the hunger games(part 4)

Pulling back the hood, Kyle finally saw lumia's face. She had a porquin oval face with thin thinning, a smooth fair face without blemish complimenting her long silky purple hair, reaching down to her shoulders.

"Kyle i-"

"And what about me!" Falcon abruptly said, puffing her cheeks glaring at lumia.


"You said he knew he would make it out. He wasn't the only who did you dumbwit!" Falcon roared she didn't like how lumia was being so nice to Kyle, as she suspected something was wrong.

"Don't mind her, she's a bit temperamental." Kyle softly uttered, to which falcon then coldly gazed at him snorting and walking to his side.

"He's mine princess." Falcon tightly clunged her body to his arm, resting her head on his shoulders. Lumia just blankly stared at falcon's childish behavior, she didn't have any romantic interest in kyle so she just shrugged it off.

"Anyways.. I came here to warn you about my father, he's about to plot something evil and I don't know when but knowing him, it wouldn't be long." She uttered causing Kyle to nod softly, he knew something like this was bound to happen as it was just a matter of time. He was in another different world and he was just a small fish in a big pond, he had to keep his head low as much as he could.

"Thanks for the heads up." He bowed his head slightly, he didn't know why she was helping him but he appreciated it.

"It's nothing." She smiled, causing falcon to be on guard protecting her property. Kyle just shook his head, he was more than attuned to falcon's playful behavior.

"I'll be checking up on you from time to time. Am rooting for you Kyle!" She cheered walking out the cell, as the guard then closed the iron bars shut. With one last look, she then proceeded out from the dungeon leaving Kyle in his thoughts.

'Trouble keeps following me everywhere.' He chuckled inwardly. he couldn't help but think he'd been cursed with trouble, wherever he went. It was a terrible fate he'd to endure as things were going dark for him, but he wasn't going to back down without a fight.

"I don't like the way she looks at you." Falcon suddenly said, peeping out the iron bars for any traces of lumia.


"Y-you know... I don't trust her, I know she's hiding something." Falcon frowned. she'd just met the lady that saved her life for the first time, and she didn't like her. She could feel it in her guts, lumia wasn't just being nice because she felt pity on them. She could sense she wanted something from Kyle, as she could see it in her eyes she was persistent just like her.

"You're just being jealous." Kyle shrugged it off, he could sense she was a bit jealous and suddenly overprotective, but it wasn't anything new with falcon.

"J-jealous." She stuttered her eyes twitching, while her body was slightly shaking.

"Please.. she doesn't even has what it takes to compete with me." She proudly said, beating her chest a bit her head held high.

"Really? I didn't know you were competing for me." Kyle teased with a light smirk, causing falcon to open her eyes wide.

"That wasn't what I said!" She yelled shoving him away from her body, her cheeks were slightly flushed red as she crossed her arms.

"Well it sounded that way to me." Kyle spoke in a mischievous tone, clutching his chest which still hurt in pain.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to take care of all your needs." He seductively said, causing falcon's cheek to turn redder in an instance. she could feel her body temperature suddenly rise, and if she didn't leave soon she feared something unexpected might happen.

"Argh! men!" Stomping her foot, she went to her angry spot away from Kyle.

'Why did I suddenly get hot when I looked at him.' She didn't know why, but when she looked at Kyle's face it was like she was looking at a different person entirely. She thought he was more handsome and sexier with the way looked, as she gazed upon his enchanting eyes.

'I-i couldn't control myself.' When she touched him, she felt something she had never felt before rise in her. A buried desire she never knew she had as a woman, wanting to be pleased by her man.

'But he looks so hot.' Her breath had now become rough from thinking about Kyle, she could suddenly feel her legs itching slightly.

"Argh! What's wrong with me!" She suddenly screamed trying to regain her sense of reasoning, as she was slowly falling into the pit of her own lustful desires.

"What's wrong?" Kyle panickly asked. he could see her faced to the wall muttering something to herself, and the next moment she'd screamed.

Turning her head she looked at him with heated emotions, her will to fight the urge in her diminished faster as soon as she set eyes on Kyle. Under Kyle's view her eyes then slowly crept down to his trousers, stopping at a particular location.

"Mhm." A small soft moan escaped her lips as she stared at his crotch in his pants, her lower region twitched more causing her legs to squirm on the floor. Her body needed something hard, and Kyle's shaft would fit in for the job perfectly.

"Are you alright?"

"Argh! Leave me alone! Y-you're the cause of all this!" She screamed turning round, and leaving Kyle confused. he'd just wanted to help, but he was for some unknown reason the cause of her problems.

'Women, you can't understand them.' Shaking his head, he then laid upwards since there was nothing else to do. And he also needed to rest and recover his energy, for tomorrow in the maze.

He could hear the bars of the cell opening, as other prisoners were led to the arena to battle for their lives. The breathtaking screams and shouts of the massive crowd, echoing in his ears. They would make silly chants and cheer more in excitement, when a prisoner dies or killed a beast.

'Idiot's.' It was a sadistic game they found theirself in, which they had to play to secure their lives in this strange floating kingdom.

His eyes were slowly getting shut from exhaustion, he'd exerted most of his strength and hp in his fight with the goblin. He was now weak in pain, and he needed to recover his strength from a good night sleep.


"Get up prisoner we don't have all day!" A male guard shouted, hitting the matal bars, jolting Kyle from his slumber.

"Shit! It can't possibly be morning by now." He'd slept not too long ago, but he could still tell it hadn't reached morning yet as he could perceive the cold breeze of night, gently blow past him.

