kyle muttered as he left with Vladimir.