the hunger games(part 9): clash of the titans

Kyle was way faster than falcon or the archer, reaching the two beasts first. He slashed his katana at the spider, deeming it more weaker than the angry bull.

'Clang.' Before it could land, the behemoth had blocked with it's horn as Kyle katana was stuck a bit.

'Screech!' The spider chittered going in for an attack, stomping it's legs down to Kyle. The latter using his leg to forcefully kick the bulls horn finally removed his katana, skidding back a bit.

'Swoosh! swoosh!' The spider shot multiple webs straight at Kyle, not giving him any chance at all to regroup. Dodging, he tried getting close to the spider but the bull proved stubborn blocking him.

'Bang! bang!' Red arrows and green lines of aura's were shot at the spider as it connected, pushing the creature back a bit.

"You focus on that we'll handle the spider." Falcon shouted slashing her whip at the spider, while the archer stayed on a high ground she could find accurately firing off arrows to the spider.

"Roar!!" The bull roared, seeing falcon and the other female attacking it's kind. It wanted to attack them, but Kyle didn't let him have his way.

"Focus on me." Kyle softly said slashing the thighs of the beast hard skin, it didn't make much of a cut but it did some damage to spill out little blood.

'Boom! boom! boom!' The beast tried to crush Kyle with it's insane smashes, but the demon was just faster than it. Kyle then went in to slash the creature chest, but the beast did something strange. Opening it's mouth wide, it released a terrifying roar sending out a huge sonic blast for Kyle.

"Shit!" Kyle was too close to the beast so he couldn't dodge. Placing his katana front, he tried to block but the piercing sound echoed throughout his ears. If it wasn't for the katana's high resistance, his ear drums would've exploded long ago.

'Clang!' The beast then swiftly swiped it's left hand at Kyle, sending him flying backwards into a wall.

"Phough! is that all you got." Kyle smirked wiping the blood from his lips, he had a mocking look on his face as he taunted the beast.

"Roar!!" Enraged, the beast lept in the air straight for Kyle descending down with speed ready to smash Kyle. Just at the right moment Kyle threw a dark flame directly to the creature face, stepping away from the imminent impact.

'Boom!' A small explosion occured as the beast smashed into the wall, creating a huge hole sending chunks of rocks flying. Looking at falcon and the archer, Kyle saw they faired well against the spider dealing much damage.

"Let's give them some space shall we." He smirked seeing the beast already up to it's feet, the flames still eating up it's skin.

"Kinda smells like roasted bull." Kyle teased making the creature mad more, the bull then got on all fours it's massive sharp horns pointed at Kyle. The latter could see the ground beneath the creature was cracked, and denting deeper.

'Bam!' Within the blink of an eye, the bull shot it's body fast like an arrow charging forward to Kyle with insane speed. Blocking, Kyle slashed forward with his katana but it was the same result as earlier, it didn't stop the bull in it's mad charge.

'Bam!' Just like that it had destroyed another portion of the wall, raising it's head kyle was carried along with it's horn. The beast then stared at Kyle dangling from it's horn with it's bloodshot eyes, opening it's mouth Kyle knew what it meant.

'Not again.' Kyle could see the sonic blast charging in the bull's mouth, swinging his legs he forcefully kicked the beast head forcing his katana out as he fell to the floor.

"Roar!" The beast roared again releasing the piercing sonic blasts, Kyle had to cover his ears from the scream.

"Shut up!" He yelled punching the creature legs making it stumble, using his katana he swiftly slashed it's ankle, making the bull fall to one knee. Kyle then used the katana to slash consistently at the bull, dodging it's attacks while blocking a few.

The stadium was filled with the many cheers and screams, from the siked audiences. Countless of words, multiple songs, were sung for Kyle and his team both in and out of the stadium. The walls threatened to fall from the sheer power Kyle and the beast excluded, but that was the least of their concerns.

The more than 50,000 crowds here, were more excited to see the battle of the two terrifying power house, rather than concerned with their safety.


