
Now that Kyle has successfully dealt with the dozen of two tailed foxes, everything had been settled and it was now time for him to head back to Elise. He'd already placed a bond mark on her, so he could feel she wasn't in any kind of trouble whatsoever.

"Let's go." Kyle ordered to his five puppets. turning round he was about taking a first step, when he suddenly felt his body go numb.

"Argh!" He couldn't help but scream in pain, as stinging sensations coursed through his veins. He could feel his heart beating faster his blood boiling, his whole body was in pain as he fell to the floor.

'F-fuck! snow w-hat's happening to me.' Kyle couldn't speak nor think properly, the pain he was going through right now was just too much. It felt like hot needles were pricking his body from all sides, he could feel his body swelling by the second causing him to squirm in pain.

[It's the poison from those arrows Kyle. It's entered into your blood stream and it's spreading fast.] Snow shakily said.

"Master! are you alright?" Kyle could see Felix, and the other foxmen were now crouching by his side. But he couldn't hear what they were saying, his vision was blurry and his hearing was dwindled by a high pitched noise echoing throughout his ears.

'I-is there anyway to stop it?' Kyle couldn't think of a possible solution. He didn't have any skills whatsoever that focused on healing, only his demonic body regenerated from minor injuries.

[There is but unfortunately I can't think of any.] Snow disappointingly muttered, in a panicked tone. The arrows were just to strange being at a low tier, the poison was highly effective as it surged more faster the moment it came into contact with one's blood stream.

'E-elise.' Kyle's eyes shone a bit, remembering his mage. 'S-surely she must have a healing spell.'

[Y-yes that's right.] Snow happily said, she was so worried and unsettled that her mind didn't go to Elise. [She'll have a spell for sure Kyle, you just have to hold on until you get there. Don't you there die on me little demon prince, I haven't even shown you the full capabilities of the system yet!] Snow's voice rang in Kyle's ears, which caused him to smile a bit. His vision was getting faint by the sec as his eyes were getting shut, his body was cold all of a sudden but he wasn't giving up yet.

"F-felix, e-lise~" Kyle barely uttered, with the little strength he had left. He was lucky he managed to successfully acquire new strong puppets, as he couldn't move his body at all.

"Y-yes master!" Felix nodded, understanding what his master meant. Without wasting anymore time, Felix ordered a two tailed to place Kyle on his back. They were much faster and stronger than him anyways, since he was a one tailed. So they'd reach the village a lot faster than he would, his master life depended on it and he wasn't going to let Kyle down.

'Swoosh!' Their bodies shot into the wind with great speed, blazing off into the distance. The others formed a circle round the one carrying Kyle, protecting him from any unexpected trouble.

[Kyle! Kyle! Stay with me!] Snow voice softly echoed through his head. He could feel his system shutting down, as his right heart had already stopped beating his left barely working.

'S-so this is how I die.' Sudden thoughts of death filled his mind, as a bitter smile formed on his face. He had so much ambition and goals to achieve, he was going to become the strongest demon lord ever!

'N-no~ I can't go like this.' He hadn't written enough pages in his life yet, to just let everything go so easily.

He still had to finish his story, and become what he was destined to. His mind coursed to his women thinking about them, and what would become if he were to die. He couldn't possibly leave them now, hopeless and shattered. What if Lucifer finally came? What if they got killed because he wasn't there to protect them? Or worse, what if they got engaged to another man!

"No!" Kyle whinced trying to scream, all that came out of his mouth was fresh blood containing bits of green poison.

"Don't worry master, we're almost there." Felix assured behind Kyle.

'They're mine! Am not coming yet death!' Kyle grinned, a crazed smile forming on his lips as he clenched his fists a bit.

'No one's taking my women.' Kyle vowed in his heart. If anyone tried to make a move on his women they were dead for sure, nothing would stop him from being with them. Not even death itself! and if death wanted to be a hindrance, hell! he'd fight death to the last.

[Kyle we're there...] snow softly spoke. Kyle could already feel the bond with Elise, so he knew they'd reached the village.

Passing through the wooden houses, Kyle didn't see anyone. No foxes no guards no signs of Elise whatsoever, he could sense they were still here but he just couldn't see them yet.

"Kyle!" A voice called out his name, and Kyle knew who it was. Elise stepped out from a glass like watery sphere, which formed and then disappeared the moment she went through.

