Dark flames level 2

The atmosphere was tense, as both parties stared each other down. A few minutes had passed since Kyle landed with a bang, shocking the two tailed foxmen.

'So it takes about 5 minutes for dark flames to completely work.' Kyle calculated, observing the amount of time his flames took, to fully burn a two tailed fox person skin.

He considered it fair since his skill was still at level 1, so it was really lacking in many ways but nevertheless it was still strong. His twin jade daggers were tightly held in his hands, ready for battle. The two tailed stared at him with rage, killing intent showing on their dark expressions.

"You're dead human!" One screamed, holding what looked like a bat with pointy shards on the head. Running forward to Kyle with a bizarre detailed look, Kyle wasn't scared at all.

"Finally one of you grew some balls." Kyle smirked charging forward. As they were close, the latter swung the pointy wooden bat at Kyle but he dodged to the side, swinging his dagger to the guts of the foxman.

"Fuck!" Jober whinced in pain holding his guts, he knew that dagger wasn't ordinary seeing it glowing green. He could feel something strange enter his body, but he didn't have time to think of that as Kyle had already launched another attack.

'Clang!' Kyle swung his dagger at jober's head, but the latter was quick blocking with his bat. Kyle was going in for another attack, swiping his dagger across jober's chest but was stopped momentarily.

'Bam!' A sword was swung fast to Kyle's head, on instinct he brought his other jade dagger to his head blocking. He was sent back a few steps because of the force, but he maintained himself a crazed smile on his lips.

'Now that's not fair~' Kyle could see the other foxmen had stepped up, and were now focused on him. Some held weapons while some didn't, his demon eyes skill still haven't had full control over them, but he could see their minds were slowly being affected.

"I thought you all had some dignity.. oh well! my bad." Kyle was outnumbered, but he had a plan through this chaos. He was confident in his twin jade daggers as they're rare tier items, and they also had an active skill. He was lucky to have such an high grade item at this stage, and one with a powerful active skill that proved crucial in battle.

For every cut he made with the daggers to the skin, it would paralyze such individual movements, slowing them depending on how strong they were. But still just a slight opportunity could change everything, turning the tables round in his favour.

'Snow I need you to guide me through this.' Kyle telepathically spoke to snow. He was sure he could take on three two tailed by himself without help, but seven was just too much for his current level. He could try, but it would definitely end in serious wounds that may threaten his life. He needed some help, so he turned to his system guide.

[Of course Kyle.] Snow's voice contained a bit of joy, she was happy Kyle was finally asking her help.

'Let's do this~' Kyle ran forward going straight for his marked prize, he could see jober's movement becoming clumsy. He'd planned on doing this to all the two tailed, the air whistled as his body passed through. An unwavering desire filled his mind to achieve his goal.

[Kyle! Beside you!] Snow's voice rang in his ears, from the left he saw a foxman punch forward. He was about dodging, when a kick landed to the side of his ribs lifting him up a bit.

[Hp: 97/100]

'Fuck!' Kyle coughed up some blood. It was his fault, snow was quick in telling him but his body just wasn't fast enough.

[Kyle quick get up!] Snow yelled in his head, that's when he saw three foxmen were on top of him, conering him as one sent a spear to his chest. Twisting his body in a circular motion he landed a kick to the attackers leg bending his bone, the latter halted in his attack falling to the floor writhing in pain.

Using the momentum, he tried doing the same for the other two but they dodged stepping back. Getting up Kyle was annoyed by their resilient efforts, he was spending more time than he predicted.

[Kyle, I would suggest you activate kirlin eyes.] Snow suggested, which made Kyle's eye go wide a bit. He'd totally forgotten, he had a skill that could grant him futuristic eyesight.

'Thanks snow.'

[No problem. just don't die on me little prince.] Snow teased making Kyle roll his eyes.

[Kirlin eyes activated!]

