New skill

[Skill activated]

[Skill activated]

Kyle had activated two skills as he rushed forward into the fight. He quickly threw multiple dark flames at the incoming kronox, while constantly moving around the room. He had a simple but yet strategic plan.

He was going to use the dark flames to stun the crocodile. He wasn't sure his flames would cause much damage to it's skin, as he still didn't know how hard it's skin was.

And he knew he couldn't go close to the crocodile to combat, as he still wasn't skilled with fighting and swords. So this was the best plan he came up with, preserving his energy and stamina.

Swoosh! Bam! Bam!

Everytime a dark flames hit the crocodile's skin, it would produce a small bang sound the disappear into thin air. There was a frown on Kyle's face seeing this. Though his plan seemed good and untouchable, he didn't know how long he could keep this up. As it was just a matter before he got caught.

"Clever boy." Vladimir nodded his head understanding Kyle's plan.

"Dam uck." Kronox roared in frustration, as he stared at Kyle's moving body with bloodshot eyes. Raising his right foot, he then stomped it hard to the ground sending a table upwards.

"Shit!" Kyle said looking at the table, just inches away from colliding with his body. He couldn't slash the table, so he barely moved his body to the side avoiding the table.

"Watch out Kyle!" Kyle heard Vladimir's voice, but he couldn't think next as a fist was moving directly towards his face.

"Fuck!" He cursed his luck. He had been distracted by the table, that he took took his eyes off kronox which cost him dearly.

He couldn't do anything to stop or avoid the fist. So closing his eyes, he crossed his dual blades in front of his head as he braced for impact.


A small explosion took place as Kyle body was flying outwards the inn a few meters away, breaking the wooden door in the process. Kronox then glanced a grin at the shocked vampire before rushing outside.

[Critical hit!]

[User ribs has been broken]


"Argh! You didn't have to rub it in." Kyle said annoyed at his system. He knew hadn't sensed him yet but he knew he was no match for kronox, as the latter was just terrifyingly strong. Kyle saw he had used about 20 points of his demon energy, which was what he expected. He had chosen mainly to use dark flames, to conserve his energy.

[Hp: 70/100]

"Damn! That blow took away 20 percent of my HP." Kyle said looking at his stats. If he took that more of kronox blow, he would be dead for sure in no moment.

"K-Kyle get up!" A familiar voice suddenly resounded so loudly in his ears. He didn't have time to respond to snow, as the ground beneath him started rumbling. That's when he saw the rampaging crocodile up ahead coming to him with full speed, as a trail of small rocks were chucked up in the air.

Gritting his teeth, Kyle pushed beyond the pain he was feeling now to survive. Using his speed to evade kronox just in time, before the latter came head first into the rock behind Kyle.


Dust and pieces of debris flew everywhere. Kyle was expecting that impact to have an effect on the large predator, but when the dust settled he received a shock. The latter was stunned a bit for 3 sec, but quickly regained itself. While the rock where kronox head hit was cracked in half. The huge crocodile standing on its feet as if it didn't suffer any damage.

Roar! With a loud roar, kronox lept high in the air causing a small crater of 3meters. Kyle saw this as an opportunity, and wanted to use death's call on kronox while he was still mid-air.

"Don't Kyle it's skin is too thick for your skills to have an effect." Snow reasonably said in her usual monotone voice.

"Well if my skills doesn't have an effect what am I supposed to do? It's not like this thing has a weakness." Kyle said rolling his eyes.

"Every living thing has a weakness Kyle you just haven't been paying attention." That's when it hit Kyle. He had been such an idiot that he'd focused on fighting kronox, that he'd forgotten to to check for a weakness.

"Even though the crocodites has an amount of strength and may seem invincible they still have a weakness." Snow continued as Kyle dodged a tail to his ribs, then using the blade in his left hand to slash vertically at kronox back.


"So where's the weakness snow!" Kyle yelled impatient.

"The head Kyle aim for the center of it's head!" Snow yelled in his head and with that Kyle now had a chance to win.

