the hunger games(part 3)

The chants of the crowd erupted more, shaking the stadium slightly. looks of excitement, thrilled emotions, and unexplainable happiness filled the air. They were more than anticipant, to watch the first round of the 54th annual hunger games.

Down below Kyle heaved a sigh of relief, seeing it was finally over for them. He didn't know if they would participate in the other six rounds, but he was a bit satisfied they would momentarily get some moment to rest and regroup.

"Bummer it's over.. I wanted to kick more ass!" Kyle then coldly glanced at falcon. he was a bit paranoid at her weird attitude, but he was stuck with her. For some reasons unbeknownst to him, she seemed to love the thrill of battle. It was a strange thing for someone to love battle, but to her she needed it, like a daily food she carved.

"You survived. Huh.. you're luckier than expected." Ona chuckled lightly seeing falcon still alive. She'd expected her to die in the maze sooner, but somehow she'd luckily managed to find her way out alive and unscathed, out from the dreaded maze.

"Of course space God! Am following in your footsteps." Falcon bowed respectfully causing Kyle to raise a brow, while ona stared with a light smile.

"You managed to survive today.,Let's see if you'll be lucky again tomorrow." She said, then ordering two guards to escort them back to the dungeon. The cuffs were placed on their hands as they were sent back, falcon gave a thank you nod to ona before she and kyle left the arena.

"Hahaha!" Lumia laughed cheerfully, seeing Kyle and falcon survive the maze. She was really happy they weren't dead, as she was getting used to them.

"Looks like they made it out father." She sarcastically said with a mocking tone.

"Don't get your hopes up child, they still have three more days to go." Troy grinned, warily placing his hands together thinking of something.

"What are you going to do?" Lumia asked. knowing her father, she knew he would come up with an evil scheme to rig the system.

"Me, oh! nothing.. Am not a monster, but I just have this gut feeling our heroes luck is about to run out." He chuckled evily, tapping his fingers lightly to his gold throne floating a bit above the ground.


The same blindfold was then placed on Kyle and falcon's eye along with the other contestants, as they were then taking down to the dungeon. Kyle was supported on the shoulders by ona, while falcon was just beside humming a soft tune.

The chilly and ragged scent of the dungeon hit Kyle's nose as they reached, it smelled awful like something died in here. They couldn't complain, as they were forced to endure the terrible odour. As a demon he could literally smell everyone's body scent, which he then registered to his brain.

Reaching their cell they were then placed inside, their blindfolds removed as the bars slammed shut. The blue power cuffs were still placed on their hands, restricting them from using any of their skills or abilities whatsoever.

"See you tomorrow crazy girl." Ona uttered causing falcon to scream excitedly.

"Y-yes space God! I'll treasure the name you've given me with my life." Falcon dramatically displayed, causing Kyle to mutter some inaudible words. Shaking her head ona was amazed and curious by this young alien's behavior, she was perpelled to know about her.

"My name is ona." She softly said as her feet slowly walked away. falcon stunned and lost for words just blankly stared at where ona once stood, listening to the sounds of her receding footsteps.

'S-she just told me her name.' She said to herself shocked, she wasn't expecting her to reveal her name just like that. She knew she didn't lie and that was her name, from her dialogue and heartbeat.

"I didn't know you worshipped her like a god. Maybe you should create a statue for the 'space God', and appease her with your blood." Kyle teased grunting a bit, as his back slowly slid down the wall.

"Idiot! for your information, am trying to buy us a good face here." Falcon glared at him coldly folding her arms.

"Good luck with that~" Kyle chuckled a bit resting his head against his arms, which were crossed up a bit on the wall. Stomping her foot, falcon angrily went to the other side in the cell away from Kyle. Laying to the ground, she turned to the wall her back faced to him.

"Come on. you're not upset are you?" Kyle softly asked, trying to initiate a conversation from falcon.

"I was just joking." He chuckled nervously but she declined the offer, making snoring noises pretending to be asleep. Kyle didn't bother her anymore, he knew she was upset with him now but she'd come around later.

He then decided to check his status, as he'd seen the system screen constantly flash before his eyes while in the maze. He didn't pay attention to them cause he was still in battle, and couldn't afford to be distracted. The exps he got from the goblins were helpful especially from the epic tier, as it boosted his points further.

'Status.' He inwardly said as a screen popped up in his head.

[name: kyle conner]

[lv: 35]

[race: f-rank demon]

[title: successor of demon of lust(increases all lust activities by 15%) (Noble heart: once equipped grants user +20 reputation points amongst each royal nobles.) (Hidden titles)]

[strength: 63, agility: 76, stamina: 57, will: 34, intelligence: 40, hp: 100/100, xxx points: 10,000/10,000, killing intent: 15, resistance: 28, demon energy: 50/50]

[Free points: 12]

[exp req: 3050/5000]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner, yua nua akemi niru, kimi Conner, Elise wood]

[temporary XXX's: Susan flora]

lust skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 41% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 19% chance to work on men.]