"You fucking peasants! Looks like we're making your stay here a bit comfortable than intended." Pressing something on his watch, the blue power cuffs on Kyle and falcon wrists then hummed a bit charging electric currents, which then surged to their brainwaves causing them to fall to their knees screaming in pain.

"How do you like it now?" The man grinned increasing the pressure more, making blood flow out from their noses.

"What the hell are you doing soldier?" Ona questioned snapping him out from his daze, she then walked forward with a frown on her face.

"I-i was just reminding the peasants of their place team leader." He hurriedly uttered, scoffing at Kyle and falcon still regaining themselves on the floor.

"Pha! It isn't your duty to torture the prisoners damn it!"

"A-am sorry team leader.." Holding his cheek he then bowed to her with remorse, but his mind said otherwise.

"It's fine, you can leave us now." Bowing slightly, he secretly glanced at the duo with anger before stepping out from the dungeon.

"Am sorry for that, he doesn't have any right to treat you like that." Ona softly apologized opening the bar with her card.

"It's nothing space God, I can take much of a beating than that." Falcon proudly spoke like it was nothing, earning her a murderous gaze from Kyle.

"Speak for yourself!"

"Come on, don't be such a baby. we're in the presence of the space God."

"For the last time. she's your space God and not mine!"

"Sorry to break up the old couples bickering, but both of you are required to fight now in the last round for today." She calmly spoke, anger was on Kyle's face as he'd guessed who might've given out the order.

"Anything for you space God!" Falcon slightly bowed, lifting Kyle up standing with a straight poised form. They then put on the same blindfold as before, ona leading them out from the dungeon back to the dreaded arena they once fought.

As usual, the irreplaceable chants and screams from the crowd boomed throughout the arena, echoing in Kyle's ear. The blindfolds were then removed from their eyes, along with the power cuffs. Looking round, Kyle could see the prisoners participating were a lot fewer than the first. Their faces were emotionless and void of life as they blankly stared afar, he didn't blame them they had been through hell and he could testify to that.

Like before they then went to the weapons selection area in an orderly manner, falcon still chose the same weapon she chose last time, as she had a creepy smile on her face. it was now Kyle's turn heading to the weapons area, he was surprised to still see the ice katana from earlier.

Choosing it, he then went back to stand beside falcon with a neutral face. As expected the ground rumbled furiously, and along came the terrifying maze protruding out from the ground, reaching unbelievable heights.

"Ladies and gentlemen! it's with no doubt that this has been a spectacular round, of the first day of the 54th annual hunger games tournament!* King Troy's voice rang throughout the stadium, garning massive cheers from the filled out crowd.

"It's a shame it has to come to an end." He spoke in a sad expression, causing booes and insults from the crowd.

"But not to fear, we still have three more days of bloodthirsty non stop matches in the maze! So without further delay, let the seventh round of the hunger games begin!" He shouted, as the crowd erupted into excited screams and praises. Like before, the countdown from 5 appeared on the huge holographic screen.






"Go!" The contestants sprung out with speed into the maze, their weapons readied for anything. Kyle and falcon also followed the crowd of about ten prisoners, navigating their way through the maze. The teams of two then split, dispersing into different sections of the maze.

Taking a left turn, Kyle and falcon then found a group of about a hundred crabs the size of an elephant, feeding on two dead alien prisoners.

[Intermediate tier crabs: a bunch of intermediate tier crabs with high resistance and stamina. Strength:54 agility:47 stamina:44 resistance:178]

"They're not that strong but their-" falcon didn't stay to listen, as she'd already went out to face the crowds of intermediate tier crabs. Already firing off energy beams, from her dual hand blasters to the crabs still unaware.

'Bang! bang!' Small bangs went off as the beams hit their red skin. she'd expected them to fall dead like the goblins, but surprisingly they where just pushed back a bit.

"Screech!" Enraged the crabs then shot forward with speed to falcon, snapping chelae at her. Falcon wasn't fazed instead she was more excited, firing off four energy beams to the head of a crab dropping it dead.

One had reached her from behind striking it's chelae at her, dodging she landed a kick to the creature sending it into a wall. She could see a piece from the shell of the crab fall off, but other than that no serious damage was done.

Meanwhile Kyle was also battling a couple of crabs that had surrounded him, using his full strength he punched forward cracking the crab's outer shell, but the crab wasn't dead yet. Landing a second blow he finally ended the beast life, he was a lot faster than them so he was fairing well.

He could see falcon also faired well as she'd killed a couple, her dual blasters constantly firing of beams as she dodged their attacks. The crabs were much creeping in on Kyle. no matter how fast he was their numbers were just much, so Kyle couldn't afford to slow down a bit.

A crab had crept up on a boulder behind Kyle slowly crawling to him, it's eyes staring at Kyle with blood lust. Quietly above him the crab then lept in the air, descending downwards for him. Before it reached an item moving fast shot forward, cutting through the air heading for the crab.

The creature couldn't dodge midair but it was confident in it's skin, still focusing on Kyle as the arrow hit it.

"Screech!" It made a loud screech noise, alerting Kyle who then sidestepped avoiding the huge crab that crashed to the floor. Looking at the creature it wasn't dead but it was immobilized, as it couldn't stand to it's feet the outer shell shattered leaving only the inner.

'Boom!' Just when he thought it was over the crab exploded into bits, sending chunks of it's meat everywhere.

'What was that?' Looking at the direction the arrow came from he could see a figure standing tall, a red bow clutched in her hand.

'Who's she?' Kyle could see she was human. she had red fiery hair reaching her waist, wearing a black tight uniform which clung to her skin. On her back were a set of red arrows grouped together in a quiver, strapped on her back.