In the maze, Kyle faired well against the beast as he'd managed to take out one of it's ankle. There were no much injuries on Kyle's body only little blood from the creature, his katana aided him well in the fight with the bull.

It's active property cold burn was slowly turning the creature's blood to ice, as it's movement were gradually slowing down little by little. Since it's skin was so hard, Kyle focused on inflicting more damage to the parts blood dropped from, intending to amputate a part of this bulls body.

'Slash! slash!' Kyle made more slashes to the already injured area, tearing the flesh more drawing out fresh blood.

"Roar!" The beast was left defenseless as Kyle blurred about, slashing it's body with his katana. The creature knew the end was near, and his hard skin couldn't save it from Kyle so in an attempt to break free, it slammed both it's hand to the ground continuously.

"That isn't going to save you.." He muttered not stopping, he could see the bull still banging the ground with force, but it didn't affect him in any way.

Just as he was about to slash the neck of the beast, he suddenly sensed something from up coming down fast to him. Looking up he could see several cracks on the wall, along with huge chunks of rocks breaking and crashing downwards.

'Shit.' He dodged the falling derbies running to the side, using his katana to cleanly cut into two the ones he couldn't avoid.

'Fucking bastard.' Kyle cursed he was avoiding the falling derbies, while also fighting the humanoid bull. His senses and instincts were on high alert, maximizing his thinking faculty on new battle strategies.

'Shit.' just as he was busy dealing with the derbies, the bull did the same move as before getting on all fours ready to stomp Kyle.

'There's just too much.' Kyle thought continuously dodging the derbies, while also avoiding the behemoth in his front. He was blinking about as the bull chased behind, dodging the bull slammed it's horns into a wall.

"Roar!" The angry bull roared as it was unable to remove it's horn stuck to the wall, Kyle seeing this as an opportunity took the chance to strike at the beast.

'Death's call.' Placing his hand out, the spinning dark ball spiralled in his palm spinning fast. Not waiting, it shot out from his palm heading straight for the defenseless bull.

"Roar!" The bull roared feeling the effect of that attack from Kyle, as a small hole was made on the side of it's body but it wasn't over, no! the pain had just begun. Then out from the hole came several dark chains that slid to the ground, firmly inching their way deep wrapping round the bulls body keeping it in place.

"Roar! roar!" It struggled to break free from this obstacle, as it could feel it's strength going away from it faster than before. Kyle also didn't rest slashing his katana at the beast ankle, cutting through it's thick hard flesh to it's bone.

"Argh!" With a grunt Kyle swiftly slashed his katana to the ankle, adding all his strength into that blow. The katana went easily, cleanly cutting the creature's ankle like hot knife going through butter.

"Roar!" The beast screamed in pain feeling it's ankle severed from it's leg, it could feel a cold sensation all over it's body as it's life was slowly being drained.

'That should teach you.' Kyle chuckled softly seeing the beast giving up, until he felt something was wrong.

'Boom!' Like an explosion the beast excluded it's terrifying aura, sending Kyle skidding back a bit. Looking at the beast, Kyle could sense it had suddenly gained new found powers.

'Wait! it's core.' That's when it finally hit Kyle, the beast was about dying so it decided to break a little hell and take Kyle with it.

'Shit! I totally forgot.' Kyle had forgotten this was a beast last line of defense. If a beast was in a fight and on the brink of death, then it could tap from it's core giving it newfound and terrifying strength, but it came at a cost. By doing this the beast slowly burns out it's life force, which in turn results in death either way. It was truly a horrific way to die, but at least it would aide them in avenging their death one way or another.

"Roar!" The beast roared puling it's head from the wall, breaking both it's horns in the process leaving them stuck there. Kyle could see the beast body now had red lines going across it, and smoke being emitted from it.

"Roar!" The beast roared taking a step forward, Kyle's death call chains held it firmly but the beast didn't budge. Taking another step, the chains wrapped around it began forcefully snapping as the beast finally broke free.

It then rushed in, swinging it's massive hooves at Kyle who had no problem dodging.

