
"Sir, I've been looking for the pharmacist who mixes your medicine. He died because he slipped and fell off the balcony of his house." Harris said from the end of the phone.

A cold smile appeared on Kelvin's face. "Imelda is very smart. She moved so fast."

He turned and leaned his back against the fence. His eyes were fixed on the the tiny body that was sleeping on the bed. He wanted to make sure Luliyah was still fast asleep. His eyes softened when he stared at Luliyah's figure on his bed.

"I also met one of his colleagues. The colleague said that the pharmacist was the only one who administered the medicine for you." Harris said.

"Come back, Harris. There's no point staying there. The person who makes the medicine is dead. You won't be able to get enough evidence to bring down Imelda." Kelvin said quietly.

Harris was very reluctant. He was annoyed that he could not get a concrete evidence to ensnare Imelda, even though they knew she was the one behind it.

Since Kelvin's accident, Imelda has been trying to harm Kelvin to the point of being insane. That woman had gone crazy.

"Sir, all the incidents points to Mrs Imelda. Let me give all the evidences to Mr Bima and let him take care of it." Harris said hastily. He was not willing to stop his investigation.

"No." Kelvin replied firmly. "We can't let my father find out about this investigation. We will still investigate Imelda in secret. Now, come back!"

"Yes sir" Although he felt reluctant, Harris did not dare to oppose Kelvin's decision, "Sir, I just received information that Mr Ivan will return to the country next month to attend your father's birthday party."


Ivan Williams...

The Williams family was blessed with three sons. Jack Williams, Kelvin Williams and Isaac Williams were the sons of Bima Williams. Meanwhile, Ivan Williams was the second son, the illegitimate son of Bima Williams and Bima's mistress, Imelda.

In the past, Jack was the company's president of the Williams Group and Ivan was it's vice president. At that time, Kelvin was given the responsibility of handling the overseas branches of the Williams Group.

However, Jack unexpectedly suffered from heart disease and died suddenly in his office.

At that time, Jack's son, Nico, also worked at the Williams Group as a head manager. However, because of his young age he could not replace his father to lead the company. He was still inexperienced.

In order for the Williams Group not to fall into the hands of Bima's mistress, Kelvin had to return to the country to take over his brother's position.

After Jack's death, Ivan who served as vice president naturally had a great chance of taking over the entire company. But, as the son of Bima Williams's legal wife, Kelvin rushed home and took over his brother's position.

Kelvin forcibly sent Ivan overseas to take care of the foreign branch in Dallas, Texas. He wanted to send him away from the country so that he would not take over the Williams Group. In the foreign branch, Ivan absolutely had no power because it was Kelvin who built the branch from the scratch. It was only Kelvin who had the power.

Now, Ivan Williams would be returning home to visit his father. It felt like a big storm was about to hit the Williams family.

Even though Kelvin has started walking again after the accident that happened to him, his eyes were still not sharp. Maybe this was the perfect time for Imelda and Ivan to kick him out of the company.

"Let him come back. It's easier to handle Ivan and his mother head on. " Kelvin said coldly with a snort.

"But sir, your eyes..." There were times he felt his Boss was acting like a normal person, as if he could see. It made him guess that Kelvin could see again. However, he didn't know how far Kelvin's eyes had recovered. He was worried about Kelvin. His boss has not fully recovered. He didn't want Kelvin to lose his sight again.

"I will slowly recover. We will observe the situation for a few days before going to look for other alternative treatments." Kelvin said calmly.

"Yes sir. Forgive me for being too reckless." After giving all the reports to Kelvin, Harris felt calmer than ever. At the time of his investigation, it was as if he was overcome by adrenaline and he acted very recklessly.

" patient. I won't just forgive Imelda, I won't just let her go. We'll wait until she show her true self." Kelvin said that calmly, but his brain was spinning hard, thinking of what to do. He would not remain silent if someone tried to hurt him.

After ending the call, Kelvin immediately returned to his room. He closed the balcony door and walked to his bed.

He saw Luliyah moving restlessly on the bed. Her forehead was sweaty. She was having a nightmare that was disturbing her sleep.

"Kelvin... I'm afraid..." She said softly.

Kelvin approached her and saw that Luliyah's eyes were still closed. She was still sleeping and she was talking from her dream.

"Kelvin... Are we going to die?" She asked in a low voice.

Kelvin stroked Luliyah's hair, trying to calm her down. He kissed her forehead gently, "Do not be afraid. I'm here..."

But it was useless, Luliyah was still moving restlessly and her sweat was coming out even more.

"Kelvin, you can't die. I won't let you die. Come out..."

Tears started rolling down on Luliyah's face. She cried so hard as she kept calling Kelvin's name.

"Luliyah, wake up. Wake up!..." Kelvin shook Luliyah's body to wake her up from her sleep.

From her sleep, Luliyah could feel someone was moving her body. Then, she opened her eyes and saw Kelvin sitting besides her with a sad and tearful face. When she saw Kelvin, she moved closer and hugged him tightly.

"Kelvin, you are okay. Nothing happened to you." Luliyah buried her face in Kelvin's neck. Tears still streamed down her face, soaking the pajamas Kelvin was wearing. However, Luliyah didn't care; she was so upset because of the nightmares she was having. The dream felt so real.

Kelvin gently patted Luliyah's back to calm her. "It's just a nightmare. Don't think about it. I am fine."

Kelvin knew what the nightmares were. He knew the dream that was haunting Luliyah clearly, but he couldn't tell Luliyah the truth. He did not have the heart to say it....