Great Quarrel

The coffee did not only soak Luliyah's body, her long hair was also wet. She was so surprised that Natali suddenly poured the coffee on her. Her body became stiff and hot.

Shock, anger and resentment mixed in her heart, 'What is my fault that I am treated this way?'

She could hear the people around her whispering. They insulted her and mocked her for being a slut and seducer.

A cheap woman, a seductive woman, a woman who snatched someone's fiance...

The words coming out of their mouths made Luliyah very sad and embarrassed. They considered Luliyah as a bad woman because of the news that was circulating.

She didn't even get a chance to defend herself.

Luliyah lowered her head, seeing the condition of her outfit. The clothes that Mrs Binta chose for her. The dress made her feel cheerful when she left the house. The beautiful dress was now dirty, covered with coffee stains.

She looked up at her father's face. Mr Martins just stared at her coldly. Her father didn't do anything. He didn't want to help her. The man was silent when he saw Natali pour coffee on her dress.

In fact, she saw a hint of satisfaction in her father's eyes. One corner of his lips was slightly twitching, emitting a sinister smile as if it was Luliyah's fault. Her father felt she deserved to be humiliated.

'Actually, am I really his daughter? Is he really my father?'

What kind of father would allow his daughter to be treated in this manner?

She saw the people around her. A group of women seemed to be giggling when they saw her soaked. Some of them lifted their cellphones to record. They considered this incident as a joke and an interesting quarrel worth trending on the media.

Some of the waiters looked panicked. They wanted to intervene but also felt scared, so in the end they could only whisper to each other. They felt restless while waiting for their manager who had not arrived.

There was not a single person in the cafe that Luliyah could rely on. Right now, she was alone and she had to fight for herself.

"Why did you seduce my fiance? What did I do wrong to you?" Natali spoke softly with a sob.

Luliyah felt like laughing when she heard Natali's words. She saw Natali arriving, wearing luxury clothes and branded bags. She was looking all good from head to toe.

Why has she never realized that the person she considered to be her sister was this tricky.

"Your acting is really impressive." She said coldly, staring back at Natali bravely.

She did this to defend herself. However, in the eyes of others she looked like a criminal who refused to confess and instead blamed others.

Luliyah's words made the tears on Natali's eye to pour down heavily. Natali's acting skills deserved as Oscar award. She could easily attract everyone's sympathy and make them believe her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked again while sobbing.

Luliyah averted her gaze from Natali because she was fed up with her attitude and drama. She turned to look at her father. "I came to the hotel to meet Natali. She said she would lend me the money I needed for mom's treatment because you refused to lend me the money. Natali drugged my drink, knocked me unconscious and sent me to Kelvin's room. That is the reality!" She said firmly. She looked at her father straight in the eye, to show that she was not lying.

Instead, her father just snorted then looked away because he was embarrassed to look at her.

Luliysh didn't know what else to explain. Whatever she said or did was pointless. All of her efforts was in vain. Her father didn't trust her, let alone look at her. No one would believe her.

"What do you mean? I've been good to you. I wanted to lend you my savings for your mother's treatment. But when you found out that my fiance is rich, you seduced him on purpose and slept with him." She paused, "You hurt me on purpose." She said sobbing. Her eyes was red as tears continued to pour down her face. "If you really want to deny this, there's no need to blame me. I am the victim! You hurt me..."

Luliyah felt very tired facing Natali's pretense, "You may have set me up and lied to everyone. But do you think Kelvin doesn't know the truth?" She said boldly.

Luliyah's words jolted Natali a little. The mask she wore her flawless face seemed to show slight cracks.

'How did Kelvin find out?' She had erased all CCTV evidence and bribed all the witnesses. Kelvin wouldn't be able to get any proof that she planned it all. After all, the man was blind. He couldn't see the servant who sent Luliyah to his room. He wouldn't know anything.

Inside, she smiled sarcastically. Luliyah was just trying to scare her.

Luliyah could see the doubt in Natali's eye, even though it lasted for just a few seconds. She decided to keep trying to corner her. She has to pressure Natali so that she would admit her actions.

"I heard myself that Kelvin's assitant; Harris, said that it was you who sent me to Kelvin's room to have him cancel the engagement you both had. You didn't want the matchmaking the continue." Luliyah said confidently. She gave Natali a cold look.

"Nonsense!" Natali loudly refuted. A hint of panic could be heard in her voice, a sign that she was already scared of Luliyah's bluff.

"All of this is your fault. If you didn't flirt with my fiance, how will he cancel the engagement like this? Now, Kelvin has left me. You keep blaming me. You also don't want to help your father, you don't want to help the Parker Family. What do you really want?" Natali shouted out loud. She wanted everyone in the cafe to hear her and think that Luliyah was a very bad person.

"When my mother was sick, did your family help? Did you assist with the hospital bills? Even dad doesn't care about me at all. Why do I have to help your family now?" Luliyah was overflowing with emotions that had accumulated in her heart. She no longer cared about what people thought of her.

"How insolent! You dare to accuse me like that?" Martins couldn't hold himself anymore. He got up and raised his hands, then slapped Luliyah's face hard.

Luliyah's eyes widened as she looked at her father in disbelief. One of her hands immediately held her cheek while tears began to fall from her eyes. Her cheek was hot, but the pain in her heart was more intense than the pain on her face...