the hunger games(part 11): new aura

Kyle amidst the chaos and frantic screaming of the crowd then went over, bending a bit as he picked up the small purple orb left from the snake woman. Holding it he could sense the malice and evil that spiralled in this orb waiting to break free, he had never seen anything like this.

Holding it in his arm, he then went over to where the unconscious archer laid picking her up with one hand as she was incredibly light and placing her on his shoulders. Walking a bit he could see falcon across the distance, a smile planted on her face seeing he was okay to which he just softly nodded.

"What happened to her?" Falcon asked staring at the archer, she didn't see any signs of injuries on her body whatsoever but she couldn't conclude yet.

"She's fine, she just got caught up in the blast from the explosion." Kyle calmly said. looking at falcon, he could see several wounds on her body but it wasn't that severe unlike last time.

"The bat is it-"

"Yes. That blood sucking cunt would've wished his mother never gave birth to him." Falcon sadistically said grinning awkwardly, causing Kyle to raise a brow.


"Yeah him.."

"H-how do you know it's a him?" Kyle was perplexed and surprised, how falcon was so confident the shadow bat she killed was a male.

"I don't know how to say this, but I saw his balls when I peeled his skin. though I didn't see his little brother, which was depressing."

"Y-you." Kyle stepped back a bit, clenching his chest staring at falcon with wide eyes. She was weird, but now she was just spooking Kyle out the more as she had a crazy way of fantasizing on different things. Calming his breath Kyle shook his head, giving a cold glare to falcon to which she just softly giggled clapping her hands together.

"Is that the core of the beast you fought?" She asked, seeing the strange purple orb radiating with purple energy in Kyle's hand.


"Woah! it's so weird and spooky." Falcon muttered, staring at the orb even touching it slightly.

'You're the one to talk.' Kyle retorded in his mind. If he were to choose the person more crazy and spooky, out of falcon and the snake woman he'd just killed then he'd indefinitely choose falcon.

"Wait.. the shadow bat, did it drop any orb of sorts?" Kyle immediately asked, hoping she'd seen it fall. He didn't know if she had absorbed it or if she could, but he bet that she wouldn't. He didn't know why, but he felt the shadow bat beast was more unique than every other beast they'd encountered here, as it had features like that of a vampire.

'Vladimir.' He clenched his fist tightly, as his nails dug into his flesh drawing out blood. It had been a while since he remembered that name, as incidents of the past flooded his brain. Calming himself down he decided not to focus on the past and instead aquire as much power as possible, and become something more powerful and deadly than Lucifer himself.

"You mean this." She waved her hands, and out from thin air a dark orb appeared falling into her palm. Kyle's eye immediately lit up seeing the shadow orb, and that she hadn't absorbed it if she could.

"Am not sure, but I think it's the shadow bats core." She said inspecting the core, as she had a frown on her face.

"But the strange thing is.. when I tried absorbing it I couldn't feel a connection, almost as if it's empty and void of energy." Kyle cheekily grinned inwardly as his theory was right, it seemed somehow not everyone could absorb the shadow bat core. He guessed it was because he somehow had a shadow skill, that enabled him access to absorb the orb.

He concluded it was mainly the vampire race that had the ability to absorb shadow bat cores, as he guessed most of them had abilities relating to shadows.

"Maybe I can absorb it." Kyle uttered, to which caused falcon to burst out in a loud laughter mocking Kyle.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I couldn't absorb it" so what makes you think you can?"

"Call it a hunch." Kyle softly said making falcon's face contort a bit, she was confused at Kyle's confident personality. She didn't know if he didn't understand her, of if he was just being over cocky.

"Yeah whatever.. it's useless to me anyways." Falcon tossed the shadow orb to Kyle to which he caught but there was a problem, he didn't have where to store them. The outfit he's wearing which they gave him is fitting, and there wasn't pockets or holes he could slip the orb into.

"Err.. can you keep them for me." Nodding slightly, falcon then collected both the orbs from his hand. Holding them the two orbs suddenly disappeared into thin air, as the green ring on her finger glowed a bit.

'Storage ring.' Looking at it Kyle undeniably knew that was a storage ring, used to store non living items in an empty space considering how vast it was. He'd read a lot about them in fantasy novels back on earth, on how they helped MC's store valuable loots, equipments, and all other sorts of valuable items.

"Done!" Her voice pitched a bit returning Kyle from his thoughts, he could see the maze still up which was weird a bit. He'd expected it to go down back into the ground the moment he killed the snake woman, but it still towered tall without any signs of going down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you entertained or what!" King troy's voice rang out across the stadium, garning massive cheers and screams from the hyperactive crowd.

"I would like to specially congratulate our underdog, Shadow slayer!" He cheered, pointing down to Kyle who had a frown on his face.

'What's he up to.' Kyle knew Troy wouldn't just naturally cheer for him, as they hated each other. He knew the cunning and mischievous king had an evil agenda.

"I don't know how he does it, but he sure as hell knows how to make a breathtaking entrance. It's just been two days since the beginning of the annual hunger games, but he's never lost since!" King troy applauded with a light smile, seemingly congratulating Kyle.

