I Miss You

After getting permission from Kelvin, Luliyah immediately got ready. She took the protective suits she would be using when planting flowers. She also didn't forget to bring a big hat so that her skin won't get burnt from the sun.

When she got down and headed to the front door of the house, she saw Agi already waiting in the car. Agi must have received orders from Kelvin, so he was ready to escort Luliyah.

Apart from Agi, Mrs Binta and four servants were seen waiting at the front door of the house. They were fully clothed and brought some farming equipment. At first, Luliyah wanted to go alone but it seems like Kelvin ordered them to assist her in the garden.

It was Mrs Binta who got the message from Kelvin to accompany Luliyah. Kelvin called her and told her to go with some servants to assist Luliyah because he didn't want her to be too tired. Moreover, Luliyah had just recovered.

Luliyah didn't mind. The more people helped her, the faster she could finish the job.

Before heading to the flower garden, she dropped by to buy seeds first.

Rose seeds, jasmine flowers, lilies, lavender flowers... She chose various kinds of flower seeds for her flower garden. With it, she could make different perfumes.

She couldn't wait for the flowers to grow in the garden. After the flowers were planted in her garden, she would go back to making perfumes and aromatherapy and sell them. She has to start raising money to pay her debts to Kelvin.

The trip to the flower garden took a long time because the road was quite busy that day. When she got there, it was as if the land had been covered with weeds because no one took care of it in a long time.

Fortunately, the servants were there with her to assist. If not, she would not have left the place in disappointment.

The servants started clearing with land after seeing that it was quite bushy. Luliyah and Mrs Binta joined the servants in clearing the land as well.

Every now and then, they would pause to chat, joke and drink water. This made their work feel lighter.

The servants also looked happy to be out of the house. All the time, they spent their time indoors. Either cleaning, washing and serving meals. Although clearing the land was not an easy job, they were happy to work and chat with their madame.

When it was noon, they rested under a tree and ate the lunch they brought.

They cleared the land, sowed flower seeds, watered it and fertilized it.

The work was done quickly. They packed up all their equipments and headed home. Luliyah was satisfied when she saw the neat flower garden. About a month from now, the garden would be filled with beautiful flowers. She would come back to pick the flowers and use them for perfume and aromatherapy. Luliyah couldn't wait for that day to come.


Today was quite a tiring day so Luliyah returned to her room early. She laid on the bed feeling happy. She was happy to be back in her flower garden, to her mother's happy place.

While she was relaxing, her phone suddenly rang. Kelvin's name appeared on her phone's screen.

"Hello." She greeted him.

"Are you home already?" Kelvin asked.

"Yes. I've been in the room. Thank you for allowing me to go to the flower garden." Luliyah replied happily. Her mood was so good that she got more talkative than usual.

"Are you happy?" The man was able to feel Luliyah's mood, which made his mood better.

The joy in Luliyah's heart was contagious.

"Of course. I planted a lot of flowers today. Next month, the land will be filled with various beautiful flowers..." Luliyah excitedly said while imagining her garden full of blooming flowers in the next month.

"You don't have to water it every day, I'll have the servants to do it." Kelvin said. He was worried for Luliyah because she had just recovered. He didn't want Luliyah to fall ill again.

"How about you? Is your work going well?" Luliyah asked. It was the first time they had a long conversation on the phone. It was because this was the first time they were separated for a few days after they got married.

"Hmm... The work is going well." Kelvin replied.

Silence gulped them for a moment. Kelvin didn't ask anything and Luliyah didn't know what to say to Kelvin either. Luliyah didn't know why Kelvin called her.

"I miss you..." Kelvin suddenly muttered. His inner voice was a little hoarse from the phone. The voice hypnotized Luliyah.

Luliyah gasped as she stretched on the bed.

Did she hear it correctly? Did Kelvin just say that he miss her?

Why did Kelvin miss her suddenly? They were not lovers. They were just two people who didn't know know each other, bound by marriage because of their respective needs. They were not a couple who loved each other.

In addition, they have just been separated for one day.

But when she heard Kelvin's deep voice, she became shy. What if Kelvin said that in front of her? Luliyah couldn't imagine that.

What should she say now? Should she say that she miss him too? Does she miss Kelvin?

"Hmm... Hurry home." Luliyah did not know what to say so that was the only response that came out of her mouth.

"I'll be home tomorrow night." Kelvin replied. He didn't sound disappointed when Luliyah didn't reciprocate his words.

"I'll be waiting for you at home..." Luliyah said in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Go to sleep. Good night." After saying that, Kelvin ended the call.

Luliyah was silent for a moment after the call dropped. She still couldn't believe what he heard.

Kelvin said that he missed her...

She rolled on top of the bed, trying to calm the feelings in her heart. Then, she stopped by Kelvin's bedside. She was on her stomach and her face touched the pillow that Kelvin used. She could feel the space was cold because no one had occupied it for two days.

For some reason that day, the bedroom felt much emptier than before. The room felt much quieter than before, even though she and Kelvin didn't actually chat much whenever they were together.

Does she miss Kelvin too?