"Interesting." Vladimir muttered from a few meters watching Kyle and kronox fight. He saw the tactics Kyle was using, momentarily staying on the defense and waiting for an open spot to strike.

The vampire couldn't help but praise Kyle's instinct, even though the latter still lacked combat experience.

""Gram nak tu!" Kronox roared in frustration as his hand's missed Kyle's head, and smashed a boulder into bits instead. Even though he had incredible strength and speed, Kyle was a bit faster than him slipping away from his attacks.

Kronox sent a fist to Kyle's chest, but the latter dodged shoving his blade to the side of kronox. The blade didn't pierce through like expected, stopping mid-way to kronox guts.

"Shit!" Kyle had to leave the blade stock to kronox guts, and evade a kick to his side. But the next instance, kronox swung his huge tail straight 5o Kyle's chest.

Phough! P-hough~

Kyle coughed up mouthful of blood as he was flung to the side. It felt like a huge trailer came crashing down on his chest, as kronox whipped him hard.

[Hp: 40/100]

The fight had taken a drastic turn in an instant, as Kyle crashed to the ground. He was fairing well against the crockdite a sec ago, until the latter turned the tables around with it's huge tail.

Kyle felt a few bones broken in his chest as he struggled to stand to his feet, resolve in his eyes. With a wicked smile kronox shot himself like a rocket, a loud bang erupted as his feet left the floor. Trailing dust and little stones behind him.

"Kyle on my signal jump!" Snow yelled. Kyle didn't know what she was planning, but he needed all the help he could get right now.

Just as kronox was close, Kyle stomped his feet chucking his body above kronox, before using his blade to slash down at the latter left eye. Before delivering a heel kick to his head mid-air.

Kronox roared in pain as a sharp stinging sensation struck his brain, green blood flowed down his empty eye socket. Kyle seeing the huge kronox bleed made him feel a sense of relief, as adrenaline coursed through his veins. Now that he had tasted blood, he wasn't going to let kronox rest for a bit.

[Killing intent: 60]

[Killing intent: 70]

Kyle's eye glowed bright red as he shot out with speed. he could feel his stamina had taken a huge toll, as he was constantly moving but he couldn't give up now. He had a whole lot of xxx points, so he wasn't bothered to spend 20 of it rejuvenating his stamina.

Swoosh! Clang! Slash!

Kyle moved swiftly not stopping in the slightest, as he slashed kronox body. The latter tried to grab hold if Kyle and land a hit, but couldn't as the demon kept slashing and dashing.

Kyle felt like he was slashing at a wall as kronox skin was just not easy to cut through, even though he was using his full strength. And the cut marks weren't that deep enough, to inflict damage on the latter.

Kronox had his hand on his head, as he used his tail to defend against Kyle's attack. But Kyle just kept on slashing using his full strength, and constantly reproducing his stamina.

[Killing intent: 100]

[Killing intent: 120]

"Dam um tar"

"Mesh fembar"

Vladimir could see the few fox people left had now now gathered beside him, as they watched Kyle with hope in their eyes cheering him on.

"This boy~" Vladimir smiled. He couldn't help but be a bit jealous of Kyle, seeing how the fix people praised him. He had taken a lot of beating, and still continued fighting an opponent which was way stronger than him. Even though the vampire didn't show it, he had a healthy respect for Kyle.

Boom! Boom! Bang! Bang!

Kyle continued with his onslought. He could now see that the wounds on the areas he'd kept on striking had gotten deeper, drawing out more green blood from kronox.

He didn't know how long his stamina would last before he couldn't use stamina regeneration anymore, so he planned to end this quick. Kronox was being pushed back into a Conner by Kyle, while blocking his head. He felt enraged and insulted at how this insect kept on hurting him. So in a desperate move, he opened his large teeth and chomped down hard caging Kyle's left hand.

"Fuck!" Kyle screamed in pain, as he could feel the bones in his arms snapping. So in a desperate move, he plunged the sword hard into the neck of kronox.