'Shoosh! shoosh.' Every time Kyle's katana hit the bull's body a sizzling sound would be made, followed by the emission of fog.

"It's death mode has made it's body incredibly hot." He thought dodging the beast huge hand slashing his katana at it, the beast then slammed it's second hand down to Kyle.

Swiping his katana up, he momentarily blocked the incoming fist about to flatten him. He could feel the weight of the beast hand fall on him, but that was the least of his problems.

'No.' He didn't sense the beast charge it's sonic roar at all, when he was focused on saving his life. There was nothing he could do to block, than to take the attack head on.

"Roar!!!" This was the loudest roar, as it sent waves of round ring like sonic waves crashing into Kyle. The walls from the maze were shaking, crumbling from the sheer force of power as the roar echoed throughout the arena.

Somehow the people in the stadium weren't affected by the scream, but they could still hear and feel how powerful it was.

'Argh fuck! I can't hold it much longer.' Kyle grunted, he could feel the clothes on his body being ripped out from the sonic waves. Blood was slipping down from his ears and lips, he could feel his brain about exploding and his blood boiling hot, waiting to burst out from the shell caging it.

Thinking of a way to get out of this mess, Kyle remembered one crucial skill he hadn't even used.

[Shadow walk activated.]

His body slowly turned into a shadowy figure blending into the night, the beast was confused thinking Kyle had somehow escaped. Stopping it's attack, it couldn't even feel the weight of something underneath it's fist.

'Slash! slash.' Kyle swiftly slashed one of the beast eye blinding it partially, he then dodged as the bull tried smashing him with his arms.

'This is cool..' Kyle was just like a person's shadow and not to mention it was night time, so the chances of the bull spotting him were thin. He knew he couldn't directly attack the beast cause it's will was higher than his, but still he would find a way.

'Slash! slash!' slash!'

"Roar!" The beast was annoyed as it continued hitting nothing but air, the life in it was depleting faster and it wouldn't take a minute before it died.

"Roar!" It blasted it's sonic wave to all directions intending to hit Kyle, but the latter was too clever for the creature.

"Time to end the story." Kyle muttered tightly gripping his katana. The beast was already on it's last leg, and he had to act fast now and slay the beast to achieve his goal.

"Die!" He yelled stomping his feet to the floor shooting himself up to the beast location, then fiercely slashing down his katana to the beast head.

"Roar!" There was a bit of resistance but Kyle wasn't fazed, adding all his strength the katana went through cutting the beast neck. Kyle stared directly into the bloodshot eyes of the beast without any emotion, he didn't care about being alert cause the beast was already half dead.

'Bam!' The beast head fell to the floor as Kyle stood besides it. He then deactivated Shadow walk, as the shadow slowly left his body revealing his true self.

"I-i did it." Kyle couldn't believe he pulled off that feet by himself, as that beast was a tricky on. He was glad it was finally dead, and he also saw falcon and the archer had defeated the spider.

"Woah! Did he just turn into a shadow?"

"Yeah I-i think so.."

"WTF! he just killed that high tier beast all by himself."

"I think am in love!"

Kyle just dismissed the rumors of the crowd. they were never his priority, he just wanted to kill as much as possible and finally evolve when he reached level 50.

"Time to see my reward.."

[Quest completed!]

[Reward: new skill sonic blast acquired!]

[Sonic blast: host is able to fire off beams of sonic waves from his palm, covering a 5 meter radius paralyzing the affected, slowly and painfully killing the individual. Costs 6 mana points per charge.]

Looking at the skill, Kyle thought it was just like the lesser version of the behemoth's sonic roar. He was a bit frustrated he couldn't use it yet, as it required mana points and not demon energy.

"Oh well.. at least it's over for now." Kyle spoke to soon and that's when he saw it, another two set of hideous creature were coming his way.

"Not again." He frowned immediately recognizing one as the shadow bat, and the other a humanoid serpent with purple scally skin holding a huge trident.

"Great this just keeps getting better and better." Kyle creepily smiled pointing his katana forward to the creature's, his eyes glowing red giving him an insidious aura.