epic tier lava lizard

with the twin jade fox daggers in his hands, kyle was faster than before. allowing him to finish off the lizards quickly, exerting only a small amount of his stamina.

but not only did his speed increase, but his strength, and stamina also received some buffs.

the lava lizards were still protruding, out from the small hole in the crater. but this wasn't an obstacle for kyle, as he killed every single one in his path.

'how many of these things are their.' he had lost count of killing these creatures, as they just kept coming

"their nest must be underground." kyle muttered rolling to the side, avoiding a lizard's claw. he then threw a dagger, at the beast's head. the force kyle threw the dagger with was much, that it didn't only kill the lizard, but also the few unlucky one's in it's path.

five lizards had now surrounded him in a circle. but he wasn't fazed at all, since the dagger was long enough to be held like a sword. gripping it tightly Kyle swung it at a lizard to his right, slicing the creature's head off. another lizard jumped on Kyle, but he managed to block the claws with the dagger.

he tried shoving the lizard off, but it clung on his dagger and did something strange. opening it's mouth, a small orange ball was shot out fast directly on Kyle's face.

"argh!" kyle grunted staggering a few steps, as the orange ball hit him. his face was slightly burned, as the ball of flame hit him.

the lizard's snake head moved fast, attempting to bite him. but the latter caught hold of the lizard's head, and crushed it into pulp with his bare hands.

he could see the lizard's attack pattern had changed. some of the lizard's now had their mouth open, while some still attacked him mindlessly tearing through his skin.

[hp: 89/100]

[hp: 87/100]

'i can't do this forever.' he thought. his hp was now reducing more than before. as he constantly had to dodge the small balls of flames, from the lizards and also their sharp claws.

kyle was covered in his own sweat and blood, parts of his skin had deep scratch marks, with blood coming out from the wound.

he couldn't afford to waste a sec, or it would cost him dearly. he was struggling to breathe well, as his lungs panted large amounts of air.

he thrusted his dagger into a lizard's head, then slammed another into the ground. using his fist, to punch the orange flame heading for him.

parts of the skin covering his knuckles were burnt, but he didn't care. spinning his leg fast in a clockwise motion, he sent three lizards backwards. then stretching his arms, he grabbed one of the beast's tail.

swinging it fast, he slammed it into a nearby lizard. then using his leg, to forcefully stomp down on a lizard that bit his leg.

'they're attacking me more.' kyle saw the lizards, were now attacking more viciously than before. climbing on top each other like mindless zombies, with blood dripping down their mouth.

using his strong legs, he thrusted himself in the air. and landed with much force, that it immediately killed the unlucky lizards on the spot and around.

retrieving his dagger from the dead lizards skull. he held the two daggers in his hands, and slashed two lizards body vertically.

their blood spilled everywhere, as it stained the ground. infact the crater was covered with blood, and dead lizards body laid all over.

"why are they slowing down." kyle muttered, finishing off a lizard.

he saw that the beast's movement, had suddenly decreased rapidly. as only a few lizards, were running towards him.

his legs felt weak, and his hands were a bit numb from all the blood. but he strengthened his legs, and pushed on slaughtering the remaining lizard's.

'why did they stop coming d-did I kill all of them?' kyle wasn't sure he had killed all the lizards. though he had killed a large amount, but he still had the feeling that something wasn't right.

"why do I have a feeling something else is down there." he softly said staring at the small hole, where the lizards had come from. taking a few steps, he was reaching closer to the hole. when he noticed the rapid increase, in temperature of the ground.

he took a big leap back, as he felt the ground shaking. the floor was sinking, with every seconds that passed. as something else was rising underneath.

it didn't take long, before kyle could see the tip of the creature's head as it slowly rose up.

kyle couldn't help but watch, as the creature's long snake like head protruded from the ground. followed by it's sharp claws, it used to dig deep into the floor. lifting it's lizard body up, with scales running all over it's skin down to it's long tail.

looking at the terrifyingly big lizard, fear enclouded kyle's heart. but he remained calm and emotionless. this lizard was way more bigger, than intermediate lizard's by three times. the skin of this lizard looked more tougher, as hard scales covered it's body.

the creature didn't attack immediately, but stared at kyle with it's orange eyes. seemingly observing him.

'demon eye's.'

[epic tier lava lizard: this lizard was formerly at the advanced state. but by feeding on the heat currents, of a volcano it had now evolved into peak epic tier. (str:167 agi:90 sta:134 int:60 hp:200/200 mana:300/300)]

looking at the screen, kyle gulped as he saw the creature stats. he didn't expect the creature, to have this such high stats.

even though he knew this creature was a higher tier, he didn't expect it to be just a tier below his daggers.

"this might be trouble." kyle muttered.

he wasn't in the best of conditions to fight, and his stamina had almost been depleted. he doubted he would last up to a minute.

kyle tried to activate his skills through the system. but no matter how he tried, it kept on bringing the same message.

[error! system is having a malfunction.]

kyle instinctively brought the daggers up to his head, crossing them in an X position. as the lizard's claw hit him, sending his body flying backwards and into a rock.

[critical hit!]


[hp: 67/100]

he coughed up fresh blood, as he could feel a few of the bones in his arms break. the sheer force produced from that simple claw, was enough to slightly crack kyle's skull.

