Unsettling feeling

[Ding! User has successfully absorbed an intermediate beast crystal]

[Ding! User has successfully absorbed an intermediate beast crystal]

[Ding! User has successfully absorbed an intermediate beast crystal]

[Name: Kyle Conner]

[Lv: 33]

it's been over six hours, since kyle and Vladimir stayed in the cave. the air had gotten chillier as it was night time, even the waters pressure had reduced and was moving much slower than before.

Kyle had been absorbing the vast beast crystals he aquired, and had managed to boost his level up to 33. Since he had absorbed his first beast crystal and experienced the pain first hand, taking in the second was a little less painful to him.

While absorbing the crystals he did notice a few things.

Like one, whenever he finished absorbing a beast crystal his exp would increase a bit, until he reached the required exp point and levelled up.

"this kid.." Vladimir muttered with glistening eyes, as he watched kyle absorb the crystals. he had long expected kyle to reach his limit, but every time he dropped a crystal he'd pick another one.

"I wonder how he's absorbing this much at this weak state." Vladimir muttered touching his chin.

"h-he's almost at the 37." the blue and orange energy that clashed against each other, were slowing being absorbed by kyle's body until it faded from the orb.

Kyle felt excitement tingling over his body when he learned this fact, and was eagerly consuming more when he received a shock.

After consuming the 38th crystal he tried absorbing another, but his body immediately went numb as he fell face first to the ground. A sharp pain stung him in the chest, and he couldn't help but cough out a mouthful of blood.

"Haha." Vladimir laughed cheerfully seeing Kyle on the floor.

He had been watching closely as Kyle absorbed the crystals, and couldn't help but be amazed at the amount of crystals Kyle absorbed. He was waiting to see how much more Kyle could absorb, but seeing the latter face down made him think otherwise.

"It seems your body can only absorb 38 crystals for now it's a shame I expected more from my student." The vampire chuckled, storing the remaining crystals in his storage ring.

'w-what the hell.' Kyle screamed in his head. He couldn't help but curse his luck, at how unfortunate he had been lately. Just when he had seen another easy way to evolve, it seems like mother fate didn't like him that much.

Gritting his teeth, he managed to stand up as his body had healed to some extent, thanks to his demonic buffs. But he still wasn't a 100 percent, as he still struggled to tame the core's energy in him.

'it's bigger.' He thought.

When he absorbed the cores, he saw that the small blue ball of energy had gotten bigger than the black which was his demon energy. It came as a surprise to him, because he hadn't expected this outcome at all. Nevertheless, he felt grateful and relieved that he was slowly getting closer to his goal of becoming stronger.

Grrl.. grll..

"Shit am hungry." Kyle muttered clutching his stomach. He hadn't eaten anything since four days when he passed out. And his insides, felt like they would rip out any minute now if he didn't eat something.

"Here eat this." The vampire tossed an item wrapped with brown clothing to Kyle. Looking at it, Kyle already knew what it was as the scent had already reached his nostrils.

'meat.' He was suspicious at first, since he wasn't used to the vampire's kind gestures. but he didn't linger longer, as he only cared about filling his hunger right now.

And even though he didn't admit it, he knew Vladimir didn't want to kill him or he'd already been dead.

Like a wild animal, Kyle bit into the thick steak rampaging his way down to the tender juicy insides.

"Mhm." He let out a soft moan as his teeth sank into the meat. He noticed the meat was different than normal meat, as this one had a more deep reddish color and smooth texture. It also tasted really sweet and tender, which made him wonder what type of meat this was.

"What a savage!" Vladimir's annoying voice pulled Kyle out of his thoughts.

"It's good to see your barbaric side coming out." Vladimir smiled, to which he received an awkward look from Kyle, before the latter turned away walking to the huge advanced tier beast. Looking at it, Kyle could see the body hadn't started decaying, even though it had been almost a week which he found weird. But he only knew so much about beasts.

Looking closer, he also saw a small hole cut by the side of the beast. And seeing the way it was cut and the proportion that had been cut out, he knew where the vampire had gotten the meat from.

"I didn't think it would be this sweet." Kyle gently muttered.