'Swoosh! swoosh!' The two foxman in front charged forward with speed straight for Kyle, one holding an axe while the other wore two brass knuckles. Kyle didn't stay still also running forward, with futuristic eyesight skill active he could now see their movements a bit better. And his agility had also received some boost, because of his twin jade dagger.

The one with the axe went high swinging it straight for Kyle's head, while the one with the two brass knuckles went low mainly for his guts.

[They're trying to trap you. The main threat is obviously the dagger, I don't think that brass knuckles can do any serious damage to your body.] Snow softly said.

'Are you sure?'

[Of course!]

Kyle blocked the axe shoving his dagger straight for the latters chest, it connected piercing it's skin and drawing out blood killing him instantly.

'Bam!' At the same time the brass knuckles connected to his guts cracking some bones, sending waves of pain to his brain.

'Argh!' Kyle grunted, coughing up a mouthful of fresh blood.

'I thought you said it wouldn't hurt.' It felt like a speeding trailer just rammed into his guts, he felt like a hole was carved into his stomach.

[Hehe! my bad.] Snow weirdly chuckled.

'Bam! bam! bam!' The foxman didn't stop punching Kyle's body, causing him to forcefully leave his daggers.

[Hp: 94/100]

[Hp: 91/100]

Kyle could see his life going down, as he stared at the system screen. He'd tried grabbing the foxman, or slashing at him with his dagger but the latter was just faster than him, dodging his attack and continuing his relentless attack.

'What's the point of having a futuristic eyesight skill, when I can't see shit.' Kyle angrily furrowed his brows. The skill's description said, it granted the user better vision to see a bit into the future of the movement of someone, but he couldn't.

[First, the skill is literally at it's weakest state, so the outcome would be very low. And, these foxes speed are noticeably higher than yours.] Snow pointed out.

'Well, That's helpful~'

[Just hold on a bit more, demon eyes effect should kick in any moment now. I'll tell you when there's an opening.]



'This is frustrating!' Kyle swung his fist at the foxman's chest but he dodged, side stepping then punched Kyle's arm shifting a few bones.

'Shit!' Kyle held his left arm in pain, he couldn't move it to his will for the moment as it dangled about. The foxman then came close, this time sending out a fist to Kyle's head. frustrated he also punched forward, putting all his strength into that fist.

'Bam!' A small explosion went off as the two forces collided, a clear winner emerging. Kyle could feel some bones in his arm snap into two, pushing his arm back a bit. Gritting his teeth he pressed forward, refusing to be overwhelmed by this creature.

"Argh!" The foxman screamed in pain, a look of disbelief plastered on his face. He didn't expect this human to be this strong, and even manage to break the bones in his arm. Stepping back, the foxman's behavior was changing as he stared at Kyle, an underworld y presence filling his mind with lucid thoughts. His will to fight was diminishing by the sec, staring at this monster with red eyes coming for him.

[Now Kyle!] Snow yelled, sensing Kyle's control finally working. Kyle just nodded, swiftly moving his body grabbing the foxman's head.

"N-no.. stay away from me!" The latter screamed looking at this demon's eye, fear enclouded his mind. His whole body was getting paralyzed by the sec, the only instinct was survival which meant getting away from Kyle.

[Kyle watch out!] Snow shouted, sensing danger approaching.

'Swoosh!' Turning his head a bit, Kyle could see about four arrows cutting through the air heading for him fast. With lightning fast movement, Kyle swiftly placed the mentally disorganized foxman in his place where the arrows were heading.

"N-no." The latter managed to utter, before the arrows pierced through his body killing him instantly. Kyle could see there weren't any signs of regrets or shock, instead their expressions were lifeless.

'Bang! bang! bang! Kyle was constantly moving around, dodging the various arrows shot at him. He'd noticed something strange about this arrows, as it wasn't the same with the one's he saw the other foxman use.

