absorbing a beast core

droplets of water trickled down the floor in the cave, as a young man laid on the floor. his body was partly burnt all over, with dried blood plastered over his skin.

looking at the young man's horrible state, one would've thought he was dead for sure.

"w-what happened?" kyle slowly muttered sitting up straight. his hand gently moved to his head, which hurt badly. his vision wasn't fully clear, but he could still see he was in the cave.

"your injuries were severe boy you could've died, but luckily your body seems to be regenerating faster." Vladimir chuckled resting besides kyle.

kyle noticed the vampire looked at him strangely when he spoke, but he didn't know why. until his eyes, stared at the dead epic tier lizard in front.

"i-i really killed it." he softly said refusing to believe his eyes.

when he lost consciousness, he didn't quite remember everything that happened, during the fight with the beast.

he only knew he was down to his knees, and the beast burning ball of flame was heading towards him fast. when the strange wall of shadow, suddenly rose up.

'I wonder if that was part of his skills.' kyle thought stealing a glance at the vampire, who lazily sat down. his mind couldn't stop thinking about the wall made of Shadows, that managed to completely slow down the beast's flaming ball.

he hadn't known vladimir well, and the skills he possessed. but he knew the vampire was tricky, and way more powerful and skilled than him. still he hadn't expected just a single wall made of Shadows, to stop an epic tier beast flame.

since he had fought with the smaller lava lizards and got hit by the flaming balls, he knew how hot and deadly their flames were. not to mention a single ball of flame, from a higher tier beast.

"that's strange." kyle muttered furrowing his brows.

'the system's still online?' he didn't believe his eyes, as he stared at the system screen.

he remembered the system mysteriously came online, when the wall of Shadows rose up.

he found it weird how the system suddenly came online, but he didn't have time to think in a life and death situation. that's how he delivered the final blows, to the beast weak spot killing it.

but he didn't quite expect it to still be active by now.

"you know I can feel your eyes peering at me." Vladimir smiled.

"sorry I was just thinking about that strange wall. if I may ask what was it made out of?" kyle asked unafraid, which made the vampire chuckle.

"now I know where you're heading to. but i don't think it's fair if I reveal my skills to you. though I will only tell you that wall was made from shadows." Vladimir smiled, taking a sip from his bottle filled with blood.

kyle wanted to enquire more, but he didn't want to be too forward. and the vampire wasn't willing to share with him. so in the end, he just nodded his head and got up.

"shit." he barely managed to stand, as his legs stumbled back down. it felt as if all the bones in his legs, were shattered to pieces and lifeless.

"careful boy even though you're body is regenerating fast it still hasn't recovered most of the injuries you sustained." kyle felt a bit disheartened, he knew most of the bones in his body were crushed or broken. but he had expected his body to fully heal, over the hours he'd been unconscious.

'guess am still weak.' kyle sighed in his heart. he was lucky he killed the beast, but it was with Vladimir's help. he still wasn't strong enough to go toe to toe, with an epic tier beast.

he could still handle some intermediate tier beasts and basic tiers, but he was sure of advanced tiers.

"how long was I out?" kyle suddenly asked, he guessed he'd been out for a couple of hours. since rays from the sun couldn't enter the cave, he didn't know if it was still afternoon time.

"oh! this is just the fourth day since you lost consciousness." the vampire carefreely said. kyle's face immediately went pale, as he clutched his chest which hurt.

four days! it had been four days since he lost consciousness. he couldn't believe it, he had thought his injuries would've healed in an hour or so. but never had he expected it to be as long as four days.

"it seems you're surprised I expected you to take a week or more to heal. but you're body is incredibly healing fast even at this weak stage." the vampire said, tossing him his twin jade daggers.