"just a claw from that thing took away 20 of my health points." Kyle said shocked, in a blink of an eye he had lost 20 of his hp. he was lucky he didn't die, as his body hurt as hell right now. even his legs were wobbly, struggling to stand.

the creature was now running, straight for kyle. with every step it took, the ground would shake. along with craters, the size of it's palm being formed.

even though the creature was big in size, it didn't at all lack in terms of speed .as it had reached kyle within seconds.

it swung it's claw at kyle's chest, but latter was also fast and managed to barely dodge, slashing down at the beast arm.

as the dagger connected with the scales, it looked as if it had hit a thick wall of flesh. only a small cut appeared on the beast arm.

[hp: 198/200]

'it didn't work?' kyle couldn't believe his eyes. he held such a great weapon in his hands, and it barely did any damage to the beast.

"the creature's skin will make it hard for the daggers to penetrate. try looking for a soft spot!" Vladimir yelled, his calm and happy attitude disappeared.

receiving the important tip, Kyle had hope. and he didn't stop for a second, and continued slashing all over the creature's body looking for a soft spot.

the lizard would try to slash Kyle, or whip him with its tail. but kyle had an advantage, due to his size he could still slip past the lizard.

"i-it's barely hurting it." kyle said surprised.

this was the first time, his twin jade daggers felt useless to him. no matter how much force he applied, when slashing his daggers at the lizard, it mearly had little to no effects on the lizards skin.

he sprung himself upwards, moving his hands very fast. delivering multiple slash on the lizard's head, as he landed back to the floor.


the beast screamed in pain taking a step back, feeling the damage Kyle had inflicted to it's head.

'it felt that.' kyle smiled. he had finally found out, the soft spot of this lizard. now, he knew where he could focus all his attacks.

the beast was annoyed as it opened it's mouth, shooting out more and more dark flaming balls. kyle's brain worked faster than ever, as he avoided the balls by leaping from one place to another.

kyle could feel the heat coming from this balls, were terrifyingly hot. as one crashed into a boulder it immediately exploded, sending out huge derbies. he didn't want to imagine how many of his hp, he would lose if he were to ever be caught in the fire balls.

after avoiding endless of flaming balls, Kyle had now reached the creature's location. stomping his feet hard a crater formed, as he catapulted himself upwards. and landed on the lizard's head, with his two daggers forcefully plunged into it's skull.


the beast screamed in agony, trying to shake kyle off. but the latter didn't care, and instead began stricking at the same spot from earlier, on the creature's head.

'I have to end this quick I can feel I've almost reached my limit.' the demon thought, applying every bit of force he had into his arms.

[hp: 96/100]



with every strike Kyle threw on the same spot, he could see the lizard's life depleting. and the flesh covering the skull, was getting softer with each cut.

out of frustration, the creature tried slashing it's claws at kyle. but the latter would dodge everytime, resulting in the lizard injuring itself.

'I can do this all day.' kyle grinned. when he suddenly felt something move fast, heading for his direction.

he hadn't finished turning as he could see the lizard's tail, inches away from his face. there wasn't much he could do, as his body was sent flying across landing in a pool of blood.


"shit! my arm's definitely broken." he couldn't feel his left arm anymore. and as he tried moving it, the clanking of shattered bones were heard. kyle could see how the creature stared at him, with bloodthirsty eyes.

the beast then did something strange. turning round, the beast slashed it's tail multiple times at kyle. one could hear the sheer force, the tail cut through the air with.

kyle knew that was an attack, the beast sent out. but the problem was, his body wasn't in a good condition to properly dodge at all.





with every wind slash he took, he suffered 6 hp loss. his body was a complete mess, as he looked more hideous than ever.

his body was covered in blood, from head to toe both his blood and the lizard's. pain surged through his whole body, every time he made the slightest movement or breathed.

the creature had a sinister smile on it's face, seeing kyle in this state. the creature then opened it's mouth wide, charging up it's flaming ball.

"ph-ough! my hp's down to 33. I doubt I'll survive that." he muttered. as the the huge ball of flame, was shot towards him.

kyle could already feel the heat of the flaming ball, as it got closer to him. his head was calculating so many things, as the huge ball of flame approached.

as it was 6 feets from kyle, a huge wall made of Shadows suddenly rose up in front of kyle. as the ball touched the wall, it was slowing down in it's track.

the creature was stunned in it's track, looking at the strange shadow wall that suddenly rose up.

kyle already knew who this was, as he could see Vladimir's hand were stretched out, with a smile planted on his face.

"quick finish it!" the vampire shouted. Kyle was annoyed and was about to ask how, when he suddenly saw a familiar screen.

[system is now back online]

kyle didn't believe his eyes and checked his skills, to see if he had access to it and he did. he could see the beast attack had almost faded, and the wall was coming down.

gritting his teeth he struggled to get up to his feet, as his legs stuttered back down. he wasn't going to give up this easily, not now when he finally saw a chance.

"arggh!" kyle screamed. boosting himself to the sky with his leg, his eyes glowing red. the creature was still stunned by the strange wall, before it noticed kyle above it's head it was too late.

"die!" kyle screamed on top of his lungs. activating death's call and dark flames four times, as everything crashed on the inner skin of the lizard's head.

'booom!' a loud explosion occurred, sending shockwaves all over. kyle was flung away by the blast, as his body went numb his eyes closed. as he fell a dark fog covered his body, and he reappeared besides Vladimir. the explosion lasted for about 1 minute, until it calmed down.

Vladimir looking at the lizard beast was shocked, it was still standing. but a moment later, it fell to the floor with a huge hole in it's head.

"i-i can't believe he managed to kill a peak epic tier lava lizard." the vampire said astonished. "just what were those skills you used now." Vladimir softly spoke staring at kyle's body.