Wardrobe Filled With Clothes

"Hello...." Luliyah answered as she picked up the call.

'Luliyah, can we meet? There are things that I want to talk about.' Her father said.

Her father didn't even bother to ask how she was after they haven't met and chatted for a long time.

"What is wrong?" Luliyah asked. She felt strange that her father suddenly wanted to meet her. From the way the man spoke, Luliyah knew that her father was not looking for her because he was longing to meet her.

"Father will be waiting for you at the cafe. I'll send the location to you." Martins said before he hung up. The man didn't even give Luliyah the chance to answer him. Luliyah didn't have the time to respond to her father whether she was willing to meet him or not.

After the call was cut off, Luliyah let out a disappointed sigh. She shouldn't be this disappointed. She should have known that her father wasn't looking for her because he missed her.

It looks like Luliyah's heart was still hopeful.

She immediately put her feelings aside and called Kelvin, to ask for permission to meet her father.

The first ring was heard, but Kelvin answered the phone right away.

"Hmm?" The man just muttered.

"Can I go see my father?" Luliyah asked timidly. She was worried that Kelvin would not allow her leave the house.

The atmosphere became silent for a moment as if Kelvin was thinking about her request.

"Hmm ... Tell Agi to drive you." Kelvin replied in the end.

"Thank you." Luliyah said while smiling faintly. Even though she knew Kelvin couldn't see her smile, she couldn't help but smile to her lips. Luliyah was grateful that after becoming Kelvin's wife, he did not restrain her. Even though she had to go under Agi's watch, at least she wasn't confined to the house.

After getting permission, Luliyah quickly returned to the kitchen to say goodbye to Mrs Binta.

"Mrs Binta, I will be stepping out for a moment to see my father." She said.

Just as she was about to turn around, Mrs Binta stopped her.

"Eh.... Wait a minute..." Mrs Binta dried her hands quickly as possible and prevented Luliyah from leaving.

Hearing this, Luliyah immediately turned and looked at Mrs Binta in confusion, "What's wrong, Mrs Binta"

"Luliyah, do you want to leave the house dressed like this?" Mrs Binta asked suddenly.

"Yes. I think this shirt and short is still pretty good." Luliyah was a bit surprised at Mrs Binta's question. She lowered her head to see the clothe she was wearing. Even though the clothes weren't fancy and the color faded a little from overuse, it was one of the best outfit she had.

Mrs Binta shook her head and said, "Come with me."

She pulled Luliyah's hand and led her to a room connected to the master bedroom. It was filled with wardrobes and furnished with a large dressing table.

Luliyah didn't have the time to unpack her clothes she brought from her house, so she thought the wardrobes was empty.

Mrs Binta opened the wardrobes one by one, her eyes widened when she saw the clothes neatly hung inside. Even a variety of new makeup tools was also available on the dresser.

T-shirts, Blouses, casual overalls, formal dresses...

Shorts, trousers, jeans, skirts...

The wardrobes was completely filled. In fact, each type of clothing had a variety of colors. Pink, dark red, maroon. dark blue, white, light blue, navy blue...

'It's just incredible!'

Luliyah's mouth could only open when she saw the collections of clothes in the wardrobes.

"Of course, Mr Kelvin has prepared all of this for you." Mrs Binta replied with a beaming smile.

"Are these really mine?" Luliyah asked once again, because she was finding it very hard to believe that she owned all the outfits in the wardrobes.

Mrs Binta just chuckled and nodded patiently.

Luliyah's hand touched one of the overalls and felt the soft material. She saw different branded outfits that filled the wardrobes. Her head felt dizzy when she recognized the expensive brands. She couldn't wear these fancy clothes. What if she stained the beautiful outfits?

Mrs Binta saw the confusion in Luliyah's eyes and thought she was having a hard time deciding which outfit to wear. In the end, she stepped forward to pick up one of the very cute yellow casual dress. She lifted it and placed it in front of Luliyah, as if she was judging whether the dress is suitable for Luliyah. Then, she smiled broadly.

"Hurry up and try this one." She said, handing the shirt to Luliyah. Luliyah could only obey Mrs Binta's orders and change her clothe. The size of the dress fitted her body perfectly, as if the clothes was specially sewn for her. She didn't know how Kelvin knew her size, but she was sure all the clothes in the wardrobe were the right size.

She looked into the tall mirror and saw her reflection. Mrs Binta's choice was very pretty. The bright yellow color on the shirt made her white skin look shiny.

The shirt was sleeveless, but not too revealing that it made Luliyah feel comfortable still wearing it. The length exceeded the knee, making the impression of the elegance shine even more.

By the time Luliyah was done with checking herself in the mirror, Mrs Binta had prepared a white flat shoe and also a matching bag. She told Luliyah to put it on and go back to check her appearance.

Whatever Mrs Binta chose suited her perfectly. The clothes, shoes and bags made her look less childish, but not too mature either. Luliyah looked elegant and classy.

Even though she was quite old, it seems Mrs Binta has a good sense of fashion. She smiled with satisfaction after seeing the outfit she chose for Luliyah.

"All this time I really wanted a daughter so I could dress her like this." She complained.

Unfortunately, after giving birth to Harris, Mrs Binta could no longer bear children.

Luliyah smiled when she heard Mrs Binta's words. For her, Mrs Binta was a very warm woman. Even though she was old, her personality was very cheerful, reminding Luliyah of her mother.

If only her mother wasn't in coma and was with her at this time, her mother and Mrs Binta would definitely become good friends. Their nature was so similar that Luliyah could imagine how compatible the two women were.

Cheerful, warm, full of enthusiasm....

Mrs Binta's presence made her heart heal a little. However, the feeling of longing that she felt was also getting worse. At least, her mother's treatment would be safe for some time. She just needs to be patient and wait for her mother to come back to her.

After they finished getting ready, they descended from the second floor and headed for the front door. There, Agi was waiting and ready to drive Luliyah.

"Thank you, Mrs Binta. I really love your choice of outfit." Luliyah smiled at they were walking to the front door. She wanted Mrs Binta to know that she was truly grateful for her existence. Mrs Binta made her feel warm. If she was alone with Kelvin, they would be in a very awkward situation.

Mrs Binta's smile brightened even more when she heard Luliyah's thanks, "No need to be grateful. Are you going alone?" She asked.

"I'm not. Kelvin told Mr Agi to take me." Luliyah answered.

Mrs Binta secretly smiled when she heard that. So far, Agi has always been Kelvin. Kelvin never asked Agi to do other tasks apart from picking up and escorting him. But now, Agi has a new assignment; that was to take Luliyah.

It looks like this woman is truly precious to her master, Mrs Binta thought seriously.