King vs Shadow slayer

[name: Kyle Conner]

[Lv: 50]

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'What's he doing?' Ona like the rest of the crowd, was shocked seeing Kyle make that altercation to king Troy. She'd thought these two had a minor beef, but seems it something much more bigger than she thought.

"What are you doing peasant?" Troy asked with a light smile that gave a creepy vibe. He wasn't scared in the slightest, but more of excited and curious seeing Kyle.

"I don't think you want to be pointing that at me unless.. you plan to kill the king." Troy chuckled softly, causing the more than a thousand crowds to gasp murmuring to each other.

"What the hell.. is this part of the show or is this for real?" A male spectator said looking down.

"Nah, don't fret it's definitely part of the show. I think they really up'd the games this year." Another chimed.

"B-but don't you feel like it's a little too much." A timid lady spoke in a low tone biting her fingers.

"I don't normally do this, but I'll give you a second chance to drop the weapon." Troy said, his tone becoming more deep and eerie. He could see Kyle just standing there holding that strange katana, and he couldn't help but feel something was different about the former.

'Something's not right here.'

"Drop the weapon peasant or meet your doom!" A male guard shouted. Glancing from the side, Kyle could see he was now surrounded by 50 or more guards. Each armed with cyber enhanced guns.

'His confidence.. something's definitely changed in him. But what?' Lumia could see a different kind of aura in Kyle, having a more insidious vibe.

Seeing Kyle not interested in the offer made, a thick bulge of vein pop up on the guard's head.

"So you wish to die boy.. well have it your way." He said waving his hands, indicating the rest of the guards open fire at Kyle.

'Bang! bang! bang!' Multiple blasts were released from the cyber enhanced guns, as countless of energy beams shot straight for Kyle. They were fast moving at great speed but just as they got close to Kyle, his body turned into a dark shadowy figure before falling into the ground.

'Huh? where did he go.' There were looks of doubt and concern on everyone's faces, seeing Kyle suddenly disappear like that.

"Argh!" The arrogant male commanding guard screamed in pain, as a blue katana protruded from his back outwards. Standing behind him was none other than Kyle, with a smug look on his face.

"C-commander Oswald.." looks of terror and fear clouded the many guards faces, seeing their commander easily killed like that.

"Don't worry, you'll get you turn." The next moment the head of another guard fell to the floor, blood spewing out from his lifeless body till it dropped still. Looking, they could see Kyle standing where the headless guard stood, blood dripping down his katana.

'How?' Ona was shocked, she hadn't seen Kyle move not to mention keeping up with his movement. All she saw was him standing at a spot, and the next moment another guard would die. It was troubling how he managed to get this fast, in such a short span.

'Clang! Thud!' With every step Kyle took more limbs would fall apart. The battle ground was being dyed with blood, as Kyle merciless killed all the guards before him.

"What the hell!! Shadow slayer has gone berserk." One of the fans exclaimed.

"Do you still think this is all part of the show?"

"Who cares if this isn't part of the show. Kill them all shadow slayer!" There were many biased views and talks from the crowd, but one thing was for certain. Kyle's killing spree wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Help king Troy, save me." A young blonde haired woman ran with shaky legs towards Troy, who just remained calm watching the scene.

"I-if I get close just enough so he'll notice me, am sure he'll save me." There was a glimmer of hope, in this young woman's eyes as she inched closer to where Troy was. But that fire of hope was quickly extinguished as Kyle appeared in her front.

"No.." was the only thing she said before everything turned dark. Turning round, Kyle pointed his hands to Troy seated up in the stadium, his eyes filled with rage.

"You coward how many more must die before you finally have the balls to face me!" Kyle yelled, anger coursing through his veins.

"Yawns! Your not on my level. infact, your just an annoying bug so tell me why would I waste my time on a lowlife peasant like you?" Troy lazily spoke taunting Kyle, His disinterest clearly vivid.

"Ha! you're definitely a dog. hiding behind like a rat while you sacrifice the life of your people. Disgusting! No wonder your daughter hates you and your wife died." Kyle screamed like a maniac, causing king Troy to halt in his movement.

"W-what did you say?" Troy softly spoke, his hands clearly shaking from anger.

"You heard me, your a deadbeat dad and a fake king!" Kyle yelled once more and this time he managed to strike a chord, as a vein could be seen bulging on Troy's forehead.

"Shut up!" Troy yelled with power, his aura bursting out like a rocket taking off. The whole stadium was shaking just from Troy's dominating aura.

'Yes that's it, face me.' Kyle snickered stomping the ground hard, cracking it and taking a big leap off the ground. His body shot fast towards Troy's but just as he was midair, he felt something hit his chest sending him back down crashing to the ground.


