the hunger games (part16): tournament of champions (4)

'Fuck! I have to get out from here.' Feeling the urge to move from her spot, aurora pressed her legs off the ground shooting her body up to the walls. Looking down, she could see the panther like beast standing where she once was, and she could feel a deep slash mark on her left leg.

'I could've died.' For a moment aurora was scared, seeing her life flash before her eyes. Ignoring the pain she fired off multiple arrows to the creature, not stopping in the slightest.

It didn't do any damage to the beast but aurora didn't stop, she was willing to keep on attacking no matter what. The beast growled a bit, as it suddenly disappeared away from the arena.

'Shit!' Feeling that strange urge again aurora didn't hesitate, jumping off from the wall activating a fire bomb as a much redder fireball formed in her hand, which she then shot at the spot she last was.

'Boom!' The attack collided with an explosion sound, with some spark of flames flying off. Landing on the floor, aurora watched as the smoke settled revealing the wall with a not to big hole. Her eyes immediately went wide, seeing the terrifying panther beast up there looking down to her.

'Huh. Where is she going?' Troy wondered, seeing ona suddenly leave the stadium heading back to the castle. He didn't know what she was up to, but he didn't bother.

'They're already dead by now.' He was overconfident Kyle and falcon had already died in the forgotten desert, so there was no one else her to pose a threat to him.

'It's toying with me.' Aurora knew the beast was toying with her, as it had many opportunities to kill her but chose not to. She didn't know why, but she would try to inflict some damage with the little time she'd left.

'No more holding back..' running at her full speed, aurora channeled up all her mana into a single skill. The creature also reacted leaping off the wall, descending fast to the ground defying all laws of gravity.

'If I can't kill it with my most lethal skill then am dead.' Aurora knew it was over for her, if she didn't finish off the beast with this skill. All her other skills yielded no effects whatsoever, but for some reason she still had hope.

"Am taking you down with me!" She shouted a bit, her body now engulfed totally in hot red flames. The atmosphere in the stadium had abruptly turned insane hot in under few seconds, as aurora was now a burning living flame. Jumping she placed three arrows to the string of the bow, pulling as hard as she could the flames going into them.

She could see the panther's four snake like vines swung at her but she wasn't fazed, continuing on with her attack.

"Shooting star~" She softly spoke, releasing the arrows which shot forth with such godlike speed moving at the speed of light. They were like rays of sun spiralling together, making a much bigger and hotter flaming arrow.

'Boom!' The attack connected, causing a huge explosion pushing both parties down as they crashed hard to the floor. Aurora had completely drained her mana with that skill, as she struggled to stand her breath becoming ragged.

'D-did I kill it?' She couldn't see the beast because of all the smoke from the explosion, but it didn't take long before the dust settled.

"No~" she subconsciously said, seeing the panther like beast still standing there. One of it's snake like vines were burnt off, other than that it didn't suffer any other injuries.

'T-that's it, am done for.' Aurora dropped to her knees, letting go of her weapon as she awaited death. Tears slipped down her eyes hearing the creature's roar, and feeling the cold breeze of death blow against her shoulders.

'Boom!! Huh?' Just when she thought everything was over for her, she heard a boom sound in front. Opening her eyes, she could see a figure standing before her with a weapon in hand completely blocked the beast attack.

"W-what just happened?" The crowd was confused seeing the sudden explosion, as the were about witnessing another murder. Everyone including troy went silent, awaiting answers as the dust settled.

'W-who is that?' She couldn't see clearly because of the dust, but it soon started fading revealing a hidden surprise.

"K-kyle.." there in front she could see Kyle standing there with the strange blue katana, completely stopping the creature in it's track.

"Wait.. is that? oh my gosh! I-it really is him."

"What who? I can't see a thing here."

"It's Shadow slayer, he's finally returned from the dead!" The entire stadium echoed with praises, cheers, and chants seeing the return of Kyle as they roared loudly in excitement, to see the underdog back.

"H-how?" Troy muttered in disbelief, seeing Kyle in the flesh standing there. Many thoughts crossed his mind how the latter must've managed to escape, but he had bigger concerns.

"You can rest now aurora, I'll finish this.."

[Name: Kyle Conner]

[Lv: 49]

[Exp required: 9104/10,000]

[strength: 84×2(185), agility: 91×2(148), stamina: 74×2(290), will: 54, intelligence: 50, hp: 100/100, xxx points: 10,000/10,000, killing intent: 100, resistance: 48×2(120), demon energy: 10/50]

[Frozen Ice dragon katana: crafted from the ice crystal of the frozen middle rare tier ice dragon of Neverland, and bonded with various mana stones. This katana has advanced into the early legendary tier, earning it's place as a strong weapon. Though it's lost some of it's quality making the benefits halved, once refined it would return to it's normal state.

