killing two birds with one stone

It was now 20 minutes, as the duration of Kyle's transformation skill had now elapsed. He then slowly reverted back into his human form.

"Mhm." He let out a weak moan as his body fell to the ground, but was quickly caught by vladimr who appeared besides him. The vampire could still see the bruises Kyle sustained, as they were healing very slowly.

"You don't cease to surprise me." Vladimir smiled, to which Kyle also smiled meakly. Even in his transformed state, he still got more bruises and pain from kronox attacks. But the pains he sustained in his transformed state weren't that much, than in his human form.

"I-is he de-ad?" Kyle asked weakly.

"Well his brain is all over the the floor so that's a yes." Vladimir smiled as he slowly helped Kyle up to his feet, they then made their way back to the inn. Up ahead, Kyle could see the remaining fox people staring at him strangely. But it wasn't in a bad way, as their eyes were filled with that of gratitude.

"They now see you as their saviour." Vladimir broke the ice, clearing Kyle of his doubts. Kyle couldn't believe it, just a moment ago he'd killed some if their kind and now, he'd just helped them fight a battle. Never in his wildest dreams would he have ever imagined him, being an outsider and then turning into a saviour in just a few minutes.

"Kram na Kyle!"

"Kram na Kyle!"

The fox people praised Kyle bowing their head's, which made Kyle feel a bit guilty.

"Duc nam sa." One of the foxmen said presenting him with a bronze scroll. Kyle didn't need a translation, to understand that this was a thank you gift for defeating kronox. He didn't want to be rude by refusing to accept the gift, and not to mention the fact that he earned it. So nodding his head, he then took the folded scroll.

Opening it he didn't understand the content of the scroll, as it was written in a strange language. He wanted to buy omnibulgism ability, but he didn't have to as a screen popped up in his head.

[Light combat skill(basic): bestowed as a gift from the fox people this skill enables the user to learn basic light combat skills and also increases the user agility by 12. (Note: user can perform flash kill a number of 2 times.)]

Looking at the skill description Kyle was blown away. Just for a basic grade skill the benefits were undeniable great. He also saw that the skill was passive, which meant he didn't have to spend any points to activate it.

[Would user like to learn skill?]


"Wow." Snow softly said in Kyle's head, looking at the skill description. Kyle could see snow was excited and so was he.

"I know right." Kyle happily said telepathically. He hadn't forgotten about the skill the system gave him, when he killed kronox as the screen flashed before his eyes. Kyle wasn't going to learn the skill here, as he feared it might vanish into tiny particles. And he didn't want to cause any suspiciousness for himself, so he was going to wait for the right time and learn the skill, along with the other unlocked skill.

Vladimir then spoke some words to the fox people to which they cheered, as the duo slowly left into the thick dark forests of vaanderwood. As they walked, Kyle could see the vampire was staring at him suspiciously, from time to time and he couldn't help but think twice as to why.

"I guess you must be wandering how I transformed." Kyle suddenly spoke breaking the ice. Vladimir seemed a bit taken aback by that, but he kept his calm normal composure.

"No." Vladimir said which left Kyle shocked. "Even though you managed to transform into your demon state at an early stage." He paused as he stared at Kyle, recollecting the stare he received from Kyle in his demon state.

"It isn't that impressive." Vladimir said shaking his head slightly. "What was strange was how you managed to dodge most of kronox attacks." Vladimir said with a serious expression, which made Kyle feel weary.

"W-what do you mean I was getting crushed out there if I hadn't transformed I would've been dead by now." Kyle spoke with a hint of anger, which made the vampire let out an awkward grin. The bloodsucker didn't speak a word again, as he kept on walking touching the little grasses around.

"Why does it feel like he didn't buy that." Kyle muttered looking at vlaimir. He knew the vampire was intelligent, and cunning enough not to buy his little lie. But for some reason, the latter backed down and didn't ask again. well at least for now.

The truth was before Kyle had fought kronox in the inn. He wasn't going to take any chances, as he immediately bought the skill 'kirlin eyes' which granted him futuristic eyesight. Though the skill granted him to see a bit into the future, it was still lacking by a margin. He didn't reply entirely on it as he battled the crockdite, constantly keeping his distance and waiting for an opportunity.

"So where are we headed." Kyle asked, cause they were about reaching the town in vaanderwood.

"You young man are heading home~" Vladimir said with a smile.


Inside a hut just a bit outside the outskirts of vaanderwood, one could see groups of beautiful young women inside. It was intriguing how many women were in this hut, that made one question if this was a bar or club.

The beauty's inside were all sitted chatting away, that they didn't know when the door of the hut was slammed open. As a young teenage boy with dark hair entered, a wide smile planted on his face.

"Daddy's home." Kyle said snapping them from their little talk, as all their attention went straight to him. Their eyes were filled with tears and complicated emotions, as they stared at the person who had been gone for ages.

Lilith was the first to react, as she sprinted to Kyle like an hyena going for it's prey.

"Kyle!" She cried out, as she hugged him dearly her soft skin firmly pressing against his. Kyle's body hadn't fully healed yet as he was still in pain, but he didn't dare to say a word to ruin this reunion that felt like a lifetime.

"Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!" Kimi was the second to rush in, followed by akemi and yua as Kyle hugged them warmly. The other five women watched with complicated emotions in their eyes, as they saw Kyle.

The hug lasted for about five minutes without breaking, before they finally let go and helped him sit on the bed, with them also sitting besides him.

