Wanting to Protect

Luliyah was still sitting on the sofa. She did not move an inch.

Unfortunately, she still didn't understand...

She still couldn't understand what happened. It was as if her brain was having a hard time digesting the sudden incident. All of a sudden, Kelvin asked for a divorce. He was willing to forget all her debts and even provide compensation money.

Was this a test for her? Was Kelvin testing her?

Harris watched it all from a distance. He didn't intend to peek and interfere, but he was worried.

He has been worried about his Master ever since they returned from their trip.

"Madame..." Harris walked over to Luliyah who sat languidly in the family room. He knew he was overstepping his limits by meddling in his Master's business. He didn't know whether this was the right thing to do or not, but he was worried about his Master.

The call brought Luliyah out of her thoughts. She didn't even realize that Harris has been standing in front of her for a while.

"Hmm..What's wrong?" Luliyah asked. She didn't feel like talking to anyone. Her mind was confused. She was in the mood to be alone.

"Madame, I don't want to interfere, but..." Harris said hesitantly.

Harris's words caught her attention. She looked straight at Harris and focused on him. Harris was with Kelvin, so he should know what happened.

"Anything? What really happened? Tell me." Luliyah demanded. She was so sure that Harris knew something.

Harris cleared his throat and spoke up, "Madame, Master was not away for work. He visited a doctor for eye treatment."

"Then what happened? Why is Kelvin suddenly acting like this?" Luliyah asked worriedly.

'Kelvin didn't go out of town for work?"

Kelvin went to visit a doctor, to heal his eyesight. Was that why Kelvin came back with a bad mood? Did the treatment fail? Would Kelvin never be able to see again?

There was no way Kelvin wouldn't come back for a week without giving a word if all was well. There was no way Kelvin would come back in a bad mood if his treatment was successful.

"Master's eyes is not well." Harris replied with tears in his eyes, trying to hold back the irritation he felt. "The treatment is not finished, but someone killed the doctor. All the drugs that was supposed to be prescribed to him was burnt. Mr Kelvin's eye is still the same as before. It can't be cured."

Harris didn't just think of Kelvin as his master. He grew up with Kelvin so he also considered him a friend. It could be said that Kelvin was the brother he never had. His feelings were sincere for Kelvin, not expecting him to return the same feelings,

That was why Harris felt very angry when he learned Kelvin's treatment had failed. Someone deliberately killed the doctor so that Kelvin would not see anymore. Harris gnashed his teeth and clenched his fist tight. Nothing could describe how much anger he felt right now. If only, he knew the person who was behind it all. He would have killed the person.

If only...

Luliyah's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe what she just heard, Someone killed the doctor that was treating Kelvin. Someone wanted Kelvin's treatment to fail so he would lose his sight.

Unconsciously, her hand that was holding the divorce paper was clenched making the paper to crumple.

Who would have the heart to do this Kelvin?

"Will he not be able to recover? Can't Kelvin see again?" Luliyah asked. Her voice was low and sounded a little choked.

"Sir must find another way to continue his treatment He must find another doctor who can help his eyesight improve. But it will take a long time." Harris replied, trying to calm Luliyah down.

When he looked at the woman in front of him, Harris could see that Luliyah was also trying to hold back her emotions. The woman's face was slightly flushed and her eyes were filled with tears that was about to trickle down her lids.

"Mr Kelvin wants to protect you. That's why he wants to divorce you." Harris said. He wanted Luliyah to know that even at times like this, Kelvin was still thinking about her.

"Protect me?" Luliyah was stunned to hear this.

"There were people who wanted the treatment to fail. That person does not want the master to be able to see again. The person even killed the doctor." Harris replied.

Luliyah was pensive when she heard this.

This person didn't want Kelvin to be happy. This meant that anyone close to Kelvin was not safe, especially Luliyah who held the status of Kelvin's wife. As the closest person to Kelvin, Luliyah could also be the target of Kelvin's enemies. That person could harm Luliyah to make Kelvin helpless.

That was why Kelvin wanted to divorce her.

Kelvin wasn't testing her. Kelvin also didn't throw her away because she was useless. Kelvin wanted to protect her. The man wanted to keep her safe.

Luliyah's heart ached when she realized all this. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized what Kelvin was really thinking.

Even at times like this, Kelvin still had time to think about her. The man was supposed to think more about his condition, especially his eyes. Kelvin must have felt hurt and disappointed after realizing that his treatment has failed and he would not be able to see.

Luliyah felt she was not worthy of Kelvin.

She couldn't even do anything for Kelvin, but Kelvin always treated her wholeheartedly. She got angry and tore the divorce documents.

Harris's gaze landed on the divorce papers that Luliyah tore. He could feel how much Kelvin loved Luliyah. The man should have thought about his eyes, but he still thought of Luliyah's safety. He was afraid that Luliyah would be in danger. He felt that someone would try to harm Luliyah.

Such was Kelvin's love for Luliyah.

Harris looked at Luliyah, "Sir is willing to give freedom to you. Are you going to leave him?"