planet evolution?

"Am glad you asked that question." Falcon smiled gazing over at Kyle. She was quite perpelled about this young man, as everything about him seemed strange. When she shoved drago away she could feel his inquisitive eyes staring at her, she didn't show it because she wanted him to see more.

"But!" She smiled softly. "Before I tell you I also have a question for you." Falcon gently spoke, her eyes still fixated on him. Kyle could see her mind was analyzing some things about him, as she stood there.

"Am your prisoner, I don't really have a choice now do I." Kyle sarcastically said with a cold expression, lifting the chains up a little indicating he was defenseless.

"Well I guess that's true in a way. But no matter what everyone still has their choice in the end." Falcon spoke in a soothing voice. Kyle couldn't help but guess why she acted this way, the way she acted right now was just to jovial. even though she was a three tailed fox, she never for once used force on them to talk or anything. Instead she was treating them like an insider, that had committed a simple mistake.

"So can I?" She playfully asked, placing her hands together begging Kyle. The latter just slowly nodded, he couldn't tell through her fake smile if she was seeing through his lies or not.

"Of course."

"Yah!" The happy foxwoman jumped up a bit in excitement, causing her two not so big melons to bounce a bit.

"Ok then my question is simple. From the looks of it you're not from around here." She stopped, staring at his earthware clothing. From the moment they came to vaanderwood, Kyle had been transported with the clothes he wore on earth. He usually wore black and some other dull colour clothings, which he was quite comfortable in.

In his fight with the epic tier lizard his clothes got burnt with some parts of his skin, so he'd got to change into another pair of clothes. He didn't fancy the idea of wearing a cloak all the time, and he couldn't basically steal clothes from the foxes here as they didn't wear any! Only their furs covered their nakedness. he understood the reason why they didn't bother for clothes, but he'd expected there to be a vendor or something he could purchase from, but there wasn't any in the places he'd looked.

that wasn't a problem, as his demon wife had already surprisingly stored some of his clothes, along with the other women he came with. So right now he was wearing all black, black top, pants, and a black shoe. All which allowed him to move easily and freely.

"You're more intelligent than I expected." Kyle grinned a bit nodding his head. Her eyes widened the more as Kyle confirmed her guess, her body was visibly shaking from excitement.

"Wow! I can't believe it!" She shouted a bit, attracting the attention of some of the passing foxes who just glanced a bit, and looked away minding their own business.

"Ehhm! Pardon my manners it's just this is so exciting. She cleared her throat blushing a bit.

'Weirdo.' Was what Kyle termed her to be in his head. She had a sophisticated attitude most of the time, her behaviour flicking like an out of control switch. But he knew in his heart that falcon was no joke, as the moment she arrived her aura had been felt vividly.

And even now she was in front of him, he could see her aura seeping out from her like a misty green smoke.

'I can't kill her by myself.' Kyle thought staring at her. He was yet to face a two tailed fox which power he didn't know of, he had some knowledge that they were faster and stronger than the one tailed, because of the way Drago's easily pinned Felix. But he wasn't sure yet, if he could beat Drago in a fight. maybe one on one, but he would still have to be extremely careful.

"As I was saying.." falcon had managed to calm herself down continuing. "You're not from around here, which means you're definitely not from onwood." Kyle could see Elise had been keeping her calm, but the moment falcon mentioned onwood she immediately clenched her hands, her face changing.

"The young lady by your side, I can tell she's from onwood. her aura corresponds with the others,Though her's is distinct from the others." Falcon held her chin, her eyes going to Elise.

"This face is seems familiar." Falcon muttered, she just couldn't put her hands on where she'd seen this woman before.

'Her aura is weak but it definitely not like a soldier's own.' Kyle knew Elise parents did a good job hiding her behind the castle walls, not revealing her in the slightest. So he wasn't fazed falcon would discover her secret, at least not for the meantime anyways.

'I must be thinking of someone else.' She shrugged laughing it off. "Anyways as I was saying, you're not from onwood so that brings me to my question"

"Where are you from? And please don't lie to me." Kyle could sense a bit of aggression on her face, which had now turned serious. Looking at her she had an odd personality, he'd know his outfit would give him away immediately, so he wasn't trying to blend him. He didn't even expect to result in this outcome at all, he'd sensed a few minor backlashes but nothing like this.

His mind was confused, why this cunning foxwoman wanted to know where he was from. he was going to tell her anyways, cause he really didn't care.

"Am from earth." He spoke in a monotone voice.

"Earth?" He was stunned a bit to see a bit of confusion on falcon's face, as he didn't expect this reaction at all from her.

'She doesn't know earth.' Planet travel was one thing, but how to get to the planet was another. In his case he was lucky he had his demon wife, as they'd been transported with ease. He was terrified and still perplexed how that type of skill existed, and how she acquired it.

