twin jade fox dagger

in the thick dark forest just a bit after vaanderwood, where were kyle and Vladimir were training. but the peaceful training didn't last long, as an unexpected fight had occurred.

although kyle was training, he had just been in a life and death battle which almost caused him his life.

kyle didn't know much about these fox people, but he knew they were really troublesome in a fight.

their speed was really amazing for just a single tailed fox, not to mention higher. and the strange weapons they used, were really interesting too. he was lucky he was a demon, and had some few buffs to help him out. or he would've suffered much more worse faith.

it's been over four hours, since Vladimir had asked kyle to rest and recover, from the severe injuries he'd suffered to which the latter didn't deny. he had been through a lot on his body, so he needed a considerable amount of time to heal.

his first heart by the left which was currently as small as an egg, was slowly beating still growing back to normal. the big hole in his chest had now covered up a bit, while the minor injuries on his body had fully healed.

"what are we going to do with all these bodies?" kyle asked staring at the dead foxmen, laying all over the floor. he was lucky he didn't actually die, or all his struggles and pain would've gone to waste, which wasn't an option.

"oh! that's not a problem the beasts around here will just feast on them." Vladimir said picking up the bow, arrows, and the two pair of daggers on the floor. kyle saw the way Vladimir looked at the weapons, and his mind couldn't help but think they were high grade weapons. but he was quickly mistaken, when Vladimir's face didn't show any interest at all in these weapons.

"not worth it." Vladimir muttered shrugging his shoulders.

"here!" he then tossed the weapons to kyle's left.

"it's not useful to me but it may help you out somehow." kyle was flabbergasted, as to why Vladimir suddenly lost interest in these weapons.

there was surely something special about them, which made them this efficient and captivating in kyle's eye. but unfortunately the old vampire, didn't see the importance in them.

"t-those weapons they were really troublesome what were they made from?" kyle asked intrigued to know more about them. he guessed it was a beast weapon of low tier quality, judging by the poor craftsmanship. but he didn't know much about weapons, and had never seen a beast weapon.

except from the few he'd read about in fantasy novels. so he needed to learn more, about these so called beast weapons and their attributes.

"oh these~ they're nothing important to me. though they have just one or two active skills. but that's all nothing else." Vladimir spoke dissuading kyle's interest in the weapons.

'n-othing important? that's impossible there must surely be something this vampire isn't seeing.' he thought. he wasn't sure of the tier, so decided to ask snow since his system was back online.

"snow is this a beast weapon?" kyle first asked, to which snow immediately replied.

"even though it doesn't look like one it certainly is." snow confirmed.

as kyle guessed these were actually beast weapons, having and an active skill or two. this made kyle sigh in relief, as he was finally glad he got to see and feel a beast weapon for real.

"but judging from the bright colours the rough and poor textures I would say it's a beast weapon of the lowest quality." snow added.

though to others this might have brought their spirits down, but kyle was different. he didn't care whether or not, the weapons were of the lowest quality. as long as they served their purpose, it was fine to him.

"what if I could use my demon eyes skill on this." the information snow said was plain, and he needed more details about the weapons. so he thought if he could use the demon eye's skill on other things, why not a weapon. since the demon eye's skill, was part of his passive demon skills it didn't consume demon energy, which was a relief to him.

he hadn't used the demon eye's skill at all since he got it, so this was actually going to be the first. he wasn't hoping for much, he just hoped the system would provide some more details about the weapons.

'please work.' he prayed picking up the weapons in his arms, and activating the demon eye's skill with his mind.

he wasn't sure it would work for the both at once. so he decided to first try it on the bow, then arrows and lastly the daggers.

[basic tier foxbow: a basic tier bow of the lowest grade, of a beast called nurmko. crafted by the fox race. (once equipped +4agility, +5stamina to user)


looking at the screen, kyle was satisfied with the information the system provided. he didn't expect this much, but the system gave a simple and detailed explanation.

'it's durability is still high.' he said. he really didn't expect his system, to give him a durability icon for the bow.

'maybe it's the same with all the others.' he hoped so, that the system would provide the durability icon, for all the other weapons.

'it would really be a relief to know when my weapon is reaching it's critical stage.'

'nurmko? what a strange beast I've never heard of it before.' he didn't read, or manage to stumble upon the beast named nurmko, before at all. so he didn't bother to stick more to that, and moved on to the arrows.

[advanced tier foxarrows: advanced tier arrows crafted from advanced tier beasts (+10strength +15agility +5stamina) note: these weapons can explode upon impact depending on the force applied.]

'this is great.' kyle smiled looking at the arrows. if he held one it would boost his strength, agility, and stamina. and not to mention the fact he still had the bow, that also boosted his stats.

picking up the daggers he stopped inspecting it, as this dagger's colour looked a bit more dull green, than the bow and arrow. he also noticed they were a bit lighter than the bow and arrow, which meant these were of higher quality.

'demon eye's.'

[twin jade fox daggers: the twin jade fox daggers is a peak rare tier weapon, crafted by the best fox craftsman in vaanderwood. once equipped +40str +40agi +20sta.]

