
Luliyah cried in Kelvin's arms. She kept on crying non stop. There is no way she could forget the nightmare that haunted her sleep.

"It was just a dream. It's okay..." Kelvin hugged Luliyah while gently stroking her hair. He tried to calm her.

"I... I dreamt that we were locked in a dark place. The place was so dark that nothing could be seen. But suddenly a big fire engulfed us, and it burnt everything..." Luliyah said haltingly. Her head laid limply on Kelvin's shoulders, but her hands were still on Kelvin's body. She kept on crying profusely.

When he heard Luliyah's dream, Kelvin just stroked her head gently. He allowed Luliyah to cry as much as she wanted, so that the woman would feel relieved.

"My head hurts..." Luliyah muttered. The more she tried to remember her dream, the more pain she felt. Her head felt as if it was going to crack.

"It's just a nightmare. Do no think about it. Look at me here, I'm with you." Kelvin said softly as he tapped her back gently.

However the pain Luliyah felt only increased. She pulled herself away from Kelvin's embrace and held her head while whining. "My head hurts a lot. It feels like it's going to break." Luliyah gripped her head hard, trying to ease the pain.

Kelvin immediately stood up and put on the light in the room. After that, he returned to the bed and touched Luliyah's head. Her forehead was really sweaty.

He whispered in Luliyah's ear, "Shhh... Close your eyes. Just calm down. I am here and I will not leave you."

Kelvin's deep voice sounded in Luliyah's ears and made her feel calm. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm down.

They didn't move at all, staying and feeling each other's embrace and warmth. The headache Luliyah felt had subsided. After an hour passed, Luliyah closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

They were immersed in a soothing silence. Only the howling of an owl could be heard.

Kelvin looked at the woman in his arms. The woman's eyes looked puffy and her lashes were still wet tears. Her forehead was sweaty and her hands did not leave Kelvin's body.

Kelvin's face softened when he saw Luliyah. He really wanted to protect Luliyah. Maybe it was his destiny to protect Luliyah, till he dies.

Just by hugging her tightly and perceiving her hair, joy flooded his heart. It was that simple.

Finally, the two of them slept while hugging. If anyone saw them in that position, they would think they are afraid of losing each other.


In the morning, the rays of the sunlight woke Luliyah from her sleep. She opened her eyes and realized that her hands were on Kelvin's waist. Their position was still the same as when they fell asleep. It felt like, they didn't want to be separated from each other.

The handsome man's face was right in front of her. Kelvin was still sleeping. His eyes were still closed and his breathing was normal. Luliyah was pensive when she looked at Kelvin's face. How lucky she was that every morning, she woke up to Kelvin's handsome face.

When she saw his face, she recalled how Kelvin hugged her tightly last night, and tried to calm her down when she had a nightmare. The man was so gentle with her.

She moved her hand, trying to pull away from Kelvin's waist. However, Kelvin's large arms suddenly embraced her and pulled her body closer to his.

Kelvin turned his face. He was smiling when he saw Luliyah's ears were red. Luliyah could see that the man was just teasing her. She hit the man's arm hard. Even so, the punch felt soft in Kelvin's body.

Luliyah hit Kelvin because he was teasing her.

But Kelvin didn't stop smiling. He just muttered, "Good morning..."

Luliyah felt embarrassed, especially when she realized that they were together on the same bed.

"Good morning." She replied softly.

"I had a wonderful dream last night. I dreamt of you." Kelvin said. The man's voice sounded hoarse. However, the hoarse voice sounded very seductive in Luliyah's ears. She shuddered a little when she heard his voice.

Luliyah was silent and didn't know what to do. Kelvin dreamt of her? And it was wonderful? Her cheeks turned red.

"Do you want to know what I dreamt of? Kelvin whispered in her ear.

Luliyah was stunned when she heard the question. 'Does she want to know what he dreamt of?'

Without waiting for Luliyah to answer, Kelvin spoke up. "I'll show you."

He released Luliyah from his embrace and got on top of Luliyah's body. His two strong arms blocked Luliyah's body so that she would not run away.

Meanwhile from where she was lying down, Luliyah could see the man's chest from his loose pajamas. She tried to avert her gaze, so she would not stare at the man on top of her. She felt embarrassed when she saw it.

Kelvin's face slowly descended, getting closer to her face. The man's eyes was fixed on her lips. He stared at her closely and thought of something.

'Oh God, my heart is not strong anymore...' Luliyah thought to herself then closed her eyes tight.

Even though her eyes were closed, she could still feel Kelvin's breath. He was moving closer to her. When his face was close to Luliyah's, he kissed her forehead. Kelvin smiled when he saw that Luliyah was expecting a kiss on her lips. Kelvin kissed her forehead again gently, making Luliyah stunned.

After that, Kelvin got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom with a mischievous smile on his face. Luliyah could only stare at Kelvin while holding her forehead.

She realized that the man teased her again.

Luliyah rolled over the bed. Her heart was beating really fast, but it was just Kelvin teasing her and nothing serious. She was really pissed off.

But thanks to Kelvin, she was able to forget her nightmare last night. The headache she felt, stopped when Kelvin patted her forehead.

Thanks to Kelvin, she forgot the bad dream....