'I should be careful from now on.' the demon inwardly thought. this was the first time, he had spent four days recovering from an injury. he didn't want to admit it, but he had been stretching his body beyond it's limit, and it was starting to tell on him. his body might have received some buffs as a demon, but it still couldn't handle huge hits from high tier creatures.

also kyle still wasn't experienced in combat, and this was just his first fight with a high level beast.

shaking his head, kyle couldn't help but sit down until his body recovered. there was nothing to do and he didn't want to stay idle, so he decided check the system.

[name: kyle conner]

[LV: 32]

kyle looking at the screen, saw that he had levelled up six times. he had expected to level up more than this but he thought it was fair, considering the countless of lava lizards he'd slain and the epic tier.

'huh! the system didn't give me any other benefit.' kyle frowned. he'd expected the system, to grant him some free stats point he could allocate to any of his stats. like he'd read in the novels, for killing a beast way above his level.

but other than his level changing from 26 to 32, his screen remained the same as before. he saw his demon energy had been restored full.

he didn't know how, but he guessed his body must've slowly accumulated demon energy, while he was unconscious.

"can I ask you something." Vladimir suddenly blurted, his tone a bit more serious than usual.

"s-ure." kyle stuttered, he didn't quite know what Vladimir wanted to ask him. but he knew he had to be on guard, and answer carefully.

"when fighting against the lizard your speed and it's were strangely on par. though it was way stronger than you.

but that wasn't what caught my eyes. no it was when you were about putting in the final blow."

kyle knew where the vampire was heading to, and he couldn't avoid the question or deny it. he didn't know if Vladimir, knew about the system but he highly doubted it. there was no way he could know. lilith boldly stated it was Lucifer who gave her the system, as a form of marriage. so no one else was supposed to know, apart from lilith and Lucifer.

"those skills you used were really powerful may I ask who taught them to you?" Vladimir finally asked staring at kyle.

kyle just kept a neutral face, and calmly replied to Vladimir's question, with a simple answer he formed in his head.

"I don't think it's also fair for me to tell you about my skills. but I will tell you they are nothing of importance." kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"impossible! those skills are by far no joke." the vampire exclaimed refusing to believe kyle. this was the first time, kyle saw the latter like this.

kyle just shook his head, and sighed deeply. "i don't see why you think so highly of me master but those skills really are nothing."

"I only managed to kill that beast with your help and the fact that I focused all my attacks to the weak spot on it's head."

the vampire wanted to say something, but held it in and just nodded his head.

"if you won't tell me the name of the skills will you at least tell me the name of the person who taught it to you."

"of course." kyle smiled, he could just say it was lilith who taught him. she had already told him, dark flames was a basic skill demon's used. but death's call was the skill he wasn't sure of.

"I thought you'd have already known but it seems you're a slow learner. anyways it's none other than my demon wife who taught me." kyle slyly grinned, stretching the word 'demon wife'.

"I see~ so it was lilith." he muttered.

'but I've never seen her use these skills before.' Vladimir thought, staring at kyle whom smiled back at him. the vampire's face then changed, into it's normal happy tone as he got up.

"oh! I almost forgot I have something for you." he smiled as the golden ring on his finger, glowed brightly. out from thin air, countless of small orange orbs fell down before kyle, as he watched with wide eyes.

"as you know these are the beast cores you acquired. you can either absorb them or turn them into weapons with the beast skin.

but I must warn you you'll only get intermediate tier weapons which I doubt will be of any use to you." Vladimir explained, but kyle didn't pay any attention to him. still staring at the countless of treasures in his front.

'I wonder if that strange message from before would appear.' kyle thought stretching his hand.

"I can see you're excited just as I am." vladimir smiled to which kyle nodded. picking up a beast core, the same message from before appeared.

[would user like to absorb?]


"I wonder what would happen if i choose yes." kyle muttered staring at the orb. Vladimir saw the way kyle stared at the core complexed, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"are you going to stare at it all day or are you going to absorb it?"

"I would but I haven't really absorbed a beast core before." kyle lied, scratching his head like a novice.

he knew the system basically would help him absorb the beast core, but he didn't want Vladimir to be suspicious. and he also wanted to learn it, so he didn't have to rely on the system all the time. so he came up with that small lie.

