I Only Love You

Luliyah could feel her cheek throb due to her father's hard slap. Her eyes turned red from trying to hold back tears. She couldn't cry, she can't afford to look weak in front of this people.

Seeing all the events in front of him, Agi could not stay still. He could not bear to see Luliyah being humiliated and even slapped in public, while he was standing still.

When Agi was about to approach Luliyah to help her, the cafe door suddenly opened.

Kelvin stepped in, followed by Harris and a few bodyguards behind him. They all wore formal attire, making everyone around feel intimidated by their arrival.

Agi was very happy to see his master come. It felt like he could exhale a sigh of relief after seeing his master's arrival. Everything would be fine as long as his master was around.

Kelvin could see all the emotions mixed up on Luliyah's face. Anger, sadness, heartache... "Luliyah." His deep voice sounded, waking Luliyah from her sadness.

When that voice was heard, everyone in the room turned to look at the owner of the voice.

Mr Martins looked very happy when he saw Kelvin's arrival, his face immediately lit up.

"Kelvin, nice to see you again." Martins said, welcoming Kelvin happily.

Kelvin's eyes was covered with sunglasses, but everyone could see that the man did not care about Martins existence at all. Behind his glasses, Kelvin only noticed one person- Luliyah.

He extended his hand towards Luliyah without saying a word. Luliyah understood why he came there. She knew that Kelvin had come to help her. The man asked her to come near him.

Luliyah stared at the man. She felt Kelvin was an angel sent to her whenever she got into trouble. Without hesitation, she immediately walked towards Kelvin and put her hand on top of his helping hands.

Kelvin used his other hand to touch Luliyah's chin, tilted her face and stared at the side of her face that was flushed from Martins's slap.

"Why is your face red?" Kelvin asked coldly.

The question gave everyone chills, especially Martins who had perpetrated the slap. His body trembled slightly and the hair on his neck stood up. His mouth was tightly closed, not daring to say a single word.

Luliyah could see her father was scared. She also didn't want Kelvin to do anything to her father. She held her face so she could hide it from Kelvin, "Uhmm, I just feel hot."

Kelvin's eyebrows raised when he heard Luliyah's answers, "What happened to your clothes?"

After hearing the question, Luliyah realized, 'How did Kelvin find out? Isn't he blind?'

Could Kelvin see again? Or did Harris tell him? Maybe he could smell the coffee scent on her clothes.

Luliyah shook her head, trying to get rid of the ridiculous idea in her mind. "I accidentally spilled coffee on my clothes." She replied with an embarrassed grimace, "Sorry, I stained the clothes you gave me."

Kelvin's gaze softened when he heard Luliyah words. This woman was still thinking about her feelings for having stained his gifts rather than thinking about her own feelings.

"Who dared to treat you like this? Does that person you are my lover? My wife?" Kelvin asked coldly. Unlike his voice which could make people shudder, his voice seemed to touch Luliyah gently.

Hearing that question, Luliyah got an idea. She loved her father so she didn't want her father to get into trouble with Kelvin. However, that didn't mean she would forgive Natali. She wanted Natali to reap her actions. She planned to complain and report all of Natali's actions to Kelvin.

"Natali accused me of seducing you." Luliyah said, wearing a pathetic expression.

Secretly, Kelvin smiled faintly. He did not expect Luliyah to report Natali's actions to him directly. He thought Luliyah would prevent him from causing a scene. But it turned out that his was a smart person. She wanted Natali to feel what she felt.

"Natali and I were engaged because of corporate matters. I am willing to cancel the engagement and forget about the cooperation just for you. I only love you..." Luliyah said while staring at Luliyah. He removed his glasses so that Luliyah could see the sincerity in his eyes and the tenderness in his gaze, that made her drown.

'Love? Is Kelvin just pretending?

'Was this his plan? Does he want to make Natali jealous?'

Kelvin didn't notice that Luliyah was thinking about the words he just spoke. He called Harris, then his assistant immediately handed over a pocket bag to him. Kelvin took the bag and gave it to Luliyah, "Change your clothes into this. You must be uncomfortable wearing this outfit."

Indeed, her clothes felt sticky on her body and made her uncomfortable, but Luliyah was hesitant to leave Kelvin with her father and Natali. She didn't care what happened to Natali, but her father could get into trouble too.

After taking a decision, she decided to obey Kelvin. She knew Kelvin would help her and she completely trusted him.

'I better obey what Kelvin says...'

When Luliyah went to the restroom, Kelvin turned back to face Mr Martins and Natali. The tenderness in his eyes disappeared. His eyes now looked dark and creepy. The anger he felt in his heart seemed to overflow, making Martins and Natali tremble with fear.

Natali looked left and right, looking for a way out so she could escape. But Harris and Kelvin's bodyguards had covered all the entrances in the cafe, leaving no chance to run.

Martins decided to speak up, "Kelvin forgive my daughter for causing such a big scandal to happen to us. I didn't take care of Luliyah from a young age so she became such an undisciplined and impudent child..."

Kelvin didn't say anything, but his eyes was getting cold. The anger he felt in his heart increased even more when he heard Martins's voice. Harris, who could feel his boss's mood, immediately spoke up. "Mr Martins, you seem to have misunderstood something."

Martins stopped talking even though his mouth was still open. He was surprised because Harris suddenly interrupted his words and said that he misunderstood. He did not understand what happened.

Kelvin turned his gaze towards Natali, making her gasp in fear. Kelvin looked like a normal, good sighted person. It scared Natali more.

"Natali Parker, if you didn't want to be engaged with me, you could have told me directly. There was no use sending a woman to my room and accuse me of cheating on you before we get married. How dare you..." Like his cold eyes, Kelvin's voice was also very cold. "After all, I also do not love you." He continued.

Natali was speechless when she was called out by Kelvin. Without realizing it, she immediately hid behind her father's body, trying to avoid Kelvin.

"What does this mean?" Martins asked in confusion, "Kelvin, you seem to have misunderstood her." He continued, trying to calm Kelvin's anger.