The hunger games(part 2)

"Let the 54th annual hunger games begin!" King Troy shouted, causing the crowd to erupt in a frenzy of screams.

'What's happening?' The ground started rumbling as in front, giant walls rose up in twining into different sophisticated patterns forming a huge maze, of about 4meters tall. The drones then displayed the contestants one by one, as they stared at the domineering maze.

One by one a guard then uncuffed their wrists, by swiping a strange yellow card at the cuffs. Then they were presented with a variety of weapons like plasma guns, energy disrupter rifles, dual hand beam cannons, and so on.

"Hey what about my whip?" Falcon asked the guard in front. Looking at the various weapons they were new to her, and they didn't suit her style of fighting quite well.

"Shut up and pick a weapon slave!" The male guard then hit her in the guts, with his energy disrupter rifle sending her to a knee.

"Why you!" Kyle immediately held her drawing her back a bit bowing to the guard, before she would cause any more unpleasant situations.

"Calm down falcon, we don't want any unwanted attention." Kyle said to which she puffed her cheeks angrily.

"But I can't fight without my whip." She grumbled.

"You don't have to. I have a plan, just follow my lead and we'll make it out of this alive." Nodding she then went to the weapons selection area again, looking through the few her eyes stopped at the dual hand beam energy blasters.

"This'll have to do." She muttered equipping the glove like item to her hands, giving it a few swings. she found out it didn't hinder her strength or movement, like she'd expected.

"Do you even know how to use those?" A female guard with dark hair uttered, seeing falcon's unexperienced state.

"It isn't that hard, I just have to punch with my fists." Falcon confidently said, refusing to admit her cluelessness in handling the weapon.

'She's going to die..' Ona the female guard inwardly thought, staring at this overexcited alien woman.

"Tightly hold your hands together into a fist, the weapon would charge for approximately 5seconds before you stretch your hands out, for long range attacks. For short range it charges immediately, you just punch forward sending out small but effective blasts of energy forward." Ona explained walking away.

"Thank you space God! I promise to repay you someday in the future." Falcon yelled. She was happy ona wasn't like the rest. she was clueless when she first held the weapon, but her pride didn't allow her say so.

'This girl~' ona was stunned by falcon's carefree attitude, a lot of people she knew were always stiff and uptight without a sense of humour. But this alien woman reminded her of someone, she lost a long time ago.

"You're welcome." She silently muttered heading away.

"What was that about?" Kyle asked as soon as falcon got back, he'd been watching the little scenario as it was really hard not to miss.

"Oh! it's nothing. she was just explaining some things for me." She grinned, swinging her fists into the air like an MMA fighter.

'Huh?' Looking at her Kyle could see her expression was neutral like the rest, he didn't know why he helped falcon but he sure as hell wasn't going to trust her.

It was now his turn as he boldly walked to the weapons selection area, gazing through some weapons it remained only a few precisely three. Inspecting it, he could see the weapons features.

[Eagle eyes plasma hand gun: fires off small blasts of energy, from the mana crystal. Has a 15 percent chance of meeting target from a far distance. +6 strength+15speed +9 stamina.]

[Energy disrupter grenade: releases a burst of electromagnetic pulse, disrupting every electronical appliances within 5 meter radius, blasting enemies back with it's sound wave. +10 strength + 20 agility + 8 stamina.]

Looking at the two items description, the energy disrupter grenade had more perks than the eagle eye plasma handgun. He would have gone for the disrupter grenade, but there was only two. though it was good, he didn't want to be left in a situation where he'd be defenseless in battle.

Shrugging Kyle decided to check the third item, which was a dull light blue rusted katana.

[Frozen Ice dragon katana: crafted from the ice crystal of the frozen middle rare tier ice dragon of Neverland, and bonded with various mana stones. This katana has advanced into the early legendary tier, earning it's place as a strong weapon. Though it's lost some of it's quality making the benefits halved, once refined it would return to it's normal state.

+185 strength + 148 agility+ 290 stamina +120resistance once equipped.

(Passive skill cold blood: has a 50% chance to freeze enemies blood with each contact, slowing them down and inflicting cold burn effect.)

(Active skill Blizzard: for consumption of 30 mana points, the user can fire lines of ice blizzard from his frozen katana.)]

"Woah~" Kyle was beyond amazed by what he was seeing. judging from the rough texture and how rusty it was, Kyle like any other wouldn't go for this weapon at all. Not only did it cover very little distance, it also didn't look that special. if he hadn't inspected it with his skill, then he would've definitely gone for one of the other two weapons.

