Unexpected Reality

Luliyah spent an hour in the bathroom, trying to avoid Kelvin. When she got out of the bathroom, she was already dressed up in her overall shirt and short. She polished her face with light makeup. At least, she had to look neater now that she has become a wife.

After she finished preparing, Luliyah got out of the room and was headed to the dining table. Kelvin was already seated, waiting for her so they could eat together. He looked so handsome in his outfit. Even though Luliyah used the main bathroom for an hour, it was obvious the man used another bathroom.

Instead of looking annoyed, a faint smile appeared on the man's face when he chatted with Harris and Mrs Binta. It looks like the man is in a good mood today.

Luliyah watched Kelvin from a distance. The man was wearing dark clothes as usual. His shirt was dark gray and a black coat draped neatly behind his chair. His hair was neatly styled and sunglasses framed his eyes.

She walked to the chair beside Kelvin, where she sat the previous day. Harris and Mrs Binta sat opposite them. They were joining them for breakfast. Luliyah tried to forget her awkwardness even though the smile on her face still felt stiff. Anyways, the existence of Harris and Mrs Binta was a big help to her.

The atmosphere at the dining table became more harmonious.

As Luliyah said, Kelvin was indeed in a happy mood. He was happy because he had Luliyah by his side. He tried to hide his joy, but it seems like the joy he feels is too overwhelming for other people not to feel it.

It was unusual for Harris and Mrs Binta to have breakfast with him. But after seeing Luliyah's awkwardness at the dinner with him yesterday, he thought he needed Harris and Mrs Binta's help to break the ice. Besides, Mrs Binta is a woman with a warm personality.

After breakfast was over, Kelvin and Harris immediately got up and was set to leave for work.

"I'm going to the office." Kelvin said to Luliyah.

Luliyah could only nod her head to answer him. As if it was a breakup. The atmosphere was so stiff and awkward.

Having seen how Luliyah reacted, Mrs Binta could only shake her head. After Kelvin and Harris left the house, she immediately teased Luliyah, "Young couples like you should be more affectionate."

Luliyah smiled shyly as she heard Mrs Binta's words, "Ah! We're not used to it like that."

The words came out of her mouth, but Luliyah could not forget how intimate she and Kelvin was last night.

Luliyah quickly wagged her hand when the though came to her mind.

'What did I just think? Am I crazy?

Mrs Binta chuckled when she saw Luliyah's behavior, as if she knew what Luliyah was thinking. She was very grateful that Kelvin found a woman like Luliyah. Even though she didn't know Luliyah completely, she felt that Kelvin's choice is a good woman. And all this time, her intuitions has never been wrong.

Mrs Binta seemed to reminisce deeply and said to Luliyah, "Back then, Mr Kelvin was not this cold. Actually, he is a good man. But, since the accident that happened to him, he is not only partially paralsyed and blind. His personality has grown cold.

Luliyah grasped when she heard Mrs Binta's story, 'Blind?'

Mrs Binta was too absorbed in her story, as she didn't notice that Luliyah was looking at her with disbelief, "After that accident, Mr Kelvin spent his time doing physiotherapy and improving his martial art skills. Fortunately for him, he was able to walk again. Even though his eyes was not fully recovered, thanks to the martial art training. His senses have become more sensitive.

Blind? Luliyah couldn't believe all this.

Kelvin was actually blind? The man doesn't look blind at all. He knew everything around him as if he could see it. He looked like a normal person.

She remembered the sunglasses that always perched on Kelvin's face. 'Oh! No wonder he never takes off his glasses except in the bedroom. It turned out that the sunglasses was to cover his weakness from the cruel world.

Feelings of guilt and pity was mixed in Luliyah's heart. She felt guilty for not knowing the burden Kelvin was going through. After all, he helped her solve her problems.

She also felt sorry because the man who was extraordinarily perfect could not see the beauty of the world. She felt Kelvin's fate was so unfortunate that he had to loose his sight.

A feeling of sadness engulfed her. Luliyah felt guilty because she couldn't do anything to help Kelvin even though the man will be helping her from henceforth. Making up her mind, she was determined to do more for Kelvin.

Even if she didn't love him, at least this was all she could do as someone who owe him a favour.

Mrs Binta Stroked Luliyah's shoulder and gave advice as a parent, "Your presence seems to make Mr Kelvin happy. Be patient with the condition. Please don't disappoint him." Mrs Binta said softly. She was worried that someday, Luliyah would get tired of having a disabled man as her husband and leave him.

Luliyah held Mrs Binta's hand an assured her, "I will not leave Kelvin. No matter what happens." She said with a smile.

Luliyah didn't love Kelvin, but it was not just love that was needed for them to live together. They could live side by side and help each other even though there was no love between them.

After that, Luliyah helped Mrs Binta to clean up the dishes. Even though Mrs Binta refused her help, Luliyah could not stay silent without doing anything. There was nothing she could do, so it's better she helps Mrs Binta with the housekeeping.

When they were washing the dishes, Luliyah's cellphone suddenly rang. She dried her hands with the napkin as she left the kitchen to receive the call briefly.

Unexpectedly, she saw the word 'Dad' on the screen of her phone. Surprise and joy filled her heart immediately.

Martins Parker is a dignified and cold man. In this world, he only cared about wealth and power. Family seems to have no place in his heart, especially since he only has a daughter. He had no heir to continue in his footsteps. This made him even more demeaning to the meaning of family.

All the time, Luliyah always missed her father figure. She always tried to get closer to her father. Sometimes, she would call or go to his house, but her father always said that he was busy. Even if her father sees her, he wouldn't spend much time with her. For Martins, 15 minutes was enough to chat and have small conversations with Luliyah. Her father also didn't care at all when she told him that her mother had fallen ill. The man did not want to assist her and her mother during their troubles.

There was a feeling of joy that rose in her heart when she found out that her father was looking for her. Meanwhile, she knew very well that her father had a certain goal. It was impossible for her father, who rarely met her, suddenly looking for her for no reason.

But why is her father looking for her all of a sudden?