"oh! I almost forgot that." vladimir smiled picking up a beast core.

"am sure you've heard what they call mana?" kyle just nodded.

he had already read about mana, in the various fantasy books he'd read. from what he read, he knew mana was a strange energy which granted beings unimaginable powers.

"as you know every living thing absorbs mana including beasts." "but as we absorb mana through what they call meditation or cultivation. our body grows more stronger and one day evolves." he paused for a moment, allowing kyle to take in his words before continuing.

"the same also goes for beasts with a little difference."

"what difference?"

"you see beasts absorbs mana much faster than humans. so they are likely to evolve more faster than humans." kyle was just hearing this for the first time, he didn't read any of what Vladimir just said in the fantasy novels.

"as humans beasts also fight and kill other beasts. in order to feed on their cores to make them evolve much faster." kyle knew beasts were savages, but he didn't believe they would kill their own kind just to evolve.

"I know it sounds barbaric but it's the truth. who wouldn't take the opportunity to become stronger even if it means becoming a monster." kyle knew humans hunted them for their cores and skin, but he didn't think they were much more than materials.

"anyways to absorb a beast core is very simple. as I said earlier every living thing in this world has what they call mana no matter how small it is."

"once a beast is born it starts absorbing mana thus forming it's core. so you could say that beast cores are made from mana." kyle just nodded. even though he was a crazed fantasy novel reader, he still hadn't read what Vladimir just said. 'it seems not all things about mythological creatures are written in books.'

"the core of a beast is it's heart and life force. so once a beast core is taken away from a beast it means the beast is dead." Vladimir continued, he could see kyle listened carefully as he spoke.

"but if the beast is dead then how is it's core still alive?" kyle asked confused. if a beast was killed, then wasn't it's core meant to die as well since it was it's life force.

"haha it seems you weren't paying attention my student. remember I said beast cores were made from the mana the beast absorbs from birth."

"yes but mana also dies doesn't it?"

"wrong. mana can never be destroyed it can only be absorbed." "once a living being that contained mana dies. the energy will slowly disperse back into the surrounding mana around. making it possible for another living being absorb the mana."

"but if the being that dies was a higher level and a lower level being absorbs the mana will the latter evolve to the higher level?"

"no." Vladimir shook his head. "as I said earlier mana is what we absorb that helps us evolve channel our skills and much more." "so once a being evolves the amount of mana it could absorb also increases." kyle was starting to understand more, about mana and beasts. at first he had thought mana wasn't that important, cause he hadn't really used it before. but now that Vladimir mentioned more of the importance, he knew how essential mana was.

"to absorb a beast core one has to focus his own energy into the orb and then extract it back into his body."

"that's all?" kyle asked the definition was simple, and shorter than he had expected. he had thought, he would have to go through some long process, before he could absorb a core. but it seems like he was wrong.

"I must warn you though it's not as easy as it sounds. the process requires much focus and attention or else you're body could explode. as a result of taking in another beings energy."

"what!" kyle exclaimed, the mere thought of that was scary. he couldn't imagine his body exploding, just because he tried absorb a freaking core.

"you can't try changing the laws of nature without facing the consequences." Vladimir gently said. he could hear kyle beating fast, and he didn't blame him. the price one had to pay, to grow stronger was just unimaginable.

"so what do you say student are you willing to take the risk or go the easy way." kyle didn't quite know what to say. if he chose to take the risk and absorb the core, there is a possibility his body could explode from taking another being's mana. but if he chose the easy way, he would be dead for sure as Lucifer wanted his head on a plate.

scratching his head, he finally chose to take the risk and absorb the core. absorbing mana slowly wasn't an option, because of the little time he had.

dying also wasn't an option for kyle, as he vowed to grow stronger no matter what. even if it meant absorbing millions of cores.

