
The bright rays from the sun shone down illuminating everywhere. The atmosphere was a bit hotter than usual, as the numerous civilians strolled by each heading to their own business.

"Calm down xia am sure he's fine." A man who looked like he was in his mid thirties said, gently tapping the shoulder of a woman who looked just slightly younger.

"C-calm down? How could you tell me to calm down it's been past a month since we've seen him." Xia angrily replied, still hastely walking forward with a frown on her face.

These two were none other than Kyle's parents. They had expected Kyle's return about a month ago, but he never came. They had tried texting and calling both his and Kimi's cell, but it never went through. So they boarded a plane to Japan, and are currently on their way to Kimi's house.

"Kimi Kimi open the-" the door slowly creaked backwards, indicating it was open. They were both surprised, as they stared at the open door. It was strange that the door was left open, because one of the things they knew about Kimi was she never left the door open.

"Kyle! Kimi!" They yelled as they searched the house. The sitting room was nicely clean and tidy, as there were no signs of bulgary or vandalism.

They then checked the kitchen, bathrooms, and made their way upstairs.

"Something doesn't feel right." Xia muttered as they checked the rooms. They found some of Kyle and Kimi's clothes littered on the floor,but still no signs of Kyle and kimi.

"We should call the police they've probably been kidnapped and tortured or worse!" Xia panicked fearing the worst. She could feel her heart pounding against her chest, as she couldn't bear to see anything bad happen to Kyle or Kimi,or her heart would explode.

"Hey hey hey." Ron held his wife warmly in his embrace, as he gently brushed her hair. "I promise you we'll find them." He softly spoke, as his hands caressed her shoulders.

"Sighs o-ok." Xia sighed a bit relieved.

Ron saw that xia seemed to have calmed down a bit , hearing those words from him. He knew how emotional his wife could get, especially towards family.

"Kyle where are you." He softly whispered as he checked his phone.

"That's weird there's no signal." Before they entered the house, he saw his phone had network coverage, but now there wasn't even a single bar.

"Thanks." She gently kissed Ron's cherks to which he smiled, as they continued their search through the rooms.

They were about giving up hope, as there were no clues or signs to where Kimi and Kyle might've gone. Until they entered the last room, at the far left side of the house.

Just ahead of them sat a young female, who looked to be in her early twenties. She had short dark hair that were folded into two buns, and she wore a simple t-shirt and trousers.

'who's she?' Xia and Ron wondered, staring at the young female who had her head faced down.

Xia senses were on high alert as she saw this lady, thinking it might be one of the highjackers. She carefully picked up a lamp, not wanting to attract the attention of the strange female. Ron also held a small mirror, not wanting to be too careful.

They weren't just going to blindly attack her, cause they were careful not to fall into a trap if there were any.

"Who are you!" Xia yelled unafraid, but the latter didn't even move her head still bent downwards.

"Xia maybe we should just leave and call for backup." Ron whispered, but xia wasn't listening. She wanted answers, and she was going to get them.

"I said who are you!" Xia yelled once more, but still the latter didn't budge. Xia was starting to get impatient, as even a vein could be seen budging on her forehead.

Before Ron could react xia had already moved from her position, and walked steadily to the unknown female.

As she approached, she could clearly see the lady holding one of Kyle's clothing. Which further added to her suspicions, of her being one of the highjackers.

"What have you done with Kyle and Kimi!" Immediately xia said the word 'kyle', the strange female abruptly raised her head revealing her face.

"I-i can't move." Xia muttered, staring at the beautiful young female's face. She couldn't fell her body anymore, like it had suddenly been paralysed.

Ron saw xia suddenly stop as the stranger raised her head, which meant something was wrong. He didn't think twice, and immediately rushed forward to aid xia. But he was immediately stopped in his track, and lifted to the air.

"Hm-hmm." The young female chuckled gently as she stood up.

"I can tell you two must be his parents." She said in a soft voice, that contained some bit of darkness.

"Wh- where is k-yle." Xia barely managed to get those words out.

"Don't worry I haven't done anything to him, well at least not yet."

"And I promise you'll be joining each other very soon." An evil smile was planted on her face, as her eyesglowed dark red. An ice cold sensation was sent to xia's spine, as she stared at this lady who was clearly not human.

For the first time in her life, xia was afraid. But it wasn't for Kyle, it was for her own life.


Kyle and Vladimir were currently in the inn at a small bar. They had immediately drawn attention as they stepped in, but it didn't last long as the fox people went back to their business.

Vladimir had ordered a strange type of drink which was unknown to Kyle, as they sat down on a tall stool. Kyle could see the room was filled with a bunch of one tailed foxes, which he could handle if need be.

As to why they were in this inn, well the vampire had told Kyle right before they stepped in they were here to meet someone, and to not look them in the eye.

He found it strange why the vampire seemed serious about it, but he sure as hell wasn't going to disobey.