The vampire then told him they would be leaving the cave in the morning, to which the latter just nodded to. Kyle then carefreely laid on the floor, staring upwards at the the sharp pointy shards pointed directly at him.

He didn't know why, but he was slowly starting to worrying less about the onlooking dangers. But there was always this thought that kept lurking in his mind, about what sort of connection did Vladimir have with his system, and what dangerous skills did he posess.

He was already having a headache thinking about the many negative things, so he decided to focus on the positive ones, as his mind drifted to his women.

'I can't feel them.' He found it weird, why he couldn't feel the connection he had with his women since his system was now back online. But the thing he found more disturbing, was the fact that he couldn't talk to snow also.

At first when he woke up, he had tried reaching out to snow via his mind but she didn't respond. Even though he could clearly see his system was back online, and he could even feel his skills were active. He didn't know why his system was acting strange ever since he got to the cave, but he guessed the vampire had something to do with his predicament.

And he wasn't stupid to confront the vampire, even though he badly wanted to. As he still didn't know what was going through his mind.

He took a glance at the vampire, and could see he was sound asleep. Kyle couldn't just figure the vampire, at first glance he could see he had a calm aura but looking deeper, he knew he was hiding something.

'i wonder what Lilith and the others are doing.' To be honest he would've never agreed to splitting apart from his women, and embarking on this sucidal training if not for his demon wife, and her strange reasons. It felt like ages since he last saw them, and he knew they weren't in trouble, because Lilith was with them which gave him a bit of relief.

Thinking about all the fun times he'd with them, made his little brother go up in excitement.

'i'll make sure I punish that little succubus.' Kyle grinned as the gentle breeze blew his hair. He couldn't help but curse his luck again for being this unfortunate, as he was basically on the run for his life.

He wasn't strong enough to protect himself, not to mention his women and the thought of that made his head hurt. He'd just become a demon about a week ago, and discovered a new life which he found fun. Until he learned of the fact that the mythical legend, which was the'demon lord' was after his life.

"Lucifer." He said clenching his fist hard.

[Killing intent: 40]

The name 'Lucifer' sent an unsettling feeling in his heart, which made him imagine negative thoughts hence making his killing intent rise.

[Killing intent: 50]

[Killing intent: 60]

He knew he wasn't a threat to Lucifer, since he couldn't even beat the lowest ranked demon. And the thought of that made his blood boil more.

[Killing intent: 70]

[Killing intent: 80]

He was leveling up fast thanks to the help of Vladimir and his women, but it wasn't enough to stop Lucifer. He would have to push beyond his limits, and rise above the ranks of demons to stand a chance against Lucifer. Which meant he would have to fight, and kill more beasts and beings higher than him to evolve faster, which seemed impossible to do in the short time he had.

[Killing intent: 90]

[Killing intent: 100]

'I promise I'll kill you Lucifer even if it's the last thing I do.' Kyle vowed in his heart, as a crazy sinister grin was plastered over his face. The thought of him severing Lucifer's head kept playing in his mind, as he shut his eyes.

'This boy..'

Vladimir smiled sensing the inourmours amount of killing intent, being released by Kyle. The thought of his student feeling this rage, gave him a sense of pleasure and fright, which made his body shudder in excitement.


The atmosphere in the cave was a bit warm indicating it was morning time, as the duo had come out of the cave through a small hole, and we're now walking through the dark foggy forests of vaanderwood.

'the air's a bit denser than usual today.' Kyle muttered. It didn't affect him that much since he was now used to the environment, but it still made his breath a bit rough.

'He's not even affected in the slightest.' Kyle could see Vladimir walking carefreely with a creepy smile on his face. He wondered where the vampire was taking him, as he had asked Vladimir where they were headed, but the bloodsucker didn't say a word.

"We're almost there." Vladimir suddenly blurted out.

"And where are we going?" Asked Kyle perplexed but the vampire didn't respond, and just kept on walking which made Kyle frown. He knew the vampire was strange, but he was actinge more strangely today.

'i wonder what his deal is.'

They had walked a considerable amount of steps, when Kyle could finally see something up ahead. It looked like a small hut with wooden windows and door. And on the roof was a chimney, where the thick dark smoke surfaced.

