It's better for us to divorce

Luliyah woke up with a cheerful mood. She was very happy because she was able to visit the flower garden that had been abandoned. She was able to plant all kinds of flowers there. In the next few months, she would start making perfumes.

Besides, Kelvin will be returning back from his trip today.

Luliyah spent her time in the kitchen. She baked all kinds of cakes and learnt new recipes. Recently, she heard from Nico that Kelvin didn't like sweet snacks, so she didn't add too much sugar to her snacks. In the afternoon, she also helped Mrs Binta to cook dinner.

She cooked dinner while humming. Mrs Binta was so curious to know why Luliyah felt so happy, so she suddenly asked, "Is Mr Kelvin coming home today?" Mrs Binta could feel Luliyah's cheerful mood so she guessed that Kelvin was coming home.

"Hmm... He said he would be back home tonight. I hope he will have dinner with us." Luliyah wondered.

It was already time for dinner but Kelvin had not yet arrived. Mrs Binta and Luliyah ate alone and chatted a bit before clearing the dishes.

Luliyah intended to wait until Kelvin got home. She spent more time in the family room until late at night, watching the news and reading books. It was 2 o'clock in the midnight, but Kelvin wasn't back yet.

It was really late and her eyes was already feeling heavy. She kept yawning and couldn't keep wait any longer.

Finally, she decided to go back to her room and rest.

As she was on the bed, Luliyah thought of Kelvin. Why didn't he return home? Did something urgent come up that he couldn't return home? Luliyah had a lot of questions in her head.

After thinking, she slept off because she was really tired.

Days passed, but there was no call from Kelvin. The man didn't bother to call or reach out to her. She also tried to call him several times, but his phone was not answered.

She didn't know what really happened. Could it be that Kelvin was so busy that he didn't have time to take her calls? Luliyah tried not to think about it too much. She tried to keep herself busy in the flower garden or in the kitchen, cooking with Mrs Binta. She also went to visit her mother in the hospital.

Even though she tried keep herself busy, she still kept on thinking of Kelvin every now and then. She was worried about his condition.

One week later....

Luliyah had just gotten home from the hospital. She saw Kelvin sitting in the living room with a cold face. The man was still the same as when he left, his handsome face was expressionless and mysterious. However, the look on his face didn't look gentle as before.

Those eyes looked very cold. Meanwhile, there was Harris who stood beside him with an anxious face.

The atmosphere in the room was tense. Luliyah didn't know what happened and why Harris was looking at her anxiously. She wasn't comfortable with the atmosphere in the room.

"You are home already" Luliyah said as she hurried over to Kelvin. It has been a week without news from Kelvin, but he returned home.

Seeing Luliyah's arrival, Harris immediately left them so they could talk together. The servants who were ready to serve Kelvin left the room when they saw Luliyah.

"Hmm..." Kelvin muttered. The man looked towards the lake outside the window. He didn't even turn to look at her. He just muttered incoherently and ignored her existence.

"What is wrong?" Luliyah asked as she stood beside Kelvin, "Was there an urgent work that made you delay your return back home?"

Luliyah knew something was wrong when she was talking to Kelvin.

"Is Kelvin's job not doing well? Did something happen to him?' Luliyah thought within. She really didn't know anything.

"It's better if we divorce." Kelvin said suddenly.

Luliyah was shocked when she heard what Kelvin said. Her eyes widened when the man said that.

She didn't hear it wrong. Kelvin wanted a divorce with her.

It was a week since she saw the Kelvin last. A week since she didn't hear anything from him. For the past week, her call was completely ignored. Why would he suddenly want a divorce from her?

"I signed the divorce papers on the table. You don't have to pay off your debts to me. Consider it paid off." Kelvin said as he got up from his seat. He turned and was about to leave the room when Luliyah's hand stopped him.

"What happened? What did I do wrong?" She asked frantically. She didn't know what her fault was that made Kelvin behave this way to her.

Kelvin stopped and turned to look at Luliyah, but not a single word came out of his mouth. He kept his silence. His eyes were cold when he stared at her.

"You said you were only going to be away for three days, but you didn't come home to a week after. We just met and you suddenly want a divorce. What really happened?" Luliyah asked in a low voice. Frustration and worry could be heard in her voice.

She was worried, 'Why was Kelvin behaving like this?'

She was frustrated because she couldn't understand what was going on.

Kelvin looked straight at her and said in a very cold voice, "Do you really love me? I'm giving you the chance to be free."

Luliyah fell silent when she heard Kelvin's words. She could only remain silent when she saw Kelvin leave.


Kelvin was giving her freedom...

After she was left alone in the room, Luliyah sat on the sofa and saw a document and a pen lying on the table. Her hand reached out to take the document and read its contents.

Kelvin would divorce her and Luliyah wouldn't have to pay all she owed him. The man would also provide some money for compensation for their failed marriage.

The document was a freedom ticket for Luliyah. But for some reasons, Luliyah couldn't touch the pen that was lying on the table. She could only read the document in a daze, unable to understand why all of this was happening to her.

Does Kelvin no longer need her? Was he trying to discard her? Was that why Kelvin wanted to divorce her?