
Luliyah left the store without looking back. She left in hurry while trying to cover her tears. She didn't want anyone to see her crying. It was better for her to leave Rose Scent immediately.

Meanwhile, Oscar was still staring at Luliyah's back as she walked away.

After Luliyah left, Raisa immediately went to her brother. "Brother, are you still missing Luliyah? Don't you know that she snatched Natali's fiance? Now she has a very rich lover." Raisa said while shaking her brother's hand.

"Natali's fiance? Do you mean Kelvin Williams?" Oscar asked and turned his head to look at his younger sister's face. His sister's words caught his attention. He was surprised at the information he just received.

"Yes. How come you haven't heard the news? About two weeks ago, Luliyah and Kelvin were caught having an affair. Their photo of leaving the hotel together was spread on the internet. The day after that, Kelvin immediately cancelled his engagement to Natali." Raisa said while looking at her brother. She deliberately told him about it.

Oscar frowned when he heard that, "Luliyah is not a woman like that. There must be a misunderstanding." He didn't believe the news at all.

Raisa could only snort when she heard her brother's response. No matter what she said, her brother didn't believe it at all.

Raisa's eyes swept across the aromatherapy products that was lined up in the store window. Infact she was not interested in the products. She only wanted to see Luliyah.

Raisa did not come to the mall to shop. When she was taking a walk, she heard the news that Luliyah was also in the same mall as her. That was why she decided to go to Rose Scent. She wanted to challenge Luliyah.

"Brother, I will suggest that you shouldn't have anything to do with that woman anymore. Aren't you giving up on what happened earlier?" Raisa said.

Hearing his younger sister's words, Oscar's face quickly changed, "Raisa, don't listen to rumors too much. You should know that everyone likes to make up stories they heard. I know Luliyah well and I trust her." He replied coldly. "Are you done? Come on, let's get out of here." Luliyah was no longer there so he didn't want in the store anymore.

Raisa rushed over to Ben and pointed to the products she chose, "I want this, and this. Wrap everything up. Remember, no Mugwort."

"Yes, miss. Please wait a moment." Ben told one of the employees to wrap all the products Raisa picked.

While waiting for the items she bought, Raisa saw empty bottles with beautiful shapes in one of the shelves. She studied the bottles with curiosity and said, "Manager, are these bottles for perfumes?"

"Yes, miss. Do you want to order for a special perfume?" Ben replied with a smile. " Our store also provides special perfume orders." He added.

"Hmm ... Maybe the next time I come again, I'll order for it." Raisa said. "Manager, What position did Luliyah apply for?"

Ben felt a little uncomfortable with the question because it is personal. "Ma'am it is against our policy and privacy rules to give out information about our staffs to someone he or she is not related to."

Raisa's hand touched the perfume glass gently and said, "That woman is a complete disaster. Luck has never been on her side. Aren't you worried about hiring someone like that in your store?" She said again while looking at Ben, "Are you not worried that one day Kelvin Williams will get angry and destroy your store?"

"I don't have the authority, miss. Mrs. Esther is the owner of Rose Scent and she personally interviewed and accepted Luliyah because she met the requirements of our store. Since it's Mrs. Esther that picked her, it means that Luliyah's skills must be extraordinary. Besides, Luliyah's affairs has nothing to do with us. However, I am very grateful for your concern." Ben answered her humbly.

Oscar frowned when he heard his younger sister's words. He was annoyed that Raisa kept on talking in public, especially this place that is Luliyah's workplace. Oscar immediately rebuked her, "Raisa, shut up!"

Raisa looked sullen when her brother scolded her. "I'm not talking carelessly. Not a single person knows what actually happened. Luliyah snatched Natali's fiance and humiliated her in front of everyone. When Natali invited Luliyah to solve the problem amicably, Luliyah asked Kelvin to pour hot coffee on Natali's face. Luliyah is very cunning."

"Raisa!" Oscar snapped at his younger sister. He couldn't stop himself when he heard Raisa's unreasonable talk. Even after he scolded his sister, Raisa didn't stop talking.

"Brother if you don't believe me, you can see the evidence online. Many people witnessed it. I feel very sorry for Natali. Kelvin did not only break their engagement but also doused her with hot water. All of that is because of his affair with Luliyah." Raisa said while shaking her head. "You don't know how bad Natali's condition was when I went to visit her in the hospital."

The atmosphere was getting more unpleasant, so the store employees rushed to wrap Raisa's order quickly. They wanted Raisa to leave the store. If these siblings don't leave this place, maybe other customers won't be able to enter the store.

"Miss, these are the items you ordered. Please pay here." The shop clerk quickly said as she approached Raisa with a packaged print bag.

Oscar couldn't believe what Raisa was saying. He knew that many people liked to spread false information. The internet is not something that should be taken for granted. The only one he will believe is Luliyah. He wanted to hear all these stories from Luliyah's mouth.

Oscar walked to the cashier and paid for the products. When he was about to leave the counter, he quietly whispered in a low voice to the shop clerk, "What time will Luliyah be at work tomorrow?"

"8 o'clock in the morning, sir." The cashier replied and smiled.

Oscar left the store with Raisa. He tried to remind himself to go back to Rose Scent the next day at 8 am.