the hunger games(part 10): clash of the titans 2

As Kyle was about to step out to face the new beasts, the ground beneath his feet suddenly started rumbling. The floor beneath his feet was cracking, spread across the field as Kyle struggled to keep balance.

'What the hell?' He saw the other creatures weren't affected by the shaking, as the shadow bat was already in the air while the strange snake woman was still standing, holding her weird trident.

'Swoosh!' The shadow bat was the first to act, turning into a shadowy fog heading fast for Kyle. The latter was still with his katana so he could keep up with the bat's speed, stomping his feet he leapt high in the air avoiding the shadow bat. He expected the bat to crash into the floor, but surprisingly it immediately changed course heading up towards him.

'Shit.' Kyle was midair and couldn't dodge but only attack, as the bat was just inches from him. Tightly gripping his katana he slashed downwards at the shadow bat, the bat didn't stop still heading forward.

Kyle expected the katana to slash the bat, but surprisingly the bat just went through the attack even going through Kyle's body, but not without causing some damage.

"Phough!" Fresh blood spilled out from Kyle's mouth as he felt a sharp pain strike his heart, his left heart was now completely destroyed as a hole was made there. The bat then used both it's claws to slash down at Kyle descending down, the latter managed to block by raising his katana slightly blocking.

'Boom!' A small boom sound went off, as Kyle's body crashed hard into a swampy ground covered with hard grass and mud.

"Ah!" The crowd gasped seeing Kyle's heart easily destroyed like that, they had a grim and bitter expression on their faces seeing their favourite contestant killed within the blink of an eye.

"N-no~" Lumia muttered watching the screen, her face immediately went blank as she clenched her chest a stinging pain hitting her heart. Her eyes became teary, as small tears slipped down from them just witnessing Kyle's death.

"Hmm.. this wasn't how I pictured his end." King troy frowned, staring at the holographic screen. Unlike others he didn't have a look of remorse or sadness, as he was more of his usual calm attitude.

"I hope you're happy, you finally got what you wanted. Father.." Lumia bitterly spoke with tears sliding down her cheeks looking at her father.

"I.. I didn't want it to end like this." He softly said shaking his head.

The bat then softly landed down to where Kyle was thinking it was over, it's fangs protruded more as it bent it's head down ready to feed on Kyle's blood.

'Swoosh! swoosh!' Multiple green lines of aura's hit the creatures body, sending it back a bit. Falcon then used her whip to slash at the bat, creating a deep slash mark across it's chest.

"Get away from him!" She yelled rage surging through her veins as her eyes glowed green, her aura exceeding out of her body with dominance.

"Screech!" The bat then blinked, and the next moment appeared besides falcon but the latter was prepared dodging to the side, the green whip wrapped around the creature's leg as if it was alive.

"Argh!" She screamed slamming the creature into the ground, following up the attack by creating multiple green poison shards floating in the air, sending them down to the bat.

'Bang! bang! bang!' It was like multiple gun shots went off as the shards spiked the floor, creating many holes in the swampy floor. Looking at the place where the bat crashed, she had a feeling something was wrong.

'Boom!' The next instance something protruded out from the ground fast, it's claws furiously swiping at falcon. Her whip moved fast as she swung her whip, sending back the beast claw attacks.

Multiple green chains protruded from the ground, wrapping tightly around the creature's skin holding it in place. Falcon seeing an opportunity then created a second whip, adding more of her ability into it.

The creature struggled to break free from the chains falcon made, but they were just to strong. The ground beneath falcon's feet were being scorched by the second, as her aura protruded fiercely from her body.

The veins in her muscles contradicted as she channeled a skill, placing her left foot back a bit she shot her body fast like an arrow, the whips spinning rapidly in her arms.

"Screech!" The creature screamed as it could feel it's death approaching, falcon was like a green flaming arrow as she moved really fast. Getting closer to the shadow bat, her hands precisely moved together with perfect sync, slashing all over at the creature's body as she landed on the other side.

"Ha.. ha.." she panted in air, as that was one of her most lethal skills yet. It required a lot of stamina and mana from her to perform that skill, but it was worth it as it's effects weren't arguable.

'Huh?' She expected to see a minced shadow bat, but shockingly there was nothing there.

"Argh!" She felt two slash marks across her back, drawing out huge amounts of blood. She tried slashing, but the cunning bat had already disappeared from there.

Calming herself down she focused her hearing for any traces of the bat, she was a three tailed fox so her hearing was great compared to the other lower tails.

'Found you.' Swiftly moving her hands she slashed her whip to the air, releasing a thin line of green aura that shot fast with insane speed.

"Screech!" The bat screamed, appearing in the air as it's left leg had now been severed by falcon's attack. Rage burned in the creature's eyes, as it's blood boiled more with it's eyes glowing red.


