New skill: Mana steal!

The frozen katana glowed a dim blue light, as Kyle swung it six times at troy. The swing was powerful, sending out thin lines of light blue aura's to Troy. The aura's were a bit different from normal, looking more like thick lines of light blue fog heading for Troy.

'Huh, what's this.. a skill?' Troy thought, skillfully evading the incoming strikes from Kyle. The lines of blue aura kept going forward crashing into the stadium walls, causing them to shake a bit.

"Impressive.." Troy smirked a bit looking back, as he could see ice covering the side of the walls where the attacks hit.

"I wasn't certain at first when I saw you with that katana but I am now. That katana's property is related to ice judging from that, and I know it's also an active skill of it's." Troy pointed to Kyle's frozen katana, an alarming smile planted on his lips.

"You just fueled my interest more in the weapon, it's a pity I'll have to kill you to get it."

"If you're so interested in my weapon then why don't you see it up close for yourself!" Kyle yelled his body turning into a shadowy figure, descending into the ground. Stomping his foot Troy leapt away from his spot, predicting the outcome.

'Where's he..' looking, he'd expected to see Kyle protrude from the ground like before but nothing happened.

'How did he?' Troy didn't have time to react as Kyle emerged from underneath him, slashing his katana at the latter. In a desperate attempt, Troy blocked by crossing his arms together to block the attack.

'H-he stopped my attack with his bare hands.' Kyle was no doubt shocked, seeing Troy meagerly block his attack with just his bare hands. He hadn't been holding back at all since the fight till this moment, but somehow this king had blocked his hit without breaking a sweat.

"You underestimate me peasant." Troy spoke in a deep voice crunching his brows.

'Boom!' Kyle didn't see Troy move but felt a huge impact to his stomach, sending him flying backwards to the wall denting it.

'Phou-gh! I can't let him use a skill or it's over.' Kyle knew Troy was stronger than him in every way, but he still had resolve because of his frozen katana. It gave him huge buffs in his stats, but it still wasn't enough to compete with troy.

'He's not using any equipment and he's this strong.' Kyle muttered standing to his feet, wiping the blood off his mouth. Troy wasn't wearing any equipment whatsoever, except the sword sheated around his waist.

Ever since Kyle evolved and unlocked his mana's tab, he could now feel and sense Mana clearly. So he could feel the insane amount of Mana contained in that sword, around Troy's waist.


"Shit." Kyle cursed as he braced for impact. Troy's fist was sent to his chest breaking some bones, Kyle dug his feet to the ground in attempt to prevent his body from being sent flying by Troy.

Gritting through the pain Kyle sent his fist forward, as troy dodged punching Kyle in the ribs.

"Fuck!" Kyle screamed in pain feeling his left ribcage broken. Using his legs Kyle sent a kick to Troy's head whom dodged, shifting his head to the side then sending a fist to Kyle's heart area.

"What?" Troy's eye widened a bit, seeing Kyle's body turn into a shadowy figure. But what was more perplexing, was the fact that his fist had gone through Kyle's chest without inflicting any damage.

"You underestimate me too.."

'Bam!' Troy was sent skidding backwards through the field, not stopping Kyle didn't hesitate running forward and sending a jab to Troy's chin, sending him up in the air a bit.

Shooting himself up Kyle proceeded to place both his hands together in an axe form, slamming Troy back down to the ground.

'Boom!!' A small explosion occured with a small sized crater forming, as dust covered the portion Troy fell.

'Thanks to my evolution I can use the shadow skill more freely. Though it's for only 20seconds but it's worth it.' Stretching his hands, Kyle shot out dark flames to Troy as he descended to the ground.

'Something's not right.' Looking, Kyle knew it was far from over but he was certain his attack hit Troy, as the dust still covered the air.

'Bang!' Having a strange feeling based on primal instinct Kyle raised his katana to the side, and that same moment troy punched his katana.

"Mhm!" Kyle grunted sharply feeling the immense pressure from Troy's fist, making him skid back a bit. Swinging his katana Kyle slashed at troy, releasing two blizzards heading fast for the king.

'He's gone.. searching Kyle couldn't find any traces of troy but he didn't have to look long, as the latter appeared besides him punching straight for his head.

'I-I would've died from that punch if I wasn't in shadow walk from.' Kyle gasped faintly, his heart stopped for that moment before he regained composure.

