Former Lover

The next morning...

Kelvin didn't go to the office. He decided to rest his eyes for some days. He felt that his eyes had become heavier and his vision was blurry. Perhaps because he overworked himself. He finally decided to take a week off.

For the meantime, Nico would be assigned to his position in the office and he would be monitoring from home.

When he was about to get up from the bed, he saw Luliyah in his arms. He smiled when he saw the woman was still sleeping in his arms. He did not change his position at all and closed his eyes again, enjoying the morning with Luliyah in his arms.

An hour later, Kelvin woke up. Luliyah also woke up as well. When she opened her eyes, she saw Kelvin's face right in front of her. Luckily, she didn't scream because she was so shocked.

She was stunned when she saw Kelvin's face close to her. Even when sleeping, the man's face looked very handsome. Plus, his face didn't look as stiff and serious as he normally was when he woke up. At this moment his face looked calm and peaceful.

Actually, Kelvin knew that Luliyah was looking at his face but he deliberately kept his eyes closed. The feeling of wanting to seduce her arose from his heart, so he moved his body. The sudden movement made Luliyah wake up from her reverie and she felt panicked. She was shocked, thinking that Kelvin had woken up and caught her staring at him.

After making sure Kelvin didn't wake up, she tried to release herself from Kelvin's arm. Then, she immediately ran to the bathroom like a frightened rabbit.

Kelvin opened his eyes and chuckled when he saw the woman running silently, as if trying to escape from him.

"I'll never let you go..." He thought, smiling at the closed bathroom door.


Today, the four of them had breakfast. Mrs Binta was so excited for their breakfast together that she prepared plenty food for them.

"Sir, Madame was really worried about you when you didn't return home the other day. She waited for you until late at night ." Mrs Binta complained in her motherly voice. She was reprimanding Kelvin for making his wife worry.

"Mrs Binta" Luliyah slightly shook her head at Mrs Binta, asking her not to tell Kelvin about it.

However, Mrs Binta ignored her and just laughed.

Hearing this, Kelvin felt very happy, "Did you miss me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and staring at Luliyah. He felt like teasing her.

Luliyah almost choked. She looked at Kelvin with her mouth wide open, seeing that the man was smiling at her. Why was this man teasing her like this?

"No, no" Luliyah said spontaneously. Contrary to her response, Luliyah's face turned red. This made everyone, including the servants around them; laugh too. Kelvin also smiled when he saw Luliyah's red face.

Their breakfast was full of laughter and joy. Mrs Binta shared her experience with Kelvin and Harris when she went with Luliyah to plant flowers.

After breakfast, Luliyah hurried to help Mrs Binta clean the table and cutlery. She deliberately avoided Kelvin because she was still embarrassed by the question earlier. She didn't know what to say if that man teased her like that again.

Harris waited until everyone left the dinning room. There was only him and Kelvin at the dinning room so no one would hear their conversation.

"Sir, I have some important information I want to convey." He said to Kelvin in a low voice, not wanting anyone else to hear.

Kelvin immediately nodded when he heard it and invited Harris to discuss in the study room.

In the study, Kelvin sat in his usual chair. Harris stood in front of him, holding a note pad.

"Sir, the man who killed the doctor was caught." Harris said.

"Who is he?" Kelvin asked. His voice sounded so cold.

"He's just an ordinary person. The man wanted to take revenge because of personal problems. He killed the doctor because the he failed to operate on his son, leaving his only son to dead." Harris reported to him cautiously, still keeping an eye on his master's expression.

Kelvin was seen leaning back on the chair casually, but his eyes were sharp like knife. He was ready to stab anyone who intended to harm him. The atmosphere in the room was tense as they spoke.

"Nobody ordered him?" Kelvin spoke out.

"The man said that nobody ordered him. He confessed that he did it out of personal grudge and on his own accord." Harris replied.

Kelvin nodded when he heard Harris's answer, "What do you think?" he asked Harris. Harris was Kelvin 's confidant, so Kelvin really appreciated his opinion.

"The person behind all these plans is very smart. He deliberately looked for someone who had a personal grudge against the doctor, so that no one would know his purpose." Harris replied, expressing his opinion to Kelvin, "Sir, let me investigate a little deeper. I can find out who masterminded all this incident."

"Hmm... Investigate it for a few weeks. We will determine the next step later." Kelvin replied, "Is there anything else?"

"Mrs Imelda was seen visiting a pharmacy that dispenses ointments for your eyes." Harris continued.

Hearing that name, Kelvin got angry. He looked annoyed when he heard the woman's name, "Why is that woman everywhere..."

"If you are worried about your medicine, I will order it elsewhere." Harris said. After seeing Imelda visit the pharmacy where Kelvin's medicine was made, he had already looked into other trusted pharmacies as substitutes. He even investigated them to make sure it was safe for Kelvin.

"Hmm... It's okay. Just take the medicine from the pharmacy. Compare it with my old medicine. I wonder what they'll give me." Kelvin said coldly. Anger could be seen in his eyes, but the corners of his lips curled into a sinister smile.

Just because he was blind didn't mean he could be played with easily.

"Yes sir." Harris said. After saying that, he did not leave the room. It had something else to say but he had doubts.

"What is wrong? Just say it." Kelvin said calmly.

Harris cleared his throat and said clearly, "Oscar Juyat will soon return to the country."

Oscar Juyat....

That name made Kelvin's body tense. His body that was leaning back on the chair straightened up. That name made his fist clench tightly and his eyes looked very cold. Harris felt his body shudder as if the temperature in the room dropped.

The man would come back. Oscar Juyat would be back.

Kelvin waved his hand, telling Harris to leave the room. Seeing a signal from Kelvin, Harris immediately bent down and left the place.

Kelvin closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. His hand rubbed his face repeatedly as he thought of what Harris said.

Oscar Juyat...

The man was Luliyah's ex-lover. The only man Luliyah ever loved.

The Juyat Family's first son would return to the country.

How would Luliyah react when she finds out that Oscar will be returning back?