'Bang! bang! bang!' On the other side of the battle field, the archer was dealing with the slithering snake woman. She only had about two of her red arrows remaining, but falcon had already made more green poison arrows for her filling her vase.

The arrows were fast going for the snake woman, but the beast dodged every of her attacks sidestepping with ease. The creature then gave a creepy smile towards the archer, as it slithered fast to the archer.

'Bam!' The snake woman slashed her trident down to the archer but the latter was fast, leaping away from her firing off three arrows mid air. The snake woman using her trident blocked all the green arrows, hitting them away going after the archer.

'I can't continue like this.' The blind archer thought. the snake woman was faster and stronger than her, so she had to constantly move back away from her. She didn't want to use her fire ability just yet, waiting for the right moment she got.

"Argh!" Stomping the hilt of her trident to the ground, multiple waves of dull green swampy water were sent out fast for the archer. Jumping onto a tree the archer avoiding the first two small waves, but the same couldn't be said for the tree. Immediately it crashed, the tree was split into half as it descended backwards collapsing to the floor.

'Shit.' The archer immediately jumped off the tree, as she sensed the snake woman's presence. Luckily she escaped by the skin of her teeth, as if she hadn't acted the trident would have indefinitely slashed through her neck.

"You're only delaying the inevitable." The snake woman said with a smug grin, moving her lower snake body fast in a straight line.

'Perfect.' The archer fired off multiple green arrows to the snake woman, to which she easily avoiding still heading for the archer. The latter then did something strange, just as the trident was inches above her face her body immediately transformed to a fiery figure, as the trident passed through.

The archer in this form moved fast with speed, firing off multiple green poison arrows coated in flames at trees located at specific portions round the snake woman.

"You think this scares me!" The snake woman slithered, using her lower body she leapt high in the air her trident arched downwards, ready to impale the fiery figure.

'Bam!' She missed hitting nothing but a small tree of six inches, annoyed she went in for another attack but the presence dodged again. Just like a dance the archer in this fiery form avoided all of the snake woman's attack, while shooting arrows at trees.

"Stay still!" The snake woman roared striking her trident down again, creating waves of green swampy water of about four. They each shot out fast for the flaming figure, but it avoided them with it's weird dance.

It then stopped for a moment staring at the snake woman taunting her, annoyed and enraged the snake woman took the bait her trident pointed forward fro the fiery figure. Just inches away, the figure stepped backwards as it blended into the other flames, disappearing and leaving a confused beast.

"What?" Looking round there was no signs of the fiery presence, all she could see was that she was surrounded by raging fire reaching up to seven feets high.

"No.." the beast softly muttered. "I-i've been tricked!" She screamed realizing the current situation she was now in, as she had been trapped in a fiery cage.

"Ha.. phough! Phough!" The archer coughed panting a bit, she had now reverted to her normal human human self as she crotched down a bit.

"It worked." She muttered, seeing her plan to cage the snake woman was a success. She'd first came up with the plan when she observed the creature's speed, her arrows were fast but she couldn't deny she was just human going up against an unknown creature. She could die at any moment with the slightest mistake, so she wasn't going to risk it at all.

'Time to end this.' Running up a tall tree, she placed one of her red arrows to the string of her bow. leaping from the tree, she boosted herself with flames as she flew across the fiery cage were the snake woman was.

The Archer's aura surged faster than ever as her flames engulfed her body, spreading to the arrow making it burn brightly like a star. With a grunt she released the arrow as it shot forward with God like speed, descending downwards like a falling shooting star.

'Boom!!' A huge explosion occured as the blazing arrow impacted to the snake woman, the ground around a 5 meter radius was completely destroyed, creating a huge crater of about 6 feets. Softly landing on a tree, the archer looked at the catastrophic event that just took place. every living and non living thing there were completely destroyed, the ground scorched as smoke emitted from it.


"Is that the archer?" Falcon muttered, feeling the shockwaves from the attack the archer just dealt. She was a bit worried about her going up against that snake lady, but she couldn't let her go up against the shadow bat as this creature was just tricky.

The shadow bat's eye was glowing red as it's skill blood control was active, it tried to control falcon's blood but nothing was happening. It was like she had a counter active skill, that could block it's blood control ability.

'Not this time.' Heading out she sent a kick to the creature's head but it blocked, raising it's hand up. Falcon the formed multiple green arrows at the back of the shadow bat, sending them forward wrapping the bat with her poison whip.

"Screech!" Struggling, the bat couldn't break free from falcon's green chains as she coated it with more poison, doubling the thickness. The arrows connected with it's back going deep a bit but that was all falcon needed, she immediately turned them into liquid form seeping them into the open wounds of the shadow bat.

