more exps

the forest outside vaanderwood was calm and quiet, until the ruffling of trees were heard sounding loudly. the tree branches would occasionally shake, as two figures lept from branches to branches, flashing through the branches.

"so you're saying there's a whole lot of intermediate tier beast out there." kyle said taking a big leap, and landing softly on another branch. even though he didn't notice at first, his body felt light when he acquired the system. and now with some level ups, his body felt incredibly lighter making it easy for him to land softly, everytime he sprung himself.

"of course! if we're lucky we might even find some few advanced tier beasts." the pale skinned man smiled a step ahead of kyle.

when kyle first saw vladimir with the strange orange orb, he quickly recognized it as a beast core. it was really strange, cause the orb was as small as a cup. and if one could listen more clearly, he could hear the orb was pulsating with life.

it's pulsing was like that of a human heart, beating strongly with life. one could feel the sheer power, this strange glowing orb contained. as it would radiate every time it pulsated.

"what a strange beast." kyle muttered, looking down at the beast. he had caught a glimpse, of the strange lizard like creature on ground, before they started tailing it from above.

the beast was really strange and ugly looking, as it's body was like that of a lizard. but it's head was like that of a black cobra.

from it's head was all black, going down it's body. to it's long sharp thin claws, with it's single tail sticking out it's back.

kyle looking at the beast, didn't think it was that strong to pose a threat to him, since it was still at the intermediate tier. but he couldn't judge yet, as he still didn't know it's full strength, because he hadn't fought the beast yet.

with both their advanced eyesight's, they could clearly see through the thickness of the dark fog. kyle didn't know how this beast could see, but he guessed it was due to it's strange yellow eyes, which glowed in the dark.

the beast wasn't that fast, so kyle and Vladimir could keep up fine with the beast's pace. but as the beast was nearing a small cave, it's pace suddenly started slowing down, until it stopped just at the entrance of the cave.

'what's it doing?' kyle wondered. there was a stone blocking the entrance of the cave, so he wondered what the beast would do next. he could see the beast head was bent down, and it's fingers were drawing something on the dirt.


the creature screamed loudly, as the huge stone slowly rolled to the side, revealing the entrance to the cave. the creature then gently walked into the cave, and the huge stone was closing back the opening, as if an invisible force was pulling it back.

"quick we can't let this opportunity slide!" vladimir shouted jumping down and landing softly, just at the entrance of the cave. kyle then also lept down with a thud, as they both entered the dark cave, with the stone rolled shut behind them.

looking round, kyle's vision wasn't that good in the cave as he couldn't see things clearly, as much as he could outside. he saw that the cave was filled with rocks, that had sharp pointy tips and a narrow path, where water flowed through.

"we'll follow the water it'll lead us to their habitat." vladimir smiled walking forward, with kyle following behind. they continued following the water path, and kyle was stunned that such a small cave could be this spacious.

he didn't at all except the cave to be this big, as it had such a small entrance that didn't allow his body to pass through easily.

they continued following the moving water, as there was no sign of the beast. it was just as if it disappeared without a trace.

"it's getting chillier." kyle muttered, feeling the sudden drop in temperature, as they continued walking. he saw that the vampire wasn't affected at all by the cold, and just kept on moving.

as they walked a few feets deeper into the cave, the temperature dropped more drastically, making kyle's body shiver. as there were even signs of small snow flakes, falling to the ground covering the floor in snow.

'why would it choose this place to reside in if it's cold blooded?' kyle wondered.

he thought that this was an odd place, for the lizard like creature to live in. since it was cold blooded and needed heat to survive, not the other way round.

they had reached the end of the path, as in front was a steep staircase leading down. gently walking down the stairs, they were now in a huge crater about 6 feets deep.

't-his isn't just a normal crater.' kyle noticed there were scorch marks, and huge claw like lines all over the floor. and another thing was, even though the temperature was cold the ground was really hot, as kyle's feets were burning up.

"this crater was caused by a creature of higher tier." vladimir said touching the floor. "and judging from the heat and how new these marks are I would say the beast that did this is still here."

as soon as Vladimir said that, the strange lizard beast could be seen afar. behind it was a small hole, only it's body could fit in.

the beast just continued staring at the two humans in front, with it's orange eyes. it didn't initiate an attack or come close, but just stood still in place.

now getting a clear view of the beast, kyle saw it looked no different like a dog, both in height and body. if not the fact that this creature's head was like that of a snake, kyle would've mistaken it for a mutated dog.

"it seems the bigger beast is sending out a command to this one." vladimir said. "it will most likely attack you since you're the weaker one I suggest you get ready." the vampire then simply went, and sat down on the third step. this behaviour wasn't new to kyle anymore, as he knew what he had to do.

after about 5 secs as if receiving a command, the beast sprung forward it's orange eyes locked on kyle. the beast was now faster than before, as it was reaching kyle's location fast.

the twin jade fox daggers were on kyle's waist, the hilts facing outwards, but kyle didn't want to use them at least not yet. he wanted to test his strength, and speed. to see if he was stronger, and faster than the beast.

maintaining a firm stance, he avoided the beast's claw by side stepping, and landed a fist to it's skull. the beast body was sent backwards, crashing into a wall denting it.

"it didn't die?" kyle softly muttered. he had expected a single punch, from him to kill the beast. but it looked like he was wrong, cause the beast had now regained itself, and was running straight for kyle again.

looking at the beast, kyle wanted to go for the same attack again, but something unexpected happened. as he dodged the beast claws, his fist was inches away from the beast head, since it was midair. but the beast's tail moved fast, and whipped kyle in the face, flinging him into some sharp pointy rocks.