Kyle's attack hurt kronox a bit as he'd now let go of his arm, but the damage had already been done. Kyle then clutched his arm in pain as it was numb, but was sent to a nearby tree by the huge creatures tail.

Kyle was bleeding from head to toe as he laid on the tree. he could feel his body wasn't healing as it was suppose to, because of the constant wounds he sustained. His body was a mess as he was stained with his own blood , parts if his rib and arm bones broken. He was left defenseless, as his two blades were still stuck in kronox body.

He could see the crockdite had shot himself upwards to his location. He knew it would be the end of it for him, if kronox caught him with that attack.

"M-ove." He weakly muttered but he couldn't feel some parts if his body, and his stamina was almost drained that he could barely stand. There wasn't much he could do as kronox came descending fast on him, until a screen popped up in his head.


"It's the only way Kyle." Snow said her voice a bit shaky. She knew Kyle was on his last leg, and she couldn't stay and do nothing. So she brought out Kyle's last line of defense. And without thinking twice, Kyle activated it spending his remaining demon energy.

[Demon transformation occuring]

"Argh!" Kyle screamed as his body started transforming. Small dark horns grew from his forehead, as his body got bigger to the size of kronox. His flesh was replaced with a much harder dark skin, as his eyes got a more darker red.

Kronox seeing this mid-air was shocked, at how fast Kyle transformed to this state. He looked at the sinister creature, which sent chills down his body and he couldn't help but mention one word.


The demon smiled seeing the fear on kronox face and in the blink if an eye, the demon stomped hard shooting his body to kronox, closing the gap in an instant.


Kronox didn't have time to think, as he was sent higher to the air with a blow to the chest. Kyle in his demon state didn't let kronox rest as he kept higher with speed, delivering a kick to kronox guts sending him down with a bang.


There was a huge crater were kronox landed, as Kyle then using the momentum of his fall to slam both his fist downwards in a hammer strike, sending him more faster. Kronox seeing this, wasn't stupid enough to wait for Kyle as herolled to the side.


The ground shook a bit as Kyle landed, enlarging the crater. Kronox didn't hesitate to send a fist with full force, but Kyle was more faster as he also sent a fist of his own.


There was a test of power as the fists collided. Kyle was shook back a bit, while kronox stayed still. The crockdite couldn't believe it's eyes, this boy had managed to match his strength.

Roar! Enraged kronox went on a wild rampage throwing out fists, and using his tail to whip Kyle. Kronox knew he'd to be careful now that Kyle was in this state, or it could cost him. As kronox fist hit Kyle the latter wasn't sent flying back like before, he sent a fist instead dealing damage to kronox.

Numerous boom sounds would go off as the two power houses clashed. Vladimir and the few foxes watched with wide eye, how the tides had turned in favour of Kyle.

It had been 10 minutes since Kyle transformed. He could see kronox movements were now slowing down with each punch, as his legs was starting to give out.

Kyle seeing this then swiped his leg at kronox ankle, with such speed that it cut through the air.

"Argh!" A bone snap was heard as kronox screamed in pain. Kyle then kneaded the crockdite chest sending him down to one knee, before sending a punch to his head which the latter barely dodged by rolling away.

In the nick of time kronox saw his life flash before his eyes. He wasn't going to let Kyle go for that attack again. The crocodile then tried to use it's tail to hit Kyle ribs, but the latter blocked and sent a fist to flkronox head.

As the fist was close kronox opened it's wide power jaw instead, and bit Kyle's hand again. But Kyle with lightning fast movement, used the momentum to send a kick to kronox head.


There was aloud explosion as Kyle kicked kronox head. The crockdite head didn't stand a chance against Kyle powerful kick, as it exploded to bits. It slowly released it's grip on Kyle's arm as it fell to the floor.


Kyle then released a roar of his own, as he stomped what was left of kronox head. He then looked at Vladimir with his blood red eyes, and for once Vladimir felt fear.