An Affair

Kelvin Williams, son of Isaac Williams and also CEO of Williams Group was caught in a hotel with a woman.

The news headlines was the hottest news since morning and literally caught everyone's attention. How come? Kelvin Williams is a very famous male figure in the city. He rarely appeared in public and was very careful about keeping his name. But this morning his name suddenly was on the front page of the news because of an affair allegation!

Kelvin Williams already had a fiancee, but he was in a hotel with another woman.

"It turns out that all men are the same!


"Isn't that the flirting woman's fault? Surely that woman wants his wealth!

"Natali Parker should have cancelled her engagement. Why should she be engaged to a cheat?.

The news page was filled with this comments. All of those comments were aimed at Kelvin and the woman whom he slept with.

Currently, Kelvin was on his way to his company. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, while his jacket was neatly folded beside him. As usual, sunglasses perched on his face, making him look even more handsome. Unfortunately, everyone thought that Kelvin was blind, so they all felt that the glasses were meant to cover up his weakness.

He sat in the middle seat casually, looking out of the car window. He was with his trusted driver, Agi. And also Harris who was sitting in the front seat. Harris read out the news that was widely circulated on the internet as well as the comments that cornered his master Boss while waiting to receive orders from him.

"Sir, would you like to erase all this news?" Harris asked.

As one of the influential families in the city, deleting news was not a difficult thing for Kelvin. However, Kelvin just shook his head.

"Leave it alone". Kelvin didn't care about the news. After all, the news helped in cancelling his engagement to Natali without having to find excuses. Besides, everyone would know that he had a relationship with Luliyah . Luliyah was his!

"Just announce that I cancelled my engagement to Natali".

Harris hesitated for a while at Kelvin's words. Cancelling the engagement was a big decision. Not only would their engagement be cancelled, but the cooperation between the two families would be in chaos.

"Sir, cancelling the engagement is a risky decision. Don't you want to think about it again?. Harris tried to suppress his fear and advised Kelvin.

Kelvin just waved his hand to answer Harris's advice and asked him to get off the car. "Find out the complete information about the woman who was with me last night".

Meanwhile, at the residence of the Parker family, Natali's mother, Mona, saw the news on her cellphone. Her hands were shaking as she read what had happened. She gripped her wine glass tightly as if she wanted to break it.

She was furious.

She had struggled to get a rich and powerful man to be her son-in-law, but all her plans fell apart just because of a bitch.

The current condition of her husband's company was not very good. The marriage agreement was the only way that they could continue to enjoy wealth and a comfortable life. However, everything was messed up because of that woman.

She immediately banged on her daughter's room door, "Nat, what happened?"

Natali was very happy her plan worked.

She didn't want to have a blind husband like Kelvin. Although Kelvin was indeed very handsome and manly, what would be the point of good looks if the man was handicapped. She had to take care of this man all her life and her friends would humiliate her because she had a blind husband.

With the plan she had drawn up, she could get out of his gloomy future without looking cruel. In fact, people would sympathize and support her. After that, she could look for a man in her heart who was handsome, attractive and certainly not blind.

Not a single person knew this plan, including her mother. Her mother was too mad about health and sacrificed her only daughter to marry a blind man in order to ensure their wealth.

Money, money, money. That was all in her mother's head.

However, Natali did not want to be blamed by her father and mother. She must pretend that she was the one who who had been betrayed in the relationship and get sympathy from everyone.

When she heard a knock on the door of her room, she immediately pinched her skin so hard that tears began to fall from her eyes. She opened the door to her room while crying uncontrollably.

"Mother .... Luliyah ..." She said stammering, immediately hugging her mother.

Hearing that woman's name once again made Mona furious. She didn't even realize that her daughter was acting and immediately said, "Don't bother, Mom will teach her a lesson". She said while stroking her daughter's head. Mona didn't know that her daughter was smiling in her arms. She didn't know her daughter tricked her.

"Luliyah is really too much, What's our fault, Mom?" She said while crying.

In the past, Luliyah had hurt Mona. Now, she snatched Natali's fiance.

Indeed, for a long time, this girl has been nothing but a bad luck. She should have been left stranded on the streets. What was the use of us providing assistance and shelter to this girl? In the end, we are the ones who suffer. This time, Mom will step in and beat her up! Natali thought seriously.

Natali's ploy was extraordinary. The news about Kelvin and Luliyah's affair had ignited Mona's anger. Natali deliberately brought up the past to make her mother even more angrier.

No one would be suspicious of her. She had erased all available evidences and witnesses. She had also closed the mouths of everyone involved in the scandal.. Everyone would blame Luliyah and defend her.

Luliyah did not know what was going on. Currently, she was on her way to Natali's house to ask for an explanation of all that had happened. She didn't even check her cellphone, let alone read the news. She was having mixed feelings.

She felt confused and angry at what Natali had done to her. She also felt hurt and disappointed over Natali's betrayal. Why did Natali do this to her? What exactly was Natali's goal?

Asides that, her thoughts kept on lingering back to the man she was with last night. Who exactly was that man? How did the man know her name? Does the man really know her? But why didn't she remember him at all, if the man claimed he knew her? All these questions kept ringing in her head.

These thoughts made her feel dizzy. In the meantime, she would demand an explanation from Natali first.

Her feet kept on walking fast until Natali's house was right in her front. The house still looked luxurious as before. The house that was once her shelter, but not anymore. That place brought pains to her and her mother.

In the past, the house was her palace. She was her father's daughter and her mother was his queen. Until one day, the divorce of her mother and father made them leave that place. The divorce was more complicated as everyone thought.

The fence was black. wrapped in gold carvings that adds to the interiors. Behind the fence, there were luxury cars lined up in the beautiful park.

Now, this house was occupied by her father and his new family. Meanwhile, she and her mother resides in a small shabby apartment, racking their brains for ways to provide for their daily needs. Plus, her mother is currently admitted in the hospital.