
Luliyah immediately called Agi after leaving Rose Scent. She tried to calm her mind, not wanting to make Agi worry when he saw her. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, wiping the tears that remained on her face.

It didn't take long for Agi to arrive at the door of the mall and pick up Luliyah.

Luliyah was trying to calm herself down. But even until she got into the car, Luliyah still looked sad.

Today was supposed to be her happy day because she got accepted to work at Rose Scent, the place she wanted to work.

Her meeting with Oscar today was an unexpected event. She didn't even have time to prepare herself. She did not know that Oscar would return. Her pleasant day was ruined and her mood seemed to have plummeted.

While sitting in the car, Luliyah propped her hand to the side while looking out the window. She didn't pay attention to the scenery outside. Her mind returned to her memories from the past.

Luliyah still clearly remembered the incident three years ago, when the man was disappointed in her. Three years ago, the year they separated. Their separation did not end well. She could remember the look on Oscar's face, full of disappointment.

The man's eyes turned red because of the anger he felt. His voice which usually sounded soft, sounded a little hoarse as he shouted at Luliyah, "Luliyah, Can our feelings and our relationship be rewarded with money in your eyes?" He shouted hysterically, unable to believe what Luliyah had done.

"Oscar, I can still live without you, but I can't live without money. We just don't get along. Our family backgrounds are very different. We better separate." The words that came out of of Luliyah's mouth stabbed like a knife. It wasn't only Oscar's heart that was bleeding, Luliyah's heart was also hurt.

On second thought, Luliyah felt that she had not changed at all. Three years ago, Luliyah gave up her relationship with Oscar for money. Three years later, Luliyah also married Kelvin for money.

Luliyah recalled the memories of three years ago.

Three years later, they met again...

Luliyah did not think that she would meet Oscar again or even hear him say he missed her so much. How would she face Oscar if he came back for her?

Luliyah sat in the car whilst looking out of the window glass. Tears continued to well up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She turned her head to the side because she did not want Agi to hear her cry.

Luliyah tried to divert her mind by looking around her. She bit her lip to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. However, the pain in her heart was so great that it stifled her chest, making her breath a little faltering. She opened her mouth, took a deep breath to hold back her tears. But the tears came out. She was helpless.

While still trying to hold back her tears that was already coming out, Luliyah looked out of the window again.

Agi could see that Luliyah was crying. But from her gesture, Luliyah wanted to be alone. Luliyah did not want Agi to know she was crying, so he decided to shut his mouth. He didn't dare to ask and didn't dare say anything.

From the driving seat, Agi could feel the pain Luliyah felt. What made his master's wife cry this badly?


At home, Luliyah saw that Kelvin was not home yet. She felt a little relieved that she didn't have to face Kelvin head-on. What would she do if she met Kelvin? Her mind was currently in chaos. Even though Kelvin didn't see her crying, he would have known that something happened.

Mrs Binta rushed over to her and asked about the results of the interview. Her face looked worried when she saw Luliyah's expression that was gloomy. She thought that the results were not as expected. Mrs Binta did not know that Luliyah was worried over something else.

"Luliyah, How was the job interview?" She asked softly.

Luliyah forced a faint smile and said, "I got accepted, Mom. Tomorrow morning I will start work." She replied, trying to look as happy as possible even though there was a storm in her heart. She didn't want Mrs Binta to worry about her.

Luliyah's answer did not match Mrs Binta's expectation. She was sure she saw the gloomy look on Luliyah's face earlier.

'Is it possible that Luliyah is just tired?' She immediately forgot the thought and congratulated her.

Mrs Binta hugged Luliyah happily, "Congratulations, Don't forget to tell Kelvin that you will be resuming at work tomorrow." She said as she patted Luliyah's shoulder.

Mrs Binta's words made Luliyah realize something. She has not told Kelvin that she has been hired. As a wife, of course she has to inform her husband. Moreover, she will be working everyday, so she will ask for permission.

"I'll call him immediately." Luliyah said to Mrs Binta. Then, she walked to the room and her clothes.

After she was done changing, she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out her cell phone to call Kelvin. First ring, second ring, third ring..... Kelvin didn't pick up the phone.

'Is Kelvin busy?' Luliyah decided to call him one more time. If the call is not answered this time, she would wait till Kelvin returns home.


Meanwhile in Kelvin's office, Harris looked worried when he saw his master's expression. Kelvin was in a bad mood. Kelvin's cell phone rang and Luliyah's name was displayed on the screen, but the man made no effort to pick up the call.

He just got information from the guard he ordered to follow Luliyah around. The guard told him that Luliyah met Oscar. Plus, Agi told him that Luliyah was crying in the car.

He knew why the woman was crying in the car.

'That's because Luliyah loves Oscar so much...'

Oscar has been in Luliyah's life since she was a child. Kelvin knew how special Oscar was to Luliyah.

After three years of separating, Luliyah couldn't fall in love anymore. It was not because Luliyah was busy with her studies and work, but because she couldn't fall in love with any man other than Oscar. The name seems to be etched in her heart.

'Oscar Juyat....'

Oscar was still like a gaping wound in Luliyah's heart.

But now Oscar has returned to the city.

"Why did Oscar Juyat return back early? Shouldn't he be back home next month or two?" Kelvin asked Harris.

"Maybe it's a new urban development project, Sir." Harris said. But he knew that was not why he came back. He knew very well that there was another reason why Oscar returned back to the city.

"Or maybe because of Mrs. Luliyah..." Harris voice became low, but Kelvin could still ear him.

Kelvin's frowned when he heard Harris's words. He knew it was reality, but it was hard to accept it.

"Mrs. Luliyah seemed to look shaky after meeting Oscar Juyat all of a sudden." Harris said, trying to remind Kelvin.

"Hmm.. But, Luliyah is my wife and she will forever remain Luliyah Williams...." Kelvin said, while his gaze wandered far away in the office.