Heading back to join falcon Kyle held the rusted katana in his hand, a smile on his face. when falcon saw kyle coming with that rusted katana, her face immediately changed to a frown.

"Are you alright?"

"Never been better." He smiled. he saw they all stared at him weirdly, some even mockingly laughed but he didn't care. They didn't know the treasure he had in his hands, and he wasn't going to be loud about it.

"You can see not only is the katana not helpful, it's even rusted."

"Maybe.. or maybe not." Kyle still retained his smile, falcon then sighed in defeat. she didn't know why Kyle chose that weapon, but he had his reasons and she wasn't going to question him for it.

"Just stay close to me and don't die." Kyle just nodded. on the holographic screen a timer then appeared, counting downwards from 10. The contestants prepared themselves, as it was now time for the moment of truth.






'Go!' The countdown ended as the contestants sprang forward into the maze, through the narrow entrance. Kyle and falcon then slowly treaded into the maze, as the entrance then closed up trapping them in the maze.

They could already hear the sounds of other teams engaged in battle, as plasma shots were fired with beams of energy fying everywhere. The goal was simply, survive in the maze for as long as possible!

Still walking forward, they then took a left then a right navigating their way through this terrifying maze, their footsteps came to a halt seeing a man running fast towards them.

They were about engaging, when they finally saw a terrifying beast tailing the man. it had a black panthers body, with two strange vine like snake heads protruding from it's side. It's tail was like that of a scorpions as it was brown in colour, the creature was fast and Kyle could see it as it had caught up with the man.

It swung it's scorpion tail at the man, as it pierced through his chest. lifting him with it's tail to it's view, the predator stared at him while he was choking from the venomous poison released from it's tail.

The creature then opened it's mouth wide, chomping down on the head of the man with it's powerful jaws, throwing the headless body like it was trash. The creature then turned it's attention to them, staring at them with it's hollow eyes.


[Venomous snake panther: the venomous snake panther is a hybrid beast. this creature was formerly at the peak epic tier, but by absorbing mana and feeding on beast crystals it has evolved to the middle legendary tier. Strength: 350 agility: 420 stamina: 200.

(Skills: acid blast, clone, fear aura)]

The creature was terrifying and just by looking at it, Kyle could already feel it's fear aura on full display. It was even more effective than his demon eye skill.

Kyle could see falcon's body was visibly shaking looking at the creature, he could feel his body go numb as he couldn't move it.

The creature lurked closer it's two vine snakes snapping violently at Kyle and falcon, there was nothing they could do staring at the creeping predator. The crowds roared in excitement, thrilled seeing the champion of the maze about to devour two newbies.

"No~" lumia muttered softly seeing Kyle and falcon cornered, she could see her father had a lewd smile enjoying the scene. There was nothing she could do but watch in pain, as innocent people were about to be devoured.

The creature then lept in the air a bit about to pounce on the duo, but just as it was close a wall suddenly protruded from the floor blocking the creature, saving them.

"Phew.. that was close." They were caught by the skin of their teeths, as if it wasn't for that huge wall saving them they would've been fresh meats by now.

"We're lucky the maze shifted, sending it to another side or we'd be goners." They were lucky to be alive, but the journey wasn't over yet. no! it was just beginning. Walking forward with caution, they proceeded through the maze. they could see the bodies of people that had been killed, along with some creatures laid on the ground.

'Clang! The maze shifted again as they were sent yet to another location, they could see a few bodies brutally killed by a heavy object.

"Bam!" They heard a loud sound as a heavy object was being hit to the ground, they didn't have to look that long as a goblin came in their front.

Then another followed by more as a group of about 50 goblins were now in their front, each holding a wooden club. The goblins colour were light green, as they were incredibly ugly standing at about four feet tall.

Impatient they charged straight for Kyle and falcon, looking at them Kyle didn't think they posed that much of a threat.

[Advanced tier goblins: this goblins are at the advanced stage, and are known for their brutal strength. Though they lack greatly in speed, they make up for it in strength and stamina. Strength:66 agility: 34 stamina: 52]

Seeing they weren't a threat, Kyle then placed his katana away tying it around his waist, with a long piece of cloth he tore from his sleeves.

"I've always wanted to try these." Falcon excitedly grinned, tightly gripping her hands. the energy blasters glove then charged instantly, as she punched forward sending out two small beams of energy. The beams were fast shooting straight for the goblins, they weren't fast enough to dodge as it precisely hit the heads of two in front, killing them.