Running forward tears slipped down Elise eyes seeing Kyle in this condition, her heart wavered as she just couldn't loose him. The foxman had already placed him to the floor, as Elise knelt down placing his head on her laps.

She wanted to speak but she couldn't, it felt like the life were sucked off her mouth as the words refused to come out.

"P-poison, heal.." Kyle slowly said with the bit of energy remaining, his left heart was beginning to shut down representing death approaching.

"N-no!" Elise shouted, her hands immediately glowing white. she immediately placed them to Kyle's chest, as the white energy was being transferred to him. She concentrated hard not losing any focus at all, Kyle's life was her number one priority.

"Kyle! Don't you fucking die you coward! Keep to your promise goddamn it!" Snow screamed in his head, her tone containing anger and sadness. Kyle was struggling to keep awake, his eyes were slowly closing as he just stared at Elise. Time seemed to have frozen as everything became peaceful that moment, it was a feeling he never wanted to end.

'This feels~ good.' He thought, his eyes shutting close.

"No!" Elise shouted adding more of her mana into the healing spell, she wasn't going to lose Kyle. He'd promised they'd be together, he wasn't going to break his promise and leave her. Her heart just couldn't bear it.

"Y-you promised. Don't you dare break your promise or I'll haunt you in your death!" Elise threatened gazing at him. Her mana was being drained fast, leaving only a little amount but she didn't care. Losing Kyle was much more than a fucking mana.


Meanwhile Kyle was transported to a dark hollow space, that stretched vast across this empty space. There wasn't any signs of life whatsoever, as he just floated there.

'Am I dead?' He thought gazing round. The last thing he recalled was laying on Elise lap with her trying to heal him, but his eyes had suddenly closed and he woke up here.

"I can't believe I actually died!" Kyle yelled in frustration, he wanted to vent his anger out on something but alas there was nothing here.

'Ahh! is this how it feels like to be dead?' Kyle thought, the feeling was kinda blissful.

[Kyle Conner!]

"Huh? Who's there!" Looking round Kyle couldn't see anyone, but he definitely had a voice call out his name.

"Don't fucking play with me death, just leave me to hover alone." Kyle grumbled, if he was dead he wanted to spend his eternity alone forever.

[Am not death.] The same monotone systematic voice spoke again.

"Huh! if you're not death, then who are you?" In the novels he'd read, when people died they were then transported to a dark space where they would then meet a presence, asking them if they wanted a second chance. He felt he was going to that same scenario, and he didn't want it.

'What's the point of reincarnating in another world, when I failed miserably here.' Kyle shook his head, it was to hard to bear.

[You're not dead silly.] The systematic voice laughed, causing the space to shake uncontrollably. Kyle's drifting body was shifted out of proportion from that, as he tried to regain balance.

"Hey! are you trying to kill me again." Kyle angrily spoke, he didn't know why this entity had suddenly decided to disturb his peace.

[Am sorry~] The entity calmly apologized. Then in front of Kyle a bright light formed, radiating like a burning fire with might and gloriousness. Just looking at it Kyle was tempted to go near it and touch it, feel it's great power and terrifying aura.

"W-who are you?" Kyle asked raising a brow. The figure chuckled slightly this time, as it's light radiated more brighter.

[Am the system.] The strange entity said, causing Kyle's eye go wide from this mindblowing word.

"T-that can't be possible. snow's the system." Kyle softly spoke, which made the figure chuckle more.

[She isn't. I traped her soul here to guide my host.] The entity boldly said, power emanating from it's every words.

"B-but how? Why?" Kyle couldn't get the words out his mind properly. he had so many questions for this strange entity, but he couldn't utter one clearly.

[I've been watching you Kyle Conner. At first when we bonded I wanted to kill you, you were just a pathetic human after all.] Kyle was surprised at this. he felt threatened and shocked, but he hid under a poker face listening to his system entity.

[But as time grew, you surprised me and yourself. Someday you would defeat lucifer be more powerful than you imagine, with your equally powerful women by your side.] Kyle was blown away hearing this. Finally he got some clarity he would defeat lucifer, as a smile slowly crept to his face. All the things he'd imagined, was going to finally come to past soon.