+185 strength + 148 agility+ 290 stamina +120resistance once equipped.

(Passive skill cold blood: has a 50% chance to freeze enemies blood with each contact, slowing them down and inflicting cold burn effect.)

(Active skill Blizzard: for consumption of 30 mana points, the user can fire lines of ice blizzard from his frozen katana.)]

[User's killing intent is maxed!]

[All stats will be doubled by 2!]

[Reach lv 50 to evolve and unlock new skills!]

"Am sorry we took a while but we're back now." Kyle smiled softly, glancing a bit at aurora still a bit shocked. His attention then turned back to the beast in front, chomping down on his frozen katana.

[Venomous snake panther: the venomous snake panther is a hybrid beast. this creature was formerly at the peak legendary tier, but by absorbing mana and feeding on beast crystals it has evolved to the middle king tier. Strength: 380 agility: 5p0 stamina: 250.

(Skills: acid blast, clone, fear aura)]

Looking at it's stats Kyle was confident he could beat this beast, as his stats had also received a tremendous boost with the frozen ice dragon katana. Though he wasn't near to the beasts agility, but he was now much faster than before.

'I'll just have to use my intelligence.' Kyle thought, pushing the creature back some meters. For a moment the panther was shocked, easily pushed back by this human but it immediately regained itself charging forward.

'Roar!!' The creature was fast even for Kyle to keep up, as it looked like it was blinking. Steading himself, he slashed downwards at the creature who blocked by also slashing it's claws at Kyle. Since the creature had the upper hand in strength, it pushed Kyle back a few meters.

"Is that all you've got? How pathetic.." Kyle teased, enraging the beast more as it shot towards him. The former didn't stay still like expected, instead running away from the creature to the entrance of the stadium.

"What's he doing?"

"Is he trying to make a reunion for it?"

"No. Shadow slayer never runs from a fight." There were mixed reactions from the crowd seeing Kyle hightail it. They didn't know what the underdog planned, but they were anticipant to see what would happen next.

'I can't beat it. Well at least not like this.. if I want to stand a chance then this is the only way.' Stopping at the entrance to the stadium Kyle turned, facing the incoming beast without a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Come and get me you overgrown cat!" Kyle shouted, earning another roar from the venomous snake panther as it blurred it way to Kyle. Slashing it's three snake like vines, which moved like they were actually alive to Kyle.

'This is gonna hurt.'

"Argh!" Kyle sharply grunted, feeling the vines pierce his skin and heart. He was in pain as blood seeped out from his body, but he wasn't done yet. Using his katana, he swiftly slashed the vines still stuck in his body with his full strength cutting them off.

He then clicked a power cuff on the beast's wrist, restricting it from using it's ability.

'Roar!!' The beast roared feeling it's severed limbs. In a state of rage it's two scorpion tails moved fast, piercing through Kyle's heart drawing out huge mouthfuls of blood.

'What's he doing?' Aurora was confused seeing Kyle, as she didn't understand the purpose of all this. He was a getting his ass handed to him for free, like a psychopath begging for death.

Raising him in the air the beast snarled at his lifeless body, dangling a bit in the air. It then opened it's jaw wide, ready to eat Kyle when his eyes abruptly opened glowing red.

"Am not dead yet!" He shouted, slashing away both the scorpion tails causing the grip on him to be cut. Seizing the opportunity he preyed in on the beast growling in pain, slashing it's skin with his frozen katana.

'I don't have to exert too much force, I just need to look for a weak spot so this frozen katana's active skill would work.' He thought avoiding an attack, sending out his own. He moved so fast, swiftly slashing his katana to the panther's skin looking for an opening.

'Found it.' Luckily he'd made some progress, as blood could be seen coming out from a slash mark from Kyle. Seeing this Kyle plunged the katana vertically, as deep as he could down the opening on the creature's flesh.

'Now I'll wait.' Avoiding it's strikes, Kyle knew it had gotten slower as a result of the frozen katana stuck in it. He could see the beast eyes fluttering, as it's movements were wobbly.

'Now's my chance.' Seizing the moment he acted, shooting for the beast.

'Shit! Shadow walk.' Kyle's body turned to shadows on the floor, going past the beast as he then deactivated the skill. Grabbing the katana, and swiftly slashing off the head of the beast.

Ignoring the screams and shouts Kyle held the severed head, walking over to the other side of the stadium. Sighing he raised the defeated beast head, pointing his katana to one individual.

"You're next.." Kyle softly said with lazy expression, pointing at troy.