Burn them down!

"Screw you human, I'll never obey you!" The foxman named Jake screamed, still pinned by Kyle.

"It's the hard way then." Kyle's eyes were still glowing red, but Jake hadn't been captivated yet by it. The latter still struggled resisting to give in to this strange feeling swirling inside his head, he could've sworn he heard voices in his head.

"My patience is growing thin bastard!" Kyle grunted holding Jake's head firmly, his eyeballs staring into his. The foxman struggled, but he was slowly starting to lose control of his body the effects finally kicking in.

Letting go Kyle stood up caressing his shoulder which cracked slightly, he saw Jake was now kneeling on one knee his head bowed down.

"Master~" He expressed his loyalty, Kyle's dominance over him vivid. Kyle didn't say a word heading over to Elise, looking at her her condition seemed to have improved a bit.

"Hey~ just take it easy." Her body fell to his but he quickly grabbed her, tightly holding her in his arms. He also saw the strange brown dart had disappeared from Elise body, turning to nothing but brown ash.

"Thanks. So what do we do now?" Elise softly asked. They had gained control over the inside of the prison, but that was insignificant in their mastermind plan.

"I don't know yet." Kyle muttered lost in his thought. All the one tailed inside the prison were under his control and the two tailed, but he didn't find it easy taming Jake at all. Surprisingly Jake's will was the same with the limit for his demon eyes skill, he didn't expect it to work but luck eventually turned on his side.

'I can control these ones to do my will, but there are still more outside.'

"The one tailed won't be a problem to control, but the two tailed however would be tricky." Kyle spoke staring down the hall.

"So what do you suggest?" Elise asked staring at him, her arm placed on his shoulder.

"First we'll take control of the guards outside. They shouldn't be hard to deal with, with this five on our team excluding Felix." Kyle was confident, they could easily take out the guards stationed outside. While being brought in he had a good look at their number, he'd counted about six guards in total. But there was a catch, unlike the formation of the guards inside the prison the ones outside were comprised of two, two tailed and four one tailed.

"Are you ok? Kyle asked Elise, to which she nodded with a light smile.

"Let's go." Kyle uttered with command helping Elise down the hall of the prison, his five puppets in front leading the way. It wasn't long before they reached the wooden door of the entrance to the prison, Kyle had already given out commands on what to be done.

"Open up! I need to take a crap." Jake spoke in his normal calm voice, there was a small slit by the door which then opened. The fox man outside peeped inside observing the surrounding, he could see only Jake there while the other four were on patrol.

"Yes boss." He muttered seeing nothing strange, the door then clicked with it shifting backwards opened.

"Wait? what are you-" the moment the door opened, what met with the foxman's eye was Kyle and his group. His body immediately became tensed up, but before he could move Kyle had already pounced on him.

"Move!" Kyle commanded as they then headed outside, the cold air slightly blowing on them. By the Corner not to far from the door, were where the remaining five guards were stationed.

"What the-" there were looks of distress and concern seeing the party Walt's out, but their eyes immediately widened seeing Kyle and Elise step out.

"Freeze!" Kyle commanded his eyes glowing red. The three one tailed bodies immediately froze while the two two tailed took a step back, a look of bewilderment plastered on their faces.

"Attack." Kyle gave out the order, and with a slight nod all the one tailed eyes immediately shifted to the two tailed fox.

"What the hell are you doing?" They shouted holding their weapons with a confused look, but their voices were silent in the ears of Kyle's one tailed.

"Y-you fucking traitors! you know what happens to those who betrays him. Death!" They screamed charging forward. They were wearing a bronze armour with head piece, and rusted silver boots.

"Die!" The one with a bow shot it's arrow fast at a one tailed with a small knife, but an earth barrier rose up stopping it. The latter then ran forward, following behind were four one tailed each dueling various weapons.

"You think am fucking scared!" The archer screamed panting a bit, drawing out more arrows from his back firing off. His hands were fast pulling the arrows and firing off, if not for Elise constantly blocking them most of the one tailed would've been killed.

"Shit!" He exclaimed seeing he was out of arrows, holding his bow in his hands he didn't waste time running forward. He slammed his bow at one's head with precision, but as it was close the latter dodged shifting his head slightly and landing a blow to his guts.

"What?" There was look of surprise on his face, he didn't expect the latter to intercept his attack at all and even counter.

"Argh!" He screamed, landing a kick to a foxman who'd stabbed a sharp object to his back. Seeing how they were fairing against him, something just wasn't right here.

'This is fun.' Kyle grinned his eyes glowing red. He and Elise weren't staying idle. since Elise was a mage she served as defense now, while he was getting the hang of his control function with his demon eyes skill.

'It's a shame I didn't try this earlier.' This was something Kyle wanted to test. He'd just been using his demon eyes skill to get people under his control, but he'd wanted to see if there was a way he could actually control their movements.

