
kyle and Vladimir had left the tavern for a couple of hours, as they were currently in a nearby forest just after vaanderwood.

"I don't understand the point of this we've been out here for over two hours and you haven't taught me anything." kyle frowned. he was forced to follow Vladimir, because of the blood contract he signed. the vampire had told him he would kill some beasts, and foxes in this forest. but it's been more than two hours since they got here, and kyle's frustration was getting the better of him.

"patience my student your training will soon begin." Vladimir smiled looking down. they currently were on top of a tree right now, which covered some area of over 4 meters.

"he must be mad." kyle thought.

he didn't know why this vampire, was so strange and mysterious all the time. tired and annoyed, kyle decided to talk to snow.

"hey snow are you there?"

"yeah! are you in any trouble?" snow asked worried, this was the second time kyle sensed worry in her tone.

"ha! trouble me I can handle myself other than being spooky and all this guy's a bluff." kyle said confidently.

he was glad he and snow could talk telepathically. otherwise, he would have to think of a way to get to her, without alerting the vampire which seemed impossible.

"I don't know but something's definitely not right about this vampire."

"i know right his smile is creepy it basically gives me nightmares." kyle joked.

he did his best not to show any emotion on his face, maintaining a poker face in order not to alert the vampire.

"y-yeah." kyle noticed something was bothering snow, since the moment Vladimir came in and it seemed serious.

"snow are you ok?"

"I a-m but there's something I need to tell you kyle from the moment Vladimir stepped in something I never thought would happen happened."


"the system had a glitch I couldn't feel a connection with it anymore i-it was so weird like some kind of jammer or something."

this was the first time kyle heard this. he was shocked, as he didn't notice the system malfunctioned or anything. everything seemed fine to him.

'I was right this old friend of lilith's is planning something but what?' there was something about to happen, but kyle couldn't just put his fingers on it.

"kyle! I don't know if am right or wrong or if you can trust this vampire or not but be careful or else you could die in a fight if the system suddenly malfunctions." kyle nodded telepathically, and was about asking snow some questions about the system. when Vladimir's voice pulled him back to reality.

"he-he! it's time my student." the vampire chuckled, as a few meters away a small carriage with a driver approached.

"you see that man over there he's a weak one tailed fox so you should be able to take care of him." he smiled indicating the short fox man driving the carriage.

"are there any other foxes I should know of in the carriage?" kyle asked suspiciously. he didn't trust this man before and with snow words, he was definitely not going to be stupid and fall into an ambush.

"of course not! can't you see he's just a farmer there's nothing you should worry about." he smiled raising his hands, as the carriage got close he signaled his hand to kyle to be ready to jump down.

"as I said before the element of surprise is always the best way to take down your enemy but remember don't underestimate this farmer he may be weak but he has some trick up his sleeve." kyle just nodded and got ready to attack, he was going to be quick to kill the fox-man.

"wait~ wait~ now! Vladimir signaled, as kyle jumped from the tree to the ground. his demon body was strong, so he didn't suffer any injuries from the fall.

the sudden falling of a human being startled the farmer, and he lost control of the carriage as it crashed into a nearby tree.

kyle didn't just attack immediately and instead, allowed the dazed farmer to get down from the carriage. the farmer was about four feets from him, as their eyes locked onto each other.

looking at him, kyle couldn't sense anything special about the farmer. except the single tail, sticking from him and the oozing smell of fear he showed now.

"pl-please don't harm me take whatever you want a-am just a poor farmer." the man begged fearfully raising his hands in defeat.

"I don't get why that old vampire warned me about this farmer he's basically harmless." kyle thought. but the next moment, a small knife not more than 3 inches was thrown fast at kyle's head.

"shit!" kyle barely managed to shift his head to the side, as the small knife pierced the tree behind.

the short fox man didn't stay still with his first attack. and instead ran towards kyle, with about three of the strange knifes in both his hand.

'he's fast.' kyle muttered. it didn't take two sec, before the gap between kyle and the fox-man was closed. the farmer swung his hand at kyle's neck, but the latter blocked by raising his left arm, and sending a kick to the farmer's gut.

there was a smile on kyle's face, as his kick headed for the man. but in a blink of an eye, a deep slash appeared on kyle's leg followed by a kick to his gut.

"fuck! how the hell is he this fast." kyle stepped back few steps away from the farmer to regroup, as blood flowed down his leg. the farmer then sped at kyle again, this time throwing out fist.

luckily kyle caught the fist, but something sharp pierced his ribs stabbing him multiple times.

"argh!" kyle grunted, he needed to deal with this problem fast. the fox-man wanted to move away, but kyle held him in place landing a kick to his thighs dislocating it.

using the opportunity, kyle stomped his foot. then punched him in the chest, sending him crashing to a tree.

kyle then checked his injured leg, which was now healed. he saw the old vampire, clapping excitedly on the tree branch.

'what does he think this is.' kyle saw the fox-man, was getting back to his feet with the strange knifes.

"I can tell you're new here but you made a big mistake trying to steal from me thief!" the man then started throwing the knives, at different areas of kyle's body.

they were fast, as kyle couldn't keep up with all of them. he managed to dodge two of the knives, but was caught by two which stuck his thighs. and another, which pierced his right shoulder.

"argh!" he gritted his teeth as he pulled out the knives, and mis-accurately threw them at the fox-man who easily dodged.

"that's it." kyle wanted to end this, so he tried activating dark flames. but something strange happened, he didn't feel anything.


[sys-tem mal-function]

'what the hell?' kyle was stunned by the sudden notification. that he didn't know when the farmer was in his front, swinging a dagger at his throat.

he could see his life flash before his eyes, but at that brief moment. his body suddenly side stepped, and punched the left shoulder of the fox-man breaking the bones in it.

he had just escaped death by the skin of his teeth, and he couldn't guess who saved him other than one person.

"d-did he just help me." kyle muttered. out of all the persons in the world, Vladimir was the least kyle expected to help him.

blood was all over the fox-man, as he staggered towards kyle with a broken arm. he weakly punched at kyle, but the latter just shifted his body a little, and delivered a strong fist to the man's forehead.


the dagger fell from the man's lifeless hand, as kyle's hand protruded from the other end of the man's skull. with pieces of brain tissues, and bone fragments stained with blood.

[system is back online]

[congratulations on killing a weak single tailed fox-man]

[+200 exp gained]

"weird!" kyle muttered staring at the system screen, which suddenly came back online after the fight had ended.

"bravo~ bravo my student! you've just killed a single tailed fox-man." Vladimir praised kyle, which left the latter feeling different emotions of guilt and suspicion.

"I could've suffered a fatal injury if not death but you helped me didn't you?"

"oh! it was nothing I just pulled some few strings that's all." the vampire smiled, as the wind gently blew his dark hair.

"w-hatever you did you saved me so thank you." kyle bowed his head, showing gratitude to the vampire who saved his life.

"how about you thank me later kid." Vladimir smiled looking ahead.

"what do you mean?"

"well see for yourself it seems like they came to join the party." few meters away from kyle, there were a group of about 10 fox-men. each holding different weapons, with killing intent.

'great! this just keeps getting better.' kyle painfully smiled. he wasn't that confident, he could take all ten of them at once. maybe one by one, but he doubted they would just stand by and watch their comrades fall.

'I can still take them I might suffer some injuries but as long as they're single tailed fox-men they shouldn't be that much a problem.' he thought. until he saw two, two tailed fox-men in the center of the group. one holding a bow and arrow, and the other held two daggers.