( active skill- freeze: for 20mana each the twin jade dagger will glow green and once in contact will stun opponents in place for 5 secs.) ]

"woah!" kyle couldn't help but exclaim. he thought that the bow and arrows were definitely a great pair, but this daggers were just better.

"did you see something?" Vladimir smiled asking mysteriously. he just heard kyle exclaim in awe, as he held the daggers.

"I-it's n-othing I just feel like these daggers must be good considering the way that foxman behaved."

"hmmm~ it seems you don't know about weapons." Vladimir smiled. "well don't worry that's why am here."

the latter then sat down besides kyle, his face full of excitement.

"you see in this world weapons are crafted from what they call beast cores. and these cores are of course gotten from beasts. the brighter the core the lower the value."

"beasts and their cores are classified into different stages. ranging from basic the lowest to celestial god tier the highest." Vladimir paused as kyle could feel his body tremble, when he mentioned the celestial god tier.

"a-anyways once crafting a beast weapon the process is painful and tiring. but once completed the results is mind blowing. some of these beast weapons might have an active skill or two or not. it's all depending on the beast itself." Vladimir spoke gently to kyle's hearing.

"judging from the colour those daggers are in your hands. they're probably at the rare tier. am not sure if they have an active skill but I wouldn't bet on it." kyle was surprised Vladimir didn't know this weapon had an active skill. and he decided to keep it a secret from him. as part of his trump card, if he were ever to go against this vampire.

"you said there were different tiers could you list them out for me?" kyle wanted to know exactly which tier of weapons, he would come across in the future.

"of course! there's basic, intermediate, advanced, epic, rare, legendary, king, demi-god, demon god and celestial god tier's." Vladimir explained carefully to kyle. "as I said earlier all these tiers each has their different purposes and strengths. it all depends on the beast!"

kyle made sure to memorize all what Vladimir said, as it would definitely be of great importance in the future.

"you said celestial god tier was the highest has anyone ever acquired a celestial god tier weapon?" as soon as kyle said that, Vladimir's eyes were twitching slightly, and he was muttering some inaudible words.

shaking his head Vladimir managed to control himself, as he looked at kyle and spoke in a serious tone. "to acquire a celestial god tier weapon would mean you're at God stage. there's no mortal I know who's held a celestial god tier weapon. or ever seen one and lived to tell the tail."

since celestial god tier beasts was the highest level, kyle knew they would definitely be terrifying. he had expected a few higher beings to have them, but it looked like it was far above their reach.

'such a mighty weapon was truly worthy of such a succide challenge.' kyle's heart couldn't help but thump louder, as he imagined himself dueling one.

'I promise i'll reach God stage and pass.' kyle didn't know if there was a stage beyond God stage. but he vowed in his heart to get there no matter what.

"it seems you like the daggers." Vladimir chuckled.

"of course! it suits my fighting style and they're also better than the others." kyle plainly said, there wasn't a need for him to hide anything.

"it suits you they're all yours." the bloodsucker chuckled. as the next moment, a loud growl came from his stomach.

"a-re you hungry?" kyle furrowed his brows. if a growl was coming from a bloodsucker stomach, that could only mean one thing.

hunger for blood! he knew vampires didn't drink anything but fresh blood, and there was none available.

"ha-ha! don't mind me it's been a while I've drank blood." he smiled as he waved his hand, and a small bottle of 5cm appeared in his hand. opening it the smell of fresh blood hit kyle's nostrils.

he watched as the vampire, chugged down all the blood in one go.

"that should last for about a week or two." Vladimir smiled getting up.

"h-ow did you do that?"

"oh! you mean how did a bottle filled with blood magically appear In my hands."

"y-yes." kyle said anxiously waiting for an answer.

"I thought you knew so much about these things." Vladimir muttered.

"see this! it's is a storage ring." he pointed to a golden ring, on his index finger. this ring is called a storage ring, it basically stores non living items in it, considering the amount of space it has.

looking at the golden ring, kyle didn't see any distinct feature. it basically looked like a normal ring, except it had strange writings on it.

"how can I get one?" kyle asked with haste. though the system provided him with the store, but he still needed to get a storage ring.

Vladimir's face immediately contorted, as he burst in laughter which made kyle frown.

"what's funny?"

"nothing! it's just you wouldn't be able to afford it now maybe in the next future but definitely not now."

"but you have one so why can't I."

"you didn't know what I went through to come across this storage ring." kyle wanted to get one, but he'd forgotten the better the item the more expensive it is. he wasn't in a haste at all to get it anymore, as he still had plenty of time to do so.

kyle wanted to ask Vladimir some other things, but the latter had already disappeared from his side, before he could even speak. and the next moment, he reappeared back with a brightly coloured orange orb in his hands.

"have you fully healed?"

"yes why do you ask." kyle said, he could see Vladimir holding an orange orb in his hands. and he guessed that that was a beast core, in Vladimir's hands.

"it's time to farm some beast cores." Vladimir said with a smile, staring off to the distance.