"Screech." The bat weakly screeched feeling the effects of the poison in it's system, it's stamina immediately dropped as strength left it's body. Falcon then lept a bit away from the shadow bat, channeling her ability she made the poison surge more faster in the creature's body, making it become very hot.

"Time for the big finale." She muttered, seeing the green poison ooze leaking out from any part of the creature that had holes.

'Boom!' The beast body exploded into bits, with green ooze mixed with blood splashing everywhere.

"Now what do we have here." Walking over to where the beast exploded, her eyes sighted a small black orb about the size of tennis ball.

'Is this it's core?' She wasn't sure if it was this strange creature's core, as most creature's core didn't look like this. But since it suddenly appeared when she slayed the beast, she inched forward to the possibility it was the shadow bat's core.

'I-i can't absorb it.' She'd tried absorbing it to see what effects it would have on her, but to her greatest surprise she couldn't absorb the small orb.

'Boom!' A strong gust of wind pushed falcon back a bit, looking she could see where it came from as that was where the archer was.


As the dust settled the snake woman was undoubtedly standing where the archer once stood, her trident slashed downwards. Opposite her was the undead Kyle, his katana blocking the attack of the shadow bat.

"What the- how is he still alive?"

"Omg! Shadow slayer is truly inhuman!"

"WTF! Maybe it's his ghost."

"No it's really him in the flesh and bones." The crowd erupted in an uproar of cheer, seeing the resurgent Kyle.

'Dark flames.' he shot out a dark flame from his palm to the snake woman's scally body, which had now hardened. The flames connected hitting her body, but it didn't eat her body like expected instead it died off after a few seconds.

'That's new.' Kyle thought, looking at the surprising occurrence.

'Her tough skin won't allow me to use dark flames. I'll just have to focus on the katana.' Kyle then sent out a series of slashes with his katana to the snake woman, he could see the katana was having an effect on her tough skin, as it cut through her hard scales.

'H-how is he still alive.' Lumia pondered, seeing Kyle still alive after his heart had just been destroyed. She was happy to see him, but still perplexed on how he survived.

'Does he have a high regenerating ability maybe?' She didn't know for sure, but she didn't care as far as he was alive then she was happy.

'This boy... Something's not right about him.' King troy thought holding his chin gazing at Kyle.

'Boom! boom! boom!' Small explosion sounds went off, as Kyle and the snake woman clashed. Kyle had the upper hand, as he was more faster and stronger than the snake woman.

'Clang!' Their weapons clashed together with Kyle's katana being the victor, pushing her back a bit. Kyle then followed up by sending his fist to her chest, sending her back more.

'Bam!' She struck her trident to the ground, sending out multiple small waves of dull green swampy water. Kyle wasn't fazed running forward sidestepping some, and taking a big leap he shot to the sky using the momentum to make his body descend more faster to the ground.

'Boom!' Another smaller explosion occured, with a crater of about 4 feets deep forming where Kyle landed.

"Sssss." The snake woman hissed at Kyle, as she'd already moved just before Kyle crashed sensing the danger. She saw most of her hard purple scales were already slashed off by Kyle, and the few that remained were already weak.

Charging forward, Kyle was about slashing her head off when she suddenly descended downwards into the swampy mud water.

'Is she retreating?' Kyle wondered staring at the water, he could see little ripples forming on the surface as he prepared himself.

"Argh!" The snake woman shot out from the mud water behind Kyle, slashing her trident at his back drawing out blood. Kyle swiftly turned to slash her, but alas she'd already returned into the water.

The same process repeated itself, except this time Kyle was focused on his back seeing the ripples in the front. Hearing the sound of water moving, he slashed backwards as he hit nothing but air.

"Argh!" He grunted as the trident slashed across his chest spilling his blood to the ground, the snake woman going back into the water.

'She's playing me.' There was no way Kyle could attack the snake woman as he was in her habitat, the only way he could have a chance at her was when she protruded from the water, but he hadn't landed a blow on her since.

'I know what to do.' Getting an idea, he prepared himself now having a plan. He could see the same ripple form again in his front, but he wasn't going to try and block. The snake woman shot out from the hazardous water again this time from his side, stabbing the trident deep into his right chest.

"Phough." Blood spilled out from his mouth, but he wasn't going to let this opportunity slip by. Activating death's call the small ball of dark energy formed in his palm spinning rapidly, he immediately shot it at the snake woman.

"Ssss." She hissed as the ball collided with her, multiple chains immediately wrapped around her body digging to the ground. She struggled to break free but she couldn't, her trident was still with Kyle so she was defenseless.

She could feel the life being sucked out from her, but she didn't have to wait that long as Kyle slashed his katana at her neck severing her head from her body.

'Thud!' Her head fell to the floor with a small bang, while blood gushed out from her squirming body dying Kyle with it. Pushing her body into the swamp water, Kyle then lifted her head like a trophy making the crowd go wild.