"am ready." kyle said determined, which made the vampire smile excitedly.

"all you have to do is slowly focus your mana into the beast core then slowly extract it back." Vladimir said to which kyle nodded.

he hadn't quite felt mana but he didn't think it would be a problem, since he felt demon energy.

closing his eyes, he crossed his legs together in a meditation state with the orb in his hand.

"focus deep inside you you should see a small ball of blue energy inside you." vladimir shouted.

"I can do this." kyle muttered, turning all his attention to himself. his eyes was closed, as he tried hard to see the small ball of energy.

one minute passed, but he didn't feel or see anything. nevertheless he still persevered, he wasn't going to give up that easily.

'this boy really is something.' Vladimir thought staring at kyle. he was amazed, at the latter's determination.

minutes after minutes passed, as kyle still struggled to focus on the ball of energy. he just tried imagining, the little ball of energy in his head. he stayed in that position for about two hours, until he finally saw something.

"i-i see it." kyle said relieved, he could finally see the little light blue ball of energy in his gut.

'is that demon energy?' besides the blue ball, kyle also saw a smaller ball of black energy. unlike the black ball being calm like the blue, it was the opposite burning like a wild flame.

"good! now try moving the ball." kyle didn't respond and this time, imagined the ball moving a bit to the side. and like a command, the blue ball suddenly moved.

he tried doing the same with the black ball, and he achieved the same result.

"judging from the grin on your face it seems you were successful." "now is the final step all you have to do is try bringing out the blue energy." kyle just nodded, and imagined the ball going straight up and coming out of his palm. he focused more harder than before, as the ball slowly moved up his chest and went down his arms.

he couldn't feel the ball again, so he opened his eyes. that's when he could see the blue ball of energy, floating on his palm.

'it's so calm.' kyle thought staring at the ball.

"now try to slowly mix your energy into the core." this was the part kyle had waited for. he wanted to see if he could survive, or everything he did would go down the drain.

bringing the two balls close, his own ball of energy immediately started filling the orange orb. he tried to control it, but the ball was being stubborn as he struggled with it.

about a minute, the orange ball had completely been filled with kyle's energy. giving it a mixture of blue and orange. kyle watched as his energy, and the beast's energy fought together in the orb.

"quick! you have to start absorbing both the energies now or the orb will explode." vladimir shouted. kyle didn't have an option, as he slowly started retracting the energies in the orb.

the energies slowly started entering kyle's palm, as it gave him a soothing feeling.

'this isn't that bad.' kyle thought. but he regretted those words, as the energies started surging faster into his system. his body received a jolt, as pain flooded his system. he was sweating from head to toe, as he gritted his teeth struggling to control the energy.

"j-ust a little bit more." vladimir said. he could see all the veins on kyle's body bulging, threating to pop at any moment. looking at the orange orb, it was halved with energy as it went into kyle.

kyle couldn't curse, as the pain he was going through was just unbearable. it felt like millions of knives, were piercing through his skin over and over again.

"just a bit more." Vladimir could see kyle, had almost absorbed the remaining energy inside the orb. but his condition was in a terrible state, it felt like he was about to explode any sec from now.

'i-i can't die.' bitting down on his lip, blood was drawn out. but that was the least of his concerns now. he vowed, to make sure he saw the end of this no matter what.

blood trickled down his nostrils, as he continued absorbing the energy. it just rushed into his system, like a river filled with sharp rocks. his insides felt like they were going to explode right now, when he suddenly felt the energy reduce.

it continued going down, until he could no longer feel the flow. when he heard a certain ding in his head, with Vladimir's cheering.

"i-i did it." kyle muttered slowly. opening his eyes, the system screen flashed through his eyes.

[ding! user has successfully absorbed an intermediate beast core.]

"congratulations! I thought you would have exploded into bits. but it seems you're stronger than you look." Vladimir chuckled, which made kyle smile weakly. he just learnt how hard, absorbing a beast core was.