'shit! how can it's freaking tail contain such power.' kyle said standing up. the lizard then came again, swiping it's claws at kyle. and even tried biting him with it's fangs, like a wide animal. but the latter managed to block most of it, by hitting it's claws away.

"oh! no you don't." kyle held the lizard's mouth together, which was opened wide ready to chomp down on him. the beast tried to break free from kyle's grasp, but the latter didn't allow it. re-enforcing his arms with more strength.

in attempt to break free from his tight hold, the lizard tried using it's tail to whip kyle in the face. but before it could, kyle had already slammed the beast into the ground.

"argh!" kyle shouted as the lizard bit his leg. now kyle could really feel the power of the lizard's jaw. he was surprised how it's fangs tore through his skin, and even drawed blood. it was as if an axe had cut through his leg, and the force which the axe was swung with still acted.

"die!" kyle clenched his fist tightly, strengthening his arm as he punched the lizard's head.


a small bang went off, as kyle's fist connected with the lizard's skull. brain tissues with blood spilled all over the floor, making it a bloody mess.

[ding! you have successfully killed low level intermediate tier lava lizard.]


the system screen flashed before kyle's eye, confirming his kill.

'lava lizard? no wonder it chose this place to reside.' kyle finally figured out, why this beast lizard's chose to stay here. kyle didn't know if mutating into a beast, would affect the lizards. but as reptiles being cold blooded, they were meant to stay in warm or sunny environments, not the other way around.

kyle then simply bent down over the dead creature's body, and inserted his hand into it's chest, through the hole where it's head once was.

"come one." kyle muttered, as his hands were searching for something.

"found you." he smiled as he pulled his hands out, from the lizard's body along came the orange orb. kyle holding it in his hands was amazed by the power it contained, but there was also another thing.

[beast core has been identified would user like to absorb?]


the screen just popped up, as soon as kyle touched the orb. it felt strange to him, cause this was all new to him. and he didn't know what would actually happen, if he chose to absorb the core.

'can I really absorb a beast core and w-hat would happen if i managed to absorb one.' since core's and beast skin, were used to make weapons and armour. he guessed if he could absorb a beast core, then the effects would be positive at least.

"here!" kyle tossed the core to Vladimir, to which the latter simply caught with ease.

"I don't understand why are you giving me this you killed the beast so the core's your's."

"I definitely didn't give you that's for sure." kyle chuckled softly. "since you're all powerful and wouldn't want to meddle in small fries. I figured you should be my storage for a while."

"hmm~ I guess that's fair anyways how's your leg?"

"it's fine am just worried about that lizard that bit me. hope it isn't poisonous." kyle spoke which made the vampire laugh out.

"there's nothing of such I promise." vladimir assured kyle. as they were about to leave, a loud piercing sound drew their gazes back.


there was another lava lizard, standing at the same spot the last stood at first. the creature then released another cry, as it started running straight for kyle.

kyle was already ready to finish off the beast, as he punched forward. the beast was flung back but was still alive. kyle was about attacking again, when he felt two sharp piercings on his chest.


"this damn beast took four points of my freaking hp from both swipes of it claws!" kyle shouted inwardly stomping the lizards head, into tiny pieces. before he knew it, another lizard had scratched him while he also killed them.

"argh! these lizards are too much." kyle muttered, pulling his fist out from a dead lizard. it just seemed like no matter how many he killed, more would always be there to replace the fallen.

'that's it.' kyle had had enough. even though the beast claws took away 2 hp per scratch, it was still a considerable amount, varying on their numbers. considering the fact that their sheer numbers are much, kyle couldn't afford to lose anything, or he might die in this fight.

kyle was constantly moving from one spot to the other, as the beast's were just incredibly much. he was exhausting his stamina fast, and it wouldn't be long till he can't keep up anymore. so without risking his life, he finally held the two jade fox daggers in his hands.

't-this is amazing.' kyle thought, already feeling the huge boost in power, as he equipped the daggers.

a beast was close by, it's claw swung at kyle. seeing this the latter didn't dodge, and decided to check something.

with the daggers in his hand, he too slashed at the beast claws. and as the two collided, it was clear who the winner was.

'craahh!' the beast screamed in pain, as it's claws fell apart from it's hands. there was shock in the beast's eye, as it stared at kyle.

kyle was also surprised, how the daggers cut through the beast claws like paper. but he didn't linger long on that, as he slashed his dagger at the beast neck. cutting it cleanly off it's body.

the other beast seeing this weren't scared in the slightest, nor did they halt in their footsteps a bit. still charging forward at kyle, with bloodthirsty eyes.

with the two jade fox daggers, kyle was now faster than the lizards. with each step he took, it made him look like he was blurring in their eyes.

[ding! you have successfully killed a lava lizard]

[ding! you have successfully...]

[ding! you have successfully...]

with each swing of his hand, a beast head would fall to the floor. with the system screen, constantly flashing through his eyes.

it didn't matter how he killed them, either with the daggers, his fist, a kick. all he knew was he was faster and stronger than the lizards, so they couldn't even keep up with him, not to talk more of hitting him.

"ha-ha! I should've just brought this two bad boys out before instead of wasting my time." kyle smiled severing a lava lizard into two. more were still approaching from the hole, with each one he killed.

"please keep coming it'll only mean more exps for me." the demon smiled, continuing with the on-slaughter.