When dodging the first arrow he'd expected it to hit a tree, but instead the arrow seemed to have a life of it's own as it turned, completely avoiding the tree still locked on him.

'Snow do you know what tier those arrows are?' Running forward, Kyle lept onto a tree with the arrow behind him then just a the right time when it was close enough, he then jumped off leaving the arrow to crash into the tree with a bang.

[Those arrows are just at the intermediate tier.] Snow calmly said observing the arrows.

'What! are you kidding me? Intermediate tier? t-that's not possible.' Kyle couldn't believe it. such arrows with high precision and speed, weren't meant to be in the intermediate stage right?

[That foxman has a telekinesis ability.] Snow spoke, and that's when Kyle could see it. each time the foxman fired an arrow his hands were moving, guiding the arrow to Kyle. Only when it hit Kyle or he blocked or dodge, would he fire another arrow following the same tactic.

[It's a weak one, but I think he can control only about four arrows. since that's the maximum he's fired.] Nodding, Kyle knew what to do. Running, he heard the strange noises again as four arrows were now heading for him, two coming at his front while two at his back.

'I can take out the arrows, but he'd just fire more. There's only one way.' Shaking his head slightly Kyle ran in a circle, decreasing his speed a little so the arrows were very close to him. He could see the two arrows at the front just inches from his face, sliding down he dodged stomping his foot hard to the floor, propelling his body up onto a tree.

'Why do I feel like a monkey all of a sudden.' Kyle smirked. he was leaping from tree to tree, circling round the foxman with the telekinesis ability from the top.

"Hehe~" There was an evil smirk on the latters face seeing Kyle defenseless, but that was when he felt something stiff with shards, slam into his back hard. There was a look of doubt on his face, seeing jober running forward with his bat like prickle weapon.

"Huh?" Kyle saw the arrows, had suddenly stopped following him. looking down, he saw the foxman with the bat like weapon had now turned on the telekinesis archer.

'He's finally under my control.' Kyle smiled. he could see jober fairing well against the archer, swinging his bat at the arrows dodging a few. He saw the remaining foxman were leaning towards jober, pushing himself off the tree from the side he skillfully landed a kick to the head of a foxman, killing him. He then followed it up with slashing his two daggers vertically, at the one with the sword. the latter barely managed to block lifting his sword sideways, but it didn't matter Kyle's strength was too much sending him into a tree.

There were three foxmen, one holding a crossbow, another a spear, and a shield. They all charged forward at the same time, the one with the spear went in for an attack first, plunging it forward. Kyle mearly dodged, swinging his dagger at the former but it was blocked by a shield.

'Weird~' Kyle was surprised, his dagger didn't cut through that shield. He hadn't used his full strength, but his dagger was really sharp and higher than the shields tier cause snow confirmed it.

'Swoosh!' The foxman with the crossbow shot multiple small sized arrows at Kyle, at the same time the one with the shield still rammed forward pushing Kyle backward. Kyle was about jumping when a spear made it's way to his arm, extending outward the back.

'Argh!' Kyle grunted in pain trying to pull the spear out but he couldn't, several small arrows had penetrated into his back. Twisting it, it dug more deeper pushing him backwards to the trunk of a tree, causing the grip on his daggers to loose completely. He was then pinned to the floor, while the one with the shield blocked all his attempts.

[Hp: 84/100]



[The bones in user's arm are broken! You have been poisoned! All systems are now shutting down! Regeneration cannot occur due to poison arrows stuck in user's body.]

[Kyle get out of there now!] Snow screamed, worry all over her tone.

"A-am trying." Kyle muttered struggling. he couldn't move his left arm anymore, and no matter how he tried slashing at the shield, it didn't budge. His weapon only bounced back no matter the strength he used, a mark never appeared on the shields surface.