[But!] The entity spoke again. [As with all good things comes the bad ones. You will become stronger than anyone, but you'll also sacrifice somethings on the way to your journey.]

'Huh! sacrifice?' Kyle wanted to ask his system what it meant by that, but he was abruptly cut short before he even started.

[Remember Kyle Conner, you're more powerful than you think. I'll be granting you a very powerful skill, when you evolve into level 50. Make sure you don't die and keep on getting stronger, great things await you boy!] The entity lightly spoke as it's light started fading away, at the same time the space he's in was spiraling into a black hole.

His body couldn't struggle as he was being sucked into the hole, many thoughts filled his mind as he passed through.

"Come on!" Elise screamed at Kyle. she could feel her mana would run out any second now, and there wasn't any signs of Kyle waking up.

"Wake up!" Having run out of mana and frustrated, she slammed her hands on his chest tears streaming down her cheeks. She rested her head on his chest, small subtle cries escaping her lips.

"Phough! phough! w-what happened~" Kyle gasped looking round.

"K-kyle!" Elise screamed hugging him tightly, tears began flowing more like a river down her eyes.

"Am sorry I scared you.." Kyle softly said hugging her back tenderly, tapping her shoulder. Felix looked at him with complicated expression and just bowed his head slightly, to which Kyle responded to with a light nod.

"I-i thought I lost you." Elise softly said, her body shaking a bit.

"You didn't." Kyle smiled softly planting his lips to hers, to which she happily welcomed his mouth kissing him back.

"How long was I out?" Kyle asked parting from her lips.

"N-not that long, just a couple of minutes." Kyle was shocked. while he was in that dark space time seemed to move differently, it felt like he'd been stuck there for years. The sudden meeting with his system gave him goose bumps, but he decided to focus on that later.

"Thanks for healing me."

"No problem." Elise warmly smiled blushing a bit. She then helped Kyle to stand, as he still hadn't fully healed. She'd managed to get rid of the poison, but his body still needed to heal.

"You need to rest." She pressured but Kyle refused, as long as he could stand he was good to go. And besides he wanted to complete his mission, and finally level up dark flames skill.

"Where are all the fox people?" Kyle asked, he couldn't see them anywhere. He knew she was successful in her task, as the whole village was empty.

"Oh! I trapped them in an illusion spell." Elise spoke.

"Illusion spell?" Kyle calmly said, he didn't believe she had an illusion spell.

"It's one of my powerful skills." She smiled brightly, her cyan hair softly swaying with the breeze. Nodding Elise then took him to the location, as they crossed through along with Felix. Kyle had ordered jober and the rest to be on lookout, in case falcon and the other three tailed returned. He didn't know if they could see through Elise illusion spell, but he was better prepared than sorry.

Immediately they stepped through, Kyle could see the 600 villagers cowering in fear in a Corner. The moment they saw him their body shuddered, feeling the raw ominous aura he excluded.

"Am sorry for this, but your sacrifice means so much." Kyle sincerely spoke, his hands burning with the dark flames. Their eyes went wide as screams of horror filled their eyes, the dark flames was giving off a killing aura.


"Oh! don't be so paranoid Kane." Falcon smiled plucking a leaf from a tree, sniffing it she heaved a sigh of relief. "It was probably just wrong information."

"Nonsense! my gut is telling me something is seriously wrong here. I can smell it." He sniffed into the air, making falcon step back a bit.

"That's one of the reasons you don't have a girlfriend." Falcon muttered.

"What did you say?" Kane glared at her with anger filling his eyes.

"Nothing.." she nervously chuckled, making Kane grunt in frustration.

"That's it! we're going back." He said as his body shot forward, leaving falcon in the woods.

"D-did he just leave me here, in this dangerous woods?" Falcon pretended to be defenseless, acting frigile and tender. Shaking her head, she smiled softly as she also shot her body forward catching up with Kane in a moment.

"I can't believe you left me there! What kind of a man are you!" She questioned with a murderous glare, puffing her cheeks and passing Kane.

"What~" Kane didn't know what to say. He knew falcon didn't mean what she said, but she still acted it anyways. Shaking his head he ran more faster, cutting the lower grasses and violently bending some trees he passed.

It didn't take long before they reached the village, as it was awfully quiet. He could see falcon up ahead, a creepy smile planted on her face.

"Looks like you're right, we have some intruders." She softly said.