Kyle saw that the foxes would occasionally stare at him for a while, before averting their gaze. He wasn't fazed by this, cause he could take them all out and not hold back like before.

Bam! The door of the inn was slammed open, as a hooded figure made it's way towards the bar. Kyle noticed that the one tailed foxes quivered away, not daring to stay close to the huge hooded figure.

'that must be the one.' Kyle gently muttered, as the hooded figure slowly approached them with authority.

"Kronox! Kra tac ma cre." The vampire smiled, speaking a foreign language as he embraced the former. Kyle had his head lowered slightly as Vladimir said.

"Grun duc te." The hooded figure spoke in a deep voice, and then proceeded to sit besides Vladimir.

"Br-oc tam b-re." The one tailed fox waiter, shakily asked the large hooded figure. But he regretted that, cause the next instant he was flung to the other side of the bar, his head crushed to bits.

"Gran nam tec kar!" The hooded figure roared so loud that the inn shook.

"Kronox kronox nam uc tar!"

"Mar ack tubler!" Kronox roared again, this time charging forward at the shocked foxes. He grabbed the one closest to him, and crushed it's head with it's bare hands.

The one tailed foxes were snapped out of their daze, by the death of another. They had two options either fight or run. The second wasn't useful, as they knew the figure wouldn't let them leave alive.

A fox, tried to use it's speed to strike a spear to the head of the figure but was stopped mid-way. As the figure caught the spear closing the gap, and a fist was sent straight to the Foxe's skull.

Boom! A small explosion was created, as the fist connected to the fox brain. It didn't stand a chance, as fragments of brain tissues and bones were sent everywhere.

The other foxes watched in horror, at how brutal their comrade had just been killed. The adrenaline rushing through their veins, immediately went numb.

"Ha ha ha!" The figure laughed frantically continuing it's killing spree.

Kyle was left dumbfounded at what he was witnessing right now. The sheer power this being contained was terrifying, and the way it moved so fast despite it's huge body was astonishing.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Kronox moved with precision killing everything in it's path. It wouldn't take a minute, before he was done killing every fox in the inn.

As if on instinct, Kyle caught hold in one of the fix people clutching at his leg. The eyes of the creature was void of life, as his comrade fell. Looking at the fox it was half dead, as it was missing it's lower body.

"H-help us" the fox man spoke his last words, before dropping dead to the floor. And as if that wasn't enough, Kyle heard a familiar ding in his head.

[Quest received]

[Defeat the crockdite: a wild crockdite mainly known for it's super-strong skin, and strength has engaged in a wild rampage. The fox people have asked for your help to defeat the crockdite.]

[Quest reward: level up three times (unlock a new skill)]

[Quest failure: -2 level]

"What the-" Kyle was lost for words. Just when he thought things weren't more crazy, his system gave him a quest.

He could either choose to accept the quest and fight the crockdite. and if he win, he'd level up three times and even unlock a new skill. Though this reward looked like a once in a lifetime opportunity, he was not going to rusk his life again.

And there was the penalty he had to pay, if he failed or didn't accept the quest. His level would go down two times. Just thinking of how hard, he struggled to level up and the thought of him losing it didn't sit well with him.

"Shit! That new skill better be worth it." Kyle said gritting his teeth, he had no other choice than to accept the quest.

"Hey idiot!" Kyle shouted holding his dual blades in his hand, looking straight at kronox. Meanwhile, the latter had now stopped and was staring straight at Kyle.

The vampire seeing this had a smile on his face.

"Dak un tar callnge!" Vladimir shouted to kronox. The latter the pulled off its hood, revealing it's horrifyingly huge razor teeth's, along with it's thick scally skin.

"Men tam umb callnge!" Kronox shouted a devilish smile plastered all over his face.

"Vladimir what did you tell him." Kyle whispered, cause he could see kronox was way more pissed than before.

"Oh! I just told him that he's a failure and you challenged him to a duel to the death." The vampire non-challantly said.

"What! I didn't say that." Kyle frowned.

"Well you were acting it." Vladimir sarcastically said. "Oh! And I can't help you out this time."


"Well a long time ago the bloodsucker race signed a peace treaty with the crockdites so we basically can't kill, harm or interface with one another's affair or it would cause a clash."

"W-why didn't you say so before I got all heroic." Kyle felt like he was on thin ice right now, and Vladimir was poking his heart with a spear.

"Skipped my mind!" The vampire slyly chuckled. "Don't worry Kyle you got this." He smiled taking a sip from his weird drink.

"Yeah easy for you to say." Kyle rolled his eyes at the vampire.


Kronox roar snapped Kyle from his gaze, as the huge crockdite came charging towards him, with blood in his eyes.

"Well I guess I won't be needing this." Kyle said, removing the hooded cloak covering his face.

"It's now or never." He said as the brawl was about to begin.