Trying it was a success, as he was perfectly doing a good job. He was seeing the scenario unfold, and it was to their advantage. the two tailed were quick but the one tailed were also quick, and with Kyle being able to see their movements synicyized his thought, with this puppets movements. Sending out waves of commands to their brain, giving them a critical boost of advantage with their enemies.

'They're doing well.' Kyle could see the group of only one tailed's, had now successfully captured the archer two tailed immobilizing him. Glancing over to where Jake was he could see they also faired well, but he'd expected them to finish sooner.

'Clang! clang!' Jake shot the same darts he threw to Elise earlier, but this two tailed just meagerly blocked with his sword. Everytime the one tailed came forward they would risk their body, distracting the sword dueler creating an opening for Jake.

'Swoosh! Bam!' after a few failed attempts Jake finally got a chance to get close to the sword dueler, furiously darting his paralysing darts at the foxman. The effects picked in immediately suspending his movements, his body becoming numb.

Kyle then walked over to them his eyes still glowing red, a deranged expression on his face. Some one tailed held their eyes open under their futile attempt to move, they couldn't resist this overwhelming feeling.

Kyle had now achieved his goal of acquiring control over the entire prison, the main phase of his plan just beginning.

"All of you follow her." Kyle commanded as they nodded, going to Elise back.

"What about you?" Elise asked confused, she wasn't settled with leaving Kyle alone.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself~ And besides I have Felix." He smiled. she then proceeded to hug him tightly, her firm breast pressing hard against his chest. Kyle taked in her sweet scent feelings her soft skin on his, he also felt her nipples poking his chest. Because of the way she seductively hugged Kyle, her ass was raised up to his view tempting him.

'Fuck! not now~' Kyle could feel his member rising, but he enforced his grit calming his rod down. They then broke the hug as Elise and Kyle's slaves went to the village, while Kyle had other plans.

"Burn them down!" Elise cheered to which Kyle happily nodded, before they turned round both heading opposite ways.

Kyle wasn't bothered in letting Elise go on her own, he'd learnt from jake the villagers weren't trained in weapon, neither did they have combat experience. He'd then asked Elise to round them up for him before he returned, he was confident in her skills but he still sent reinforcements in case of any surprises.

"Time for some meeting." Kyle was currently heading away from the village, into the woods nearby. Passing some trees, he was greeted by a familiar foxman he owns.

"Master!" Felix bowed, to which Kyle waved his hands. "I've done what you asked, all the remaining two tails are in the woods at a spot right now." Felix delivered the message which made Kyle from a bit.

"What about falcon and the other three tailed?" Back when he was still in cell, he'd ordered Felix to round up all the two tailed and three tailed in the village, to this location.

"They're not here master. shortly after you left, falcon and Kane went out to face some humans causing chaos far from here." Felix bowed. Kyle's head was spinning, as Felix uttered those words.

'Which humans could possibly be strong enough, to gain the attention of two three tailed foxes.' Kyle wondered, that's when it finally hit him.

'Onwood.' His stomach growled a bit, as he was having a headache. He wasn't sure yet, but the only nearby kingdom which had humans was onwood.

"Quick let's go." Kyle hastingly said, as Felix ran forward with him trailing behind. He didn't know if it was Elise father falcon and Kane had gone to meet, but his heart had a bit of reassurance. He'd planned on facing them for himself, when he'd captured the minds of the 9 remaining two tailed. He knew Felix wasn't lieing to him because he was still under his control, not going to waste the opportunity he planned on dealing with them fast.

It didn't take long before they finally reached the location, as the two tailed were gathered in one place sitting on the floor. Kyle had climbed on a tree above them, while Felix was below baiting them.

"What the hell Felix! What's so important team leader asked you to bring us out here?" One asked frustration clearly showing.

"Yeah I mean this feels strange~" Another said.

"Where are they anyways? you said you they'd come with you." The group roared anger and disappointment shown, they were beginning to get tired and suspicious.

'Swoosh!' Something cut through the air from above descending fast on them, out from it's palm shot a flame like no other directly to the head of a foxman. Using the momentum the figure kicked the one close by, sending him and his burning comrade crashing to a tree.

"You talk to much." Kyle coldly said his eyes glowing red, his aura emitting from his body as he blankly stared at them. They were shocked seeing a human suddenly fall on them, they hadn't expected it at all!

Looking at him, he was young but he seemed so strong for his age. He had an ominous presence like that of an evil entity sent from hell to claim their souls, and the aura he emitted was very strange.

"Don't just stand there, I have a whole village to burn down." Kyle said without any emotions at all, he could still hear the screams of the two foxmen burning in his darks flames. Their screams were like music to his devilish ears, as in just a little moment he was going to burn them all down.