'Fuck! I-i can't die like this.' Just as everything seemed bleak for him, the strange arrows suddenly stopped. Glancing over his shoulder, he could see one half of his dagger stuck in the heart of the foxman with the crossbow. And standing on top with the crossbow in his hands was felix with a light smile, firing off arrows to the side of the foxman with the shield.

"Argh! Y-you fucking traitor!"

"Shut up will you!" Felix retorted, continuing in his firing. the one with the shield had now placed the shield to his side, defending leaving Kyle.

"G-go get him!" Nodding the one with the shield slowly made his way to Felix, the latter had a calm look firing off more arrows.

"You're dead for sure once he reaches you, you fucking mutt!" The one holding the spear roared, when he suddenly felt an arm grab his spear from down.

"Don't forget about me!" Exerting all his strength to his right hand, Kyle snapped the spear in half. There was a look of bewilderment on the foxman's face, he could feel a cold sensation wash over him staring at Kyle.

"B-but how? You shouldn't be able to move your body, you've been poisoned. Y-you're meant to be dead!" He mumbled stepping back, fear enclouding his body looking into Kyle's dark hollow eyes.

"Well I guess me and death are close." He deviously grinned getting up, his whole body was dyed red with blood.

"N-no!" Desperation filled the foxman's eyes, as he tried to make a run for it.

'Why do they always run?' Kyle chuckled, pulling the half of the spear with the tip out from his shoulder. Gripping it firmly he shot it at the coward foxman, it went with such great speed making small bang noises as it cut through the air, locating it's marked target.

'Phough! phough.' He coughed up blood, with his lifeless body falling to the floor. Kyle then went over to aid Felix, seeing him being overwhelmed the one with the shield. Grabbing one of his dagger he shook his head, trying to clear his blurry vision. His whole body was in pain and he wasn't regenerating, so blood was constantly leaving his body through his wounds. His steps were wobbly as he struggled to stand, gritting his teeth he pushed himself forward.

'Bam!' Meanwhile, a punch from the foxman sent Felix crashing to a tree. He'd run out of arrows, so he resorted in using the other half of Kyle's dagger. but he wasn't that skilled, and the shield seemed impenetrable.

He tried fighting nevertheless, but the one with the shield was far more stronger and faster than him, disrupting his attacks dealing serious damage instead.

"Hey!" Kyle shoved his dagger at the foxman's head, but he grabbed it stopping it from going any further. There was a hint of shock and anger seeing Kyle, but it didn't matter he was too weak to stand let alone fight him.

"What do you think you're gonna do?" He grinned, but Kyle just smirked which confused him a bit. the next moment Felix pounced on him, sinking his sharp teeth into his neck.

"Argh!" The foxman screamed, his grip on Kyle's dagger loosening. seeing an opening Kyle pushed more harder, making the dagger go more farther to his face. The foxman saw his life hanging by a thread, as the dagger was just inches from his head.

In a desperate move he dropped the shield, then used his free hand to grab Felix forcefully pulling him from his back, and slamming him to the floor. He then grabbed Kyle's dagger with both his hands, pushing Kyle back with his strength.

'Argh! I can't hold it much longer.' Kyle grunted gritting his teeth ,putting the remaining ounce of energy he'd left into his hand.

"Leave my master alone!" Felix yelled, shoving the other half of Kyle's dagger through the foxman's throat. His eyes went wide feeling something cold pierce his throat, he could feel his blood gushing out his throat spilling everywhere. A sadistic smile was planted on his face, as his grip loosened with his body slowly falling to the floor.

"You didn't have to risk yourself for me master. I would die for you!" Felix puffed, hitting his chest which made Kyle chuckle weirdly.

"You risked your life for mine, it's only fair if I did the same. And besides, I can't let my puppet die on me." Kyle said with a soft smile.

"T-thank you master." Felix bowed, gratitude in his eyes to which Kyle slightly nodded. Looking round kyle saw most of the foxmen had been killed, remaining only about five including Felix and jober. He could feel they were all now under his control, as they were now bowing before him.