"You know you're one annoying bug." Troy frowned, clearly annoyed he wasn't able to inflict any damage on Kyle.

"Argh!" Swinging his katana, Kyle released thin lines of blizzard like fogs to Troy who dodged most.

'I-I can't stop now, I'll have a chance if only he gets hit by one.' Kyle thought, swinging his katana like crazy to Troy who swiftly evaded them.


'Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!'

'Shit. I-is the stadium collapsing?"

"Nah.. it's just the shock and adrenaline fueling you mind."

"Yeah.. let's Just watch shadow slayer battle king Troy to the death." A cocky male alien spoke in the audience.

"You mean king Troy annihilating him." Another interjected, causing a small argument which soon escalated into a much bigger one. Dividing the spectators in two each already picking a side.

"The stadium won't last for long." Ona muttered, seeing visible cracks running across the stadium walls expanding by the minute.

"All of you evacuate the civilians, we can't have any more casualties!" Ona commanded, to the group of hundred of guards having just arrived.

"But king Troy ordered-"

'Bam!' Iraged, ona swiftly grabbed the guard who said that slamming him into one of the pillars.

"If you haven't noticed king Troy doesn't need you right now. Our priority is to safely evacuate all the civilians here to a safe location. That is.. unless you want to start a war between countless of races against us."

"Now I wonder how the king will react to that." Ona softly whispered into the male guard ears, making him shudder.

"O-of course commander.. you heard the commander, move!"


'Bam! Crack!' Kyle's back slammed hard into a wall, breaking some bones as he coughed up mouthful of fresh blood. He'd been giving it his all fighting against Troy, but the power difference was just much.

"I'd have to admit you don't die easily do you?" Troy smiled awkwardly, wiping some blood off from his mouth. Kyle had managed to get in some attacks to Troy, but it didn't inflict much damage as expected. It was a one handed fight from the beginning, but Kyle wasn't fazed because he still had some tricks up his sleeves.

'He just breaks through all of my attacks and he isn't even severely injured. I mean how the fuck does he breaks through a blizzard!' Kyle internally screamed, but kept a calm composure on the outside.

'For some reason my katana doesn't cut through his skin, so I can't rely on it's active skill and the same for blizzard. Ha.. I'll have to do this the old fashioned way." Struggling through the pain and broken bones, Kyle stood to his feet firmly holding his katana.

"Why, why do you still fight a battle you can't win." Troy asked calmly, making his way to Kyle.

"You're no match for me and yet you still fight a battle you can't win, why?" Troy asked perplexed, not having a clue why Kyle would decide to sacrifice his life for a meaningless cause.

"Because he's not alone!" A familiar female voice yelled, followed by the emersion of a silhouette shooting 5 green huge shards at troy. The latter, not wanting to find out what these green boiling shards were stepped back a few feets.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!'

The shards shot with great speed like bullets fired from a gun, exploding upon impact spilling the strange green ooze.

'Sizzle! sizzle.. interesting.' Troy softly grinned, seeing the part of his robe that came in contact with the green liquid melting.

"Are you alright?" Falcon worriedly asked, to which Kyle nodded with a smile.

"I've been through worse.."

"Hey! you two lovebirds, are you done now? It's really annoying how you insignificant peasants managed to put up a fight. To be honest I enjoyed our little play, which makes me feel guilty to kill you." Troy sighed a bit of regret dawning on his face.

Stretching his hands air quickly gathered around his palm, condensing into a football size spinning rapidly.

[New skill: Mana steal activated!]

Kyle could feel the Mana Troy was using to channel his skill coming to him, replenishing his. Meanwhile the same thing that happened before repeated itself.

"You're really something boy, now you've forced me to go all out!" Troy screamed like a madman, a thick green vein line bulging on his forehead. His aura burst out like an explosion, sending Kyle and falcon skidding back as they struggled to stand by the overwhelming force emitting from Troy.

The skies slowly turned dark, with terrifying gusts of piercing wind blowing against everything. The stadium walls didn't stand a chance, as chunks of walls were sent into the air.

[Error activating Mana steal..]

[Mana overload!]

'Shit.. just how much Mana is he using.' Kyle wondered, seeing his new mana steal skill fail.

[Author's note: this novel has been republished with the same name XXX system. Now you can vote with power stones, send me gifts and collections. And you can now preread new chapters to be released through privileged.]