"Weird." Kyle muttered, looking at the little hair on his arm which had now risen. He had his guard up ready for anything, as they were just inches away from the door to the hut, when he sensed a strange presence inside which gave him goosebumps.

"What's in there?"


"What do you think you're doing?" Lilith said, staring at kimi who was walking towards the door.

"Getting away from you crazy that's all." Kimi shrugged not stopping.

"D-did you just call me crazy." Lilith said with a smile, but looking deeper one could see her eyes were twitching when she spoke.

Akemi and yua watched as the two beauty's argued like little children, none dared to interfere between the two, as they didn't want to receive a backlash.

Susan and the other women also watched in a corner as Lilith and kimi argued. They weren't in a position to interfere, both because they were already a burden, and they were sure as hell not going to pass their boundaries.

Kimi then stopped in her tracks, turning round with a sinister grin planted on her face. Her confidence was quite high as she calmly spoke, not showing any signs of fear in the slightest way.

"I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were deaf as well it's a shame my Kyle took you as one of his women."

"Y-your Kyle.. haha! I was his first woman." Lilith proudly proclaimed puffing her chest like a proud champion boasting of her trophy.

"Hmm." Kimi chuckled slightly shaking her head.

"And what's funny?"

"The fact that you think you're so special."

"Even though you may be Kyle's first woman it doesn't mean you're his favourite." Kimi smirked which made akemi laugh a bit, as she thought of the times she'd with Kyle. but a cold stare from Lilith sent chills down her spine.

"Ha! What do you mean by not his favourite unlike you that was disvirgin he and I signed a contract which makes us legally bound."

"C-contract? As long as there's no ring on your finger you're just like any of us." The atmosphere in the room was getting more intense, as the two women argued each proving valuable points, while the others watched.

The truth was since kyle left, the women were frightened at first finding themselves in a strange place, but Lilith told them everything that happened excluding the system part. Of course they were all scared at first some even fainted, but eventually they slowly accepted the truth and patiently awaited Kyle's return.

Everything was going on fine, though not all was happy with this especially kimi, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to confront lilith.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Yua gently whispered into akemi's ear. They could tell the argument was becoming more aggressive, and they feared kimi might say something which would trigger Lilith's anger, and make her lose it and unknowingly hurt kimi. But before either could step in, their fears were already coming to past.

"Ring? What the hell do you know about love! You're just an overprotective dirty little human who had sex with her nephew." Lilith screamed. she didn't know why, but it just felt like kimi spoke the truth which hurt her.

"What do you mean I wasn't even awake."

"Oh don't you lie you might be able to fool Kyle but you can't fool me."

"W-well at least am a human we make mistakes but aren't you meant to be perfect since you're a demon! And you claim I had sex with Kyle well at least I did what I could to help him other pretending to help him while you hurt him." Kimi snapped, her once calm behavior had turned into rage. one could even see a vein, bulging on her forehead as she spoke.

"I-i would never hurt Kyle."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that even though you don't know it ever since you met Kyle was the day you started hurting him."

"B-but that's not true I l-ove him." Lilith stuttered, her voice was a bit shaky as her dark eyes began to water up. She had been trying to control her emotions, but the feelings she felt now we're just too much. It wasn't a lie that she loved Kyle, but she couldn't also deny that kimi had a point. She had be so conjured in her plans to make Kyle stronger, that she didn't know she was indirectly hurting him.

Afterall Kyle was just a normal teenage human boy, whom she fell in love with about a week ago, while kimi was his aunt he had known for most his life.

"N-no." Lilith screamed in her mind, as she fell to her knees droplets of tears gently flowed down her cheeks. Her mind was a mess right now, as she imagined Kyle leaving her which made her lose control.

"S-shit." All the women were flung in all directions of the room, as Lilith aura was slowly being released. The amount of force and power it carried was terrifying, that made all the women paralyzed and gasping for air.

"L-il-ith." Yua barely managed to let out. she could see Lilith was facing downwards, her consciousness lost. She couldn't stand, let alone reach Lilith.

'I-i have to get t-o her.' Yua thought, as they barely had minutes before the air was sucked out from them.