"I would like to make a special announcement. As we all know, we have two more days till the hunger games comes to an end." He paused, as the crowd booed in disappointment and anger hearing the king say those words.

"Now I know, I as well as you all are more than excited to see Shadow slayer and his team in action tomorrow. But they won't be participating in tomorrow's hunger games."


"What the hell!"

"I live to see Shadow slayer."

The crowd booed loudly, expressing their disdain in Kyle and his team not participating in tomorrow's hunger games.

'Huh?' Even Kyle and falcon had a surprised look on their faces, hearing the sudden announcement from Troy. They didn't know why he was suddenly being generous to them.

"Instead they would be joining me and my daughter at the palace for breakfast, and some other important meetings." King troy uttered, making Kyle and falcon raise their brows more.

"Now without further delay, let the other rounds of today's hunger games begin!" Kyle and falcon were then led by officials wearing advance black battle suits, holding energy rifles out of the stadium as the maze changed yet again.

As the duo were being escorted out from the stadium up in front stood ona, with a hint of shock staring at the duo mainly Kyle.

"How?" Was the only thing that came out her mouth staring at Kyle. Looking at him she could see he'd completely healed, as new flesh replaced the old like he was never injured.

"Now it wouldn't be fair if I exposed my tricks would it." He smiled to which ona slightly nodded. She was being unprofessional going against the rules and asking Kyle how he did it, but hell she didn't care! she was more intrigued, to know what skill or equipment Kyle used.

Placing the same blindfolds, they were then led back to the dungeon as they were placed inside their cell. Kyle and falcon then gisted about irrelevant things, to clear their mind off everything that had been going on recently.

The archer had woken up few minutes after they were placed in the cell, falcon had tried to engage her in a conversation but she was unwilling, staying in a corner away from them.

"What's her deal.." falcon muttered, glancing at the archer crotched down in a corner away from them.

"And you say am spooky." Falcon puffed her cheeks snorting a bit, Kyle just slightly shook his head at falcon's childish behavior. It was nice to see another person close to him behaving like this, as she managed to clear his head off bothering things.

Glancing a gaze over his shoulder at the archer he didn't blame her, infact he understood her as that was how he was before. Silent, antisocial, pervert, he wasn't the best and social person but he still had good feelings towards people.

When he met Lilith everything changed and he started seeing life differently, in a more sunny way than his usual dark gloomy fog. But everything crumbled when Lilith was captured along with his other women, he was completely useless against Lucifer and not to mention the betrayal from his mentor and Lilith's old friend.

'Am done being the nice guy.' He was sick and tired of being good and weak, as it just got him pain. Kyle's taking a different path, a much darker one and everyone that dared oppose and betray him would burn in hell.

"Falcon the orbs." He softly said causing falcon to stare at him for a while, before she flicked her hand with the orbs falling from thin air as she handed them to Kyle.

[Two orbs detected! Would user like to absorb both cores?]


The system screen flashed across his retina, without hesitating he immediately pressed yes absorbing the shadow ball. He could feel the shadows entering into his body, attuning with him. It was a cold and dark feeling he felt everytime he absorbed a shadow ball, absorbing other cores were painful to absorb but absorbing a shadow core was like the feeling of emptiness.

[shadow walk (lv1): the user's body becomes a shadowy figure enabling him to slip past enemies sight who's will are below your's. This skill is at it's lowest rank and can be upgraded by collecting and absorbing shadow balls (2/50). (Costs 20 demon energy to activate and can only be used twice per day.)]

'Am getting closer.' He inwardly said looking at the screen, as the number count had changed to two meaning he'd absorbed two shadow balls. Looking at the other purple ball Kyle wanted to absorb it but stopped, as he remembered falcon.

He wanted to evolve and get much stronger as fast as possible, but he couldn't get greedy and selfish as falcon had also played a huge role in dealing with the beasts.

"Here.." he tossed it over to her, she looked a bit surprised which then turned into a sly grin.

"Aren't you afraid I'll be stronger than you?" She teased.

"No, am afraid you'll be behind me." Kyle smirked a bit, hearing falcon mumble some words. he knew she was stronger than him without his katana, but he wanted her to be much stronger.

'I won't make that mistake again.' If maybe somehow all his women had abilities and were strong, then maybe they would've all had a chance to defeat Lucifer.

Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought. he saw falcon had already started the absorption process, she tried injecting her energy into the core but the energy inside fought back resisting.

"Hmm." Falcon grunted sharply, beads of sweat falling from her head as she struggled adding more and more of her energy, until finally her energy mixed with the purple energy in the core.

She then began extracting both the energies back into her body, Kyle could feel the energies from where he sat. Both radiated with power a force to be reckoned with, even though they'd mixed they still clashed together threatening to spill chaos.

After about five minutes falcon opened her eyes, the energy in the core completely absorbed by her.

"I-i did it." She said panting a bit, and Kyle could even feel it that her aura had changed a bit.