"Bullseye." Falcon grinned more seeing how effective her energy blasters were, she was happy she chose them. The goblins seeing two of their members killed were enraged charging forward again, now knowing falcon's weapon they were careful to avoid it.

"This is fun!" Falcon giggled shooting out small energy blasts, heading to the goblins. she was fast avoiding their heavy swings, landing a strike of her own.

"Save some for me!" Kyle then joined the party swiftly swinging his fists at them, sending them skidding backwards. Kyle was also doing a good job avoiding their clubs, while skillfully attacking them.

Grabbing one's head, he then headbutted the latter causing it to scream in pain before landing a kick to it's head, snapping it and killing the goblin.

"Argh!" A goblin had managed to sneak up on Kyle furiously hitting him in his leg with his club, breaking some few bones in it. Enraged he caught hold of the goblin trying to escape, sending his fist to the chest. the goblins skin had some resistance, but it wasn't a match for Kyle. His hand pierced into the goblins flesh, extending outwards with the beating heart. shoving the dead latter away, Kyle then brought the heart close to his mouth.

"Yummy." He took a bite from it, dead staring the rest of the goblins in the eyes. fear clouded their body, looking at this ominous demon.

"I-i can't do this.." one tried to run but falcon immediately shot him, none of them were getting out of here alive.


"That was fun." In under a minute, they'd successfully killed all the advanced tier goblins. just when they thought it was over, they heard a much louder clang.

'Clang!' Before their eyes another goblin appeared but this goblin wasn't like the rest, as it was a feet taller while his skin was much more darker green than theirs.

The goblin had a creepy smile on his face seeing his dead comrades, he then tapped his huge club to his hand pointing it forward.

[Early epic tier goblin: this goblin is at the early epic tier, it is mainly known for it's tough skin and terrifying strength. (Strength:190 agility:60 stamina:161)]

"Let me handle him." Kyle said to which falcon nodded. Walking forward Kyle had a calm expression, he wasn't going to use his katana and only rely on his stats.

"Argh!" The goblin was faster than Kyle expected shooting it's body forward, swinging it's huge club to Kyle's head. The latter dodge taking a step back punching forward, his fist connected to the goblin's chest but it did little to no damage.

"Shit!" Kyle held his hand feeling some bones broken, the system wasn't specific in detailing out how tough this goblin skin was. The goblin had made another move and Kyle couldn't react in time, as the goblin's big foot hit him in the guts sending him to a wall.

[Critical hit!]

[-20 hp]

Fresh blood seeped down Kyle's lip as he coughed up some more blood, but the goblin didn't give him any chance to re-cooperate.

"Bam!" Kyle rolled to the ground away from harm's way, as the goblin hit the huge wall with it's huge club. it sent vibrations a bit, as the wall shook slightly.

Kyle then punched the goblin's leg with his full strength still down, that attack seemed to have gotten to the latter as he held his leg in pain. Seeing the opportunity Kyle punched forward with all his strength, dodging the attack sent by the goblin.

Things were starting to go in his favour, as green blood could be seen sliding down the goblin's lip.

"Argh!" Enraged the goblin swung it's huge club at Kyle, but he managed to dodge punching the latters rib. In an attempt to break free he started a frenzy of wild swings, Kyle dodged most but alas one had gotten to him.



Kyle could feel the amount of pressure this thing weighed as it hit him. It was like a scyscrapper had crashed into his body, the force was pushing him down but he stomped his feet, holding the club refusing to go down.

"Die!" The goblin screamed, applying more pressure but Kyle refused. He then started kicking him fast with his full strength, the goblin was in a lot of pain as Kyle's kick met with him.

He was then forcefully made to leave the club in Kyle's hand, gripping it tightly he swung it forward with full force at the goblin's head. The latter dodged by blocking but suffered a great toll on his hands, Kyle didn't stop swinging the the club at the goblin's body.

The goblin was battered all over struggling to stand on wobbly legs, blood flowing down his forehead into his eyes covering his view. Kyle then swung the final blow to his head, crushing it into a wall killing it as green blood flowed down it's body.

Kyle weak then fell to the floor, as falcon came to his side. she could see his blood and some of the goblin's, plastered all over his body.

"You're one suicidal maniac you know that?" Falcon chuckled softly staring at him, Kyle just smiled weakly amidst the pain.

The ground then started rumbling again, they then prepared themselves for another event, but the walls just headed down into the ground revealing the large stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen! that was the first round, of the 54th annual hunger games!"

King Troy's voice rang throughout the whole stadium, as the crowd burst in screams and chants.