[eyes of sin: enables the user to look into the state of a female horniness. xxx gauge: (0%)]

[demon rod (evolved): user's rod grows 1cm with every evolution and increases the level of lust when having sex. making the level of orgasm higher. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[sinful demon seed: the user's cum can heal and regenerate any illness once swallowed or cummed in a woman. making them look more younger. note: doesn't work on men.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 34% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:0%)]

[bond marking: enables the user to place a marking on his woman to be able to locate them wherever they'll be.

(Bond marked: 5)]

lust skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 45% chance of enrousing females within 30meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 25 XXX point's per activation]

[cum spurt: increases the load of cum the user shoots out. consumes 20xxx points]

demon skills passive:

[demon eyes: this is a basic skill possessed by demon's which will grant them the ability to command or put someone or something in trance depending on the will. User can also use it to inspect items or people. will not work on people whose will are higher than 34]

[lesser regeneration: as the weakest of demons the user possess lesser regeneration that regenerates any minor loss or damaged tissue.]

[demon skin: the user's skin has resistance to physical, magical and spiritual attacks by 15%]

[omniguilbism ability: enables the user to understand all form of languages.]

[kirlin eyes: this skill is passive and it will grant the user futuristic eyesight by 3%.]

[Light combat skill(basic): bestowed as a gift from the fox people this skill enables the user to learn basic light combat skills and also increases the user agility by 12. (Note: user can perform flash kill a number of 2 times.)]

demon skill non passive:

[dark flames (lv2): the user is able to summon the dark flames, of the first great demon into his palms.

this flames are at the second stage, and will evolve with each number of persons killed with it.( number of people killed: 609/1500). consumes 10 demon energy for each palm.

(Note: user's control over dark flames has increased to the affected area!)]

[transformation: for consumption of 20 demon energy. the user will transform into his demon appearance for a duration of 5 minutes. making all stats multiplied by two in this form.]

[death's call: fires dark balls of energy from both palm draining bits of the affected's life force. consumes: 30 demon energy per hand.]

[shadow walk (lv1): the user's body becomes a shadowy figure enabling him to slip past enemies sight who's will are below your's. This skill is at it's lowest rank and can be upgraded by collecting and absorbing shadow balls (0/50). (Costs 20 demon energy to activate and can only be used twice per day.)]


[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 20% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 10 XXX point's.]

[reach LV 50 to evolve and unlock more skills]

Looking at the screen kyle saw he'd levelled up to 35, which was a great achievement. the exps he got from killing the foxes in vaanderwood along with this goblins, had boosted his level up to 35.

He could also see he'd gotten two titles, which not that great was also useful in their own ways.

'Why does it say hidden titles?' Kyle asked snow in his head, seeing the system message hidden titles in his titles section.

[There are some hidden titles you've yet to unlock, by completing some requirements.] Snow softly said.

'Wait I thought unlocked some skills before?'

[There isn't such records on the system data.] She spoke in a more monotone voice. Kyle was a bit concerned with how she spoke, sensing it wasn't in her usual tone as before.

'Am getting closer.' He softly muttered seeing his stats increase. he could also see he had some left over points, he could allocate to any of his stats.

'Weird.' He could see most of his lust skills effectiveness had increased, along with the required xxx points. He guessed it was because he used them a lot than his demon skills that was why, but he wasn't fazed. He had enough xxx points, to activate each of them to his use.

'Thanks for updating the screen snow.'

[It is my primary objective to aid the host in any way possible] Snow systematically spoke.

'Do you think they're still alive?' Kyle suddenly asked laying upwards.

[Who are the host referring to?]

'Y-you know.. Lilith and the rest.'

[Am sorry host, but I do not have any data partaining the group of people host just said.] Now Kyle was more than concerned with snow, she was speaking in a more dialogue tone which was freaking him out. It had been a while since they last spoke in vaanderwood, before his strange encounter with the entity that was arguably his system.

'Wait. if you don't remember Lilith and the rest, then how do you remember the name I gave you?'

[Snow is my primary name given by the system.]

'B-but I was the one that named you. What's wrong with you?' Kyle worriedly asked. he didn't know what was going on with snow, but he hoped it was something minor like a glitch or something.

[Host anxiety is rising. Host needs to relive stress by calming his nerves down.]

'Bullshit don't give me that!'

'Clang! clang! clang!'

Kyle was pulled out of his trance by the clanging of the metal bars, he could see falcon was already up as she stared at the hooded figure.

"You have a visitor." The male guard then opened the cell, as the hooded figure walsted in. Looking at the presence, Kyle could've sworn he recognized the figure aura somewhere as it was just distinct.

"I knew you would make it out." The female spoke under the hood, and Kyle immediately recollected the voice.