Kyle wasn't that much of a scholar but in the few science books he'd read, it stated the traveling of planets was still far from mankind's reach.

The Destination from earth to Mars was by no means small reaching up to some years, and they could only reach there through a fully equipped spacecraft. But somehow in this crazy fantasy world, there was a skill that would allow someone to easily transport himself and other people!

"From the look of your face it means you don't know earth." Kyle calmly said, to which falcon gently nodded her head.

"It's my dream to travel other planets, but I don't posses any skill related to planet traveling. And i haven't traveled at all to any planet, so am not familiar with any one except this." She honestly said, a bitter expression planted on her face.

'No wonder she's creepy.' Falcon was powerful and Kyle could bet she had some dangerous skills in her arsenal, but she still couldn't achieve her dreams. It wasn't easy by any means to acquire such a law of nature defying skill, he didn't even want to know how Lilith got it.

It was exactly like teleporting, but unlike the short ranges some MC's could go, his demon wife had a very wide range. To be exact planet wide!

"What's it like?" Falcon asked with glistening eyes staring at Kyle. All her life she'd been surrounded by darkness, fog, and people of her same race. She just couldn't stand doing the same thing over and over again, stuck here for the rest of her life. Her spirit wanted to be free, no it needed to be free!

She'd always imagined what other planets would be like, but imagining wasn't the same as experiencing it with her own two eyes.

The will to go on a wild adventure drove her a bit mad as she searched for various way she could, but found no one in the end. Her hope was slowly fading away, reality dawning on her until she met Kyle. And knowing he was from another planet, rekindled her hope again.

"Earth is the opposite of this. Clear sunny skies, fresh air, good sweet water. Basically all the good things you could imagine."Falcon's eye were teary as she thought of all what Kyle said, to be in such a place would mean paradise to her.

"You're really lucky." She chuckled a bit and Kyle just nodded. Earth was a beautiful place to be in as it had so many wonderful things to offer, going from the wide landscape, to the ocean blue vast water, and all the things living in them. But as all things had good sides and bad sides so did the earth, terrifying natural disasters, pollution, radiation, and so many more could occur in the blink of an eye.

'I wonder how they're doing? They must be worried sick about me.' Kyle bitterly chuckled, thinking about his parents. It was quite some time now, that he hasn't heard from them. his mind has been preoccupied with things happening lately, he didn't have time to think about them.

'Mom! Dad! I really miss you guys.' Kyle sighed inwardly, his heart always ached when he thought about them. To be honest he didn't know if he was happy or not away from his past life, but he couldn't dwell to the past anymore. As long as he was with the people he cared about, then nothing else mattered to him.

"Can you take me there?" Falcon suddenly asked, which made Kyle's face contort.

"I can't." He boldly said, which made falcon frown. This human male was proving hard to get, but she had a backup plan he wouldn't resist for sure.

"How about this, in exchange for me sparing your lives you'll take me to earth." Falcon softly smiled, her green eyes sparkling in the dark standing in a sexy posture.

"It's not that, I just can't do it now." Kyle shook his head. He wasn't going to tell her it wasn't him that could teleport, or he feared her interest in them might dwindle to the point she didn't have any use for them anymore. He wanted to gain her trust, so he could get some useful information out from her. and to do that he had to play his cards right!

"Why is that?" She pouted causing her chest to rise a bit.

"My skill has a cool down of about six months, until I can use it again. So I won't be able to travel to other planets, until the next six months." Kyle calmly said. Such a powerful skill would mean it surely had a cooldown, and the cooldown period would be long. Adding those points together, he came up with an plausible excuse.

"T-that's all?" Falcon asked with a shocked expression.

"Yeah~ I know it's a long time but-"

"Hehe!" Kyle was amazed to see falcon happy, he'd expected her reaction to be more of anger. He wasn't really going to take her to earth, he just needed to buy enough time to plan out his next move.

"Finally! in six months I'll be out of here." Falcon cheerfully danced, causing the trio to stare at each other in confusion.

"But what about your clan, aren't you worried about leaving them?"

"Hell no! They never really believed in me anyways, but I'll show them all." Falcon laughed maniacally, like an evil scientist creating a monstrous creature.

'Well that's unexpected.' Kyle rolled his eyes. When he'd suddenly asked that question he expect falcon to show a hint of guilt, but she was really overjoyed instead.

"Wait!" Falcon controlled herself looking at him, Kyle knew she wanted to ask him another question but he wasn't going to comply.

"You still haven't answered my question." Kyle grumbled.

"I-I just have one more question. After that you can ask me any two things you want." It seemed like a fair bargain to Kyle, so he just nodded for her to ask her question.

"What stage of evolution is the earth in now?" She asked making Kyle's face go blank.