Getting up Kyle wiped the blood from his lips, he could feel a bone or two broken in his chest area but it wasn't that severe.

'Boom!' A small explosion occured as an object crashed to the ground, completely destroying it creating a crater. The force sent shockwaves that crashed against the stadium, as it threatened to fall.

"Your a dead man." Troy smiled awkwardly towards Kyle.

"Finally.. I've gotten your attention!" Running forward, Kyle tightly gripped his katana. He was fast, but with the effects of his frozen katana and other bonuses he'd received made him more faster.

It didn't take long before the distance between Troy and Kyle was closed, as the latter swung his katana aiming straight for Troy's head. Just as the katana was inching towards Troy's neck he suddenly disappeared, making Kyle's eye go wide.

"I told you you're not on my level!" Troy shouted, punching Kyle's back sending him flying a few feats away.


'Just his freaking fists managed to do that much damage.' Kyle knew Troy was still holding back for some reasons, but he couldn't deny he was annoyingly strong.

'Shit.' Kyle grunted as he barely managed to lift his katana up to his head, based on a strange feeling.

'Bam!' He was lucky he did that as Troy had now appeared in his front, his fist shoved hard to his head. The katana managed to block much damage to Kyle's head, but some damage has already been done.

'I-i can't even keep up with his movements. just how fast is he?' Kyle grunted blood flowing down from his head. 'I haven't even landed a hit on him.'

Looking over he couldn't see Troy anymore, and on instinct he kept away from where he stood. The next second a huge explosion occured, creating a much bigger crater than before.

'Did he use a skill?' Kyle wondered. Since the beginning of his fight with troy, he'd been keeping close attention to any changes or fluctuations in his aura. But so far he hadn't noticed any whatsoever.

"Why don't you stay still like a good little bug!" Troy yelled running forward, catching up to Kyle in an instant sending a barrage of fist to Kyle. Using his katana Kyle managed to barely block some of Troy's attacks, but some still got to him.



[Left arm has been broken! Healing..]

"Ph-ough phough!" Kyle coughed up mouthful of blood as he staggered, his body all bloodied and beaten up. Most of the bones in his body were broken badly, his blood dripping down. He was in a lot of pain barely standing with both his legs, but his resolve was still strong.

"Am surprised to see you're still standing after all that. Seems your not that useless like I thought." Troy smirked a bit seeing Kyle on shaky legs. "I'd be doing you a favour by giving you a quick death." Raising his left hand, the air around his knuckles spiralled fiercely turning into an air drill about 7 inch long within a split second.

"No.. get out of there Kyle!" Lumia shouted afraid of what is to come.

"Hahaha~" Kyle suddenly burst out in laughter causing Troy brows to contort a bit.

"Huh? What's so amusing to you when you're about to die.."

"Die? You're the one who've fallen into my trap." There was a hint of confusion on Troy's face for a moment, but he didn't have to think long as something started happening. Stretching his hand the atmosphere around Kyle began changing, heating up a bit. Troy intrigued, watched what would happen next his senses on high alert.

'What's he doing?' Lumia wondered seeing Kyle just standing there, his hand stretched out. She was worried earlier about Kyle knowing her father and what monster he is, but now she was more confused than worried.

"What's shadow slayer doing just standing there? He's gonna get himself killed!" An audience shouted.

"It looks like he's activating a skill." Another observed.

Seconds passed by and still nothing had happened, it looked like Kyle was making a fool out of himself.

"Is that it?" Troy chuckled softly shaking his head a bit disappointed. He'd really wanted to see what Kyle was conjuring, but unfortunately it was nothing.

"You really don't know shame do you? I didn't think you'd turn soft and stall your own death." Shifting his left leg back Troy pushed his body forward, closing the distance between him and Kyle immediately. The air drill formed on his knuckles were still spinning fiercely, heading for Kyle.

"Know this was my way of going easy on you." Troy smirked deeming the fight over, but his eyes widened the next moment as Kyle's body sunk to the ground just before the air drill passed.

"Coward! Stop running." Troy shouted annoyed, his fist clenched tightly.

"Running? Now who said I was running." Kyle smirked, protruding from the ground behind Troy. Turning, Troy was about heading off to Kyle when he noticed something.

"W-what did you do to me?" The air drill slowly slowed down, until it finally disappeared into the wind.

"Nothing yet. But am just getting started." Kyle spoke in a sinister tone his eyes glowing red, while he tightly held the frozen katana.

[Author's note: this novel has been republished with the same name XXX system. Now you can vote with power stones, send me gifts and collections. And you can now preread new chapters to be released through privileged.]