"So did anything interesting happen while I was gone?" Kyle asked softly.

"Er-r~" they all stuttered a bit scratching their head's.

"N-no nothing." Kimi was the one to reply first with a smile, winking at the succubus Lilith to which she also winked back.

"Strange." Kyle muttered, he could clearly see they were hiding something from him. But he didn't bother much about it, as he just wanted to spend some quality time with his women.

"What about you why are you hurt this badly did that blood sucker do anything funny." Lilith puffed her cheeks angrily.

"Haha!" Kyle laughed cheerfully than usual. He then proceeded to tell them all about his adventures with Vladimir. How he killed an epic tier lava lizard, with the help of Vladimir along with a giant crocodile.

"What." Kyle asked looking at their faces. he could see that their mouths were dropped wide open, including his demon wife.

The others only had a small imagination of what Kyle said, since the hadn't fought before. But Lilith knew the situation Kyle passed through, and she couldn't help but notice Kyle's aura had changed a lot from a week ago.

"Woah! You fought a crocodile." Yua said with surprise. She had just met Kyle a while ago, and didn't know much about him. But she didn't think he would be this crazy enough, to fight a freaking crocodile.

Kimi then quickly went and brought some hot water with a towel in it, as she then used it to massage Kyle's body as the other women pulled his clothes.

"Mhmm." Kyle let out a soft moan as the hot water came in contact with his chest, along with the soft sensation he felt as Lilith, akemi and yua rubbed his body with some ointments. He couldn't but let out a smile as he'd missed this kind of feeling. The way they made him feel like a king, returning from war right now was just priceless.

He was enjoying the feeling so much, that he didn't know when his mind drifted off I to slumber. Lilith with the help of the others, then carefully laid him on the bed as they went to perform their different chores.


The sun shined warmly down to the green grass, as the people if onwood strolled by. One didn't need to look, to notice that there were looks of concern on the people's faces. Some if them were whispering words to each other , about an incident that was not to be taken lightly.

"I can't believe they still haven't found her." A woman who wore a dress made if simple fabric whispered to another.

"Yeah it's been about a week now since she left."

"Rumours say she didn't like being locked up in the palace that's why she ran away to vaanderwood." The man meakly said making sure none of the guards heard him.

People kept in spreading all sorts of rumours about the princess disappearance, while guards patrolled the streets. The atmosphere in onwood, had been heavy latelysince the princess disappeared. As the king had reinforced the city with more guards and magic.

Curfews were being set up and the people had to undergo what they called a census count, every day before it got dark.

Just a bit outside the city of onwood was where the massive castle stood, as it was meant for only royals. A small carriage slowly made it's way to the castle gates, as a gurlard came rushing to it. Immediately the guard saw the person inside, he immediately commanded the gates open as the carriage strolled to the huge porch if the castle.

A young man with grey hair slowly stepped out of the carriage, as he then lazily walked to the insides of the castle. After passing through the heavily armed guards. Inside the sitting room sat the king onward and his wife hayley, with worried expression on their faces

But seeing sur knuc approaching, gave them a glimpse of hope as they sprung to their feets.

"Did you find her knuc?" The king and queen asked with weary eyes, hoping for a glimmer of hope. When their dreams were crushed, as knuc gently shook his head.

"Am sorry your majesty but we searched far and wide outside onwood but found no traces of her anywhere." Knuc spoke with regret in his voice.

Bam! Onwood smashed a table to bits with his hand. He'd been trying to keep his emotions in check, but he couldn't anymore after a week had passed and still no signs of Elise.

"Prepare the guards we set out for vaanderwood at dawn." Onwood said with a deep voice. Knuc's eye went wide as onward said this, never in his life would he have thought the king would say those words. Nodding his head he then slightly bowed before heading out of the castle.

"Y-you don't think she's there right?" Hayley said with teary eyes. She was having a hard time controlling herself, as she kept on imagining positive thoughts.

"I don't know honey but I promise you we'll find her and bring her back." Onward vowed as he embraced his wife in his arms. Only one thought kept crossing his head, as he stared out the window.


A hooded figure walked through the small town of vaanderwood, as there were other foxmen tailing behind the fugure. The figure was slowly making it's way through the market stalls, in hope to lose the heat on it's tail. But the fox people clearly had better eyesight than this individual, as they continued following along.

The figure knew it wasn't going to lose the foxmen so it did something strange. The figure then followed a diverted path, luring the foxmen to the dark forest of vaanderwood, stopping in it's track.

"Why are you following me." A soft female voice spoke from the cloak.

"Hahaha!" The three foxmen laughed, as they stared at the figure whom remained in her position.

"What's a person from onwood doing here." One of the foxmen growled.

"Hm-hmm" the figure chuckled slightly. "Well I guess I wouldn't be needing this anymore." The female figure said pulling off her hood, and revealing her long cyan hair.

It had been a few days since Elise arrived in vaanderwood, as she was keeping a low profile and exploring around. But it seems trouble didn't stay away from her long, as these three picked up interest in her and started following her.

She had been dodging them for a few days now, and when she finally thought she'd lost them, they emerged again and kept on tailing her.

She was fed up and tired of running, so she decided to take the bull by the horns and confront them today.

"They don't recognize me." She said as she saw they were still staring at her confused. But it didn't matter to her if they recognized her or not, she was going to show them how aggressive a princess could be.