Hidden Hatred

Luliyah stepped her foot towards her childhood home. Seeing a familiar face, the house guard immediately opened the gate for her. Parody has been working in that house for decades, so he knew Luliyah since she was a child.

"Wow, Miss Luliyah, it's rare of you to visit the house. Who are you looking for, Miss? asked Parody. His face, which looked old and wrinkled, smiled when he saw Luliyah.

Luliyah smiled back at Parody. "I want to meet Natali".

Luliyah did not have time to make small talks with Parody. Right now, her mind was in chaos so she headed straight to the door of the house. At the door of the house, a middle aged woman hurried over and stopped her.

"Don't go in yet. Just come back tomorrow". The madam is furious, the maid spoke.

This old maid was someone who took care of her when she was little, so that she loved her like her mother.

"What's wrong, Ma Kolen?" Luliyah asked in confusion.

"That, Madame..." Kolen didn't have time to explain what was going on. Suddenly, Mona appeared and approached Luliyah. Without further ado, her left hand grabbed Luliyah's long hair, while her right hand slapped her cheek hard.

"You cheap woman!" Mona shouted as she kept pulling her hair hard. Luliyah felt confused. She had just arrived, but Mona suddenly attacked her without explaining what happened.

Luliyah tried to fight back. She hit, scratched and did everything she could to get Mona off her body. "It hurts, Mrs Mona. Let go! What did i do wrong?" Her head ached from getting her hair yanked, while her cheeks felt burnt from Mona's slap. The scars left by Mona's nails was clearly visible on her white cheek.

Parody and Kolen were very surprised to see this. All this happened so suddenly that they couldn't react. After awakening from their surprise, they rushed over to help Luliyah. But Mona looked at the two of them and shouted, "You want me to fire you?".

Parody and Kolen were in a dilemma. They really wanted to help Luliyah, but they couldn't lose their jobs either. Mona's threat made them stop, but the anxiety didn't fade from their faces. They exchanged glances and thought of what they could do to help Luliyah.

"You bitch! How dare you tease Natali's fiance? How insolent!" She said as she continued to pull Luliyah's hair and beat her.

'Fiance? What does Mona mean?'

"I'm not flirting with Natali's fiance. I don't know what you mean" Luliyah spoke while crying.

"Can you still deny it?" Mona asked as she pushed Luliyah to her knees on the ground. Her right foot, wearing a red heels, kicked Luliyah's body.

Luliyah could only curl up, trying to protect herself from Mona's kicks and punches. "I don't understand at all, What did I do wrong? I just want to meet Natali...."

You should not be looking for Natali. Now my daughter is crying because of your actions. You have ruined Natali's relationship with her fiance. You have destroyed this family, Mona shouted angrily.

Luliyah didn't know what made Mona beat her like this. She came to this house to ask for an explanation for Natali's actions, but she got beaten for what she did not do.

"I really don't know..." She cried.

Mona threw her cellphone until it hit Luliyah's head and yelled at her, "Look at that. Are you still looking for more excuses?"

Luliyah grimaced in pain while holding her head. She took Mona's cellphone and saw the news on the screen. Her eyes widened, looking at her photo when she was leaving the hotel next to a photo of a man. That man was the man she was with last night!.

Kelvin Williams!

The man who was with her the last night was Kelvin Williams. The son of the Williams Group and CEO, who was none other than Natali's fiance himself.

Luliyah was baffled when she read the news. She couldn't believe all this. She didn't even know who Kelvin Williams was. Natali did all this to her.

But why did Natali frame her and send her to her fiance's hotel room? What does it mean?

"Get away from this house, you bastard. Don't ever set your foot in this house again!"

After saying that, Mona turned around and slammed her door hard.

Parody and Kolen immediately rushed over to Luliyah, helping her to get up. Kolen cried when she saw Luliyah's battered condition, her body was covered with bruises. "Miss, I will treat the wounds."

Luliyah held Kolen's hand and prevented her from leaving. "No, Kolen. I don't want you to be fired." She returned Mona's cellphone to Kolen and got up.

"Sorry, Miss. We can't do anything." Parody and Kolen felt very guilty. However, they couldn't oppose Mona. They also had a family to support.

"I understand, Pa Parody, Ma Kolen", Luliyah said with a smile, calming Parody and Kolen.

The old man and woman could only see Luliyah leaving sadly. They don't know why the Parker family, that used to be happy was now like this.


Natali saw all this happening from the window of her room while laughing loudly. The whole time, she hated Luliyah. She felt Luliyah had everything in this world. Beautiful, smart, famous....What did Luliyah lack in this world?

Natali had a pretty face and she was not stupid either. But why couldn't she be like Luliyah? Luliyah was known as the most beautiful girl on campus. She was loved by the lecturers because of her intelligence and many guys fell in love with her. Meanwhile, Natali couldn't get all of that even though her face was also attractive. Instead, she had to be trapped in an arranged marriage with a blind man.

As time went by, the resentment in her heart accumulated. Luliyah's attitude that remained kind and gentle to her only nurtured hatred in her heart. She knew Luliyah treated her well because she considered Natali to be her own sister, but her attitude disgusted her.

Today, she felt very satisfied. She saw the woman she hated beaten black and blue in front of her house. Luliyah's good name was destroyed. Now, she was no longer Luliyah, the most beautiful girl on campus. She was also not Luliyah, the favorite student of the lecturers. Now, everyone would know Luliyah as a cheap woman who seduced men for wealth.

A cheap woman who snatched another woman's fiance.....