chapter xiii

taking time off from work

The New family is going to Maine for a few days so Viktor's parents can meet their new grandsons Vance, Valance, Vinatone, Vandor, Volume, and Venton, Viktor is putting their car seats in their cars and Kari is packing their bags, He walked back in, " babe we set, we not going to make it down, he walked inside of the room, " I got us a spending card and put money on rooms and gas, we stay under 35 miles, have the bands on so we can talk, when we reach destination point A. which is a rest stop, we stop rest and see how they doing, said, Viktor, " I will be right behind you, we not doing so bad as newlywed parents, they kissed each, " no we not, I take Vance, Valance, and Vandor with me is that their bags, " and yours, do we need anything from the kitchen? I got Vinatone, Volume, and Venton said. Kari, " n you got the food make andi got their formula made, long with out breakfast so we are good. they walked down the steps outside and put their bags in the trucks off their cars and closed them, as she went upstairs into the nursing, Viktor got the food bag and diaper bag and put them in the front seat of their cars, as he walks in she walk up with them still asleep, " that threpy bath did the trick babe all six still out, said, Viktor as he took his boys in his arms, " hope they stay that way until we leave baby, they kissed each other, he walks out in put son one, two, and three in their car seats buckle them in and check it was secured, " we are set boys lett's get your gear on for riding with daddy and mommy, he put their little hats and glasses on them, he close and locked the back door, she walked with their youngest he helps her to put them in the car, " look at daddy boys, look at mommy babies, she made sure you sleep well, they check it they where secured in the seat belts, they were, they put their little hat and glasses on them, they closed and locked the doors, and walked back inside, she hand him his plate and cup, and she got hers, they walked out landlocked the door, they got in the cars and drive out the gates after it closed behind him, they were heading out of town for a few days, Savannah called, he pushed the three-way call button, " (hi, mom we are on the way,) said, Viktor. " (we see you when we get there,) said. Kari, " (we are so excited we can't wait to meet them, what are their names again?) asked, Savannah. " (Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton.) Viktor, told her, " (son all v names?) asked, Sam. " (hi dad, he said he didn't want to be the only v name,) said Kari, they got over in the right now as they drive out of Seattle, all six is about to wake from their sleep, they look back at them at the road. " ( i don't, they starting to wake up, we call you in a few hours mom,) said, Viktor, " hang sons, (babe there's a rest stop coming up, ) Parker and his family still in town, he pulled up at the studio. " look we are close okay, we still are I admire what my sister did leave home build her own business, I love my sister. yes, it, is my mother's fault for being weak thinking that she can not live without my father, I always told her to want to get away do and she did, you got to tell her there is a number to reach her at, " you older or younger? asked. Mike, " there is you need to talk with Viktor first to talk to her. said. Mike, " yeah loverboy not just going to let you talk to the mother of his son's direct, " younger she protected my whole life, I was crushed that she left, but hey she needs to live her life, they got kids? asked. Parker, " she gives birth a few days ago, to them, she kills us if just give you her number. so let me call them, Stacie call them both on their car phones, " (guys your brother is here, he said that you both were close, please told that you mention him to your husband?)-("she did, K say they still are closed, put him on, babe you okay?) asked, Viktor. " (we are good Reno,) they pulled into the rest area, just in time, all six woke crying, " okay boys morning, she takes her seat belt off, and their food bag, Viktor grab the bag and got out the truck, and open the door, they start to feed them, He walks around the pkene, " (hi,)-("give me an second, trying to feed theboys their bottles, ) mmm that some good smoothie daddy, hegive them a break so they can breathe hewipes their mouths, she did too. " (she told me about you, Parker, I am your brother-in-law Viktor, and know that you two are very close,) they give them their bottles again so they can be finished feeding, " that's my babies, daddy know how to make a good breakfast, baby is there a bathroom here? asked. Kari, " they should be, you got to go? she looked at him funny, " did you just ask me if I need to go when I ask is there a bathroom, baby, huh yeah, didn't really get a chance this morning, said. Kari, Parker smile and laughed, " (you heard her huh, that my queen, I guess you can, wait until she gets back from the bathroom, ) inside babe be careful, they finished feeding, they wiped their mouths, they put the bottles back in the bag. and she head in to use the bathroom, he put the bag in their cars, " hey Volume, Vinatone, and Venton, joy your first trip to see grandma and granddaddy, he kissed them on the heads and closed landlocked the door, " (how are they doing you both talk and plan it,) asked, Laura, " (good they remain asleep until we got out of Seattle, do me a flavor bro, do not tell your family about our son's kay, or me, keep us to yourself.) he walked up to his truck, " he got full bellies don't we Vance, Vandor, and Volance, She walked out of the bathroom, they kissed each other, " we eat, then make out, then get on, do you want to talk to your brother babe, I have to go pee, said. Viktor, he went to the bathroom, " (hi, Parker, ) said. Kari, " (hi, so you mom now wow, I love the studio sis.) said, Parker, they start to fuse, she unlocked the door, see what is wrong, " daddy didn't burp his babies mom got you, she takes them out of their car seats and burp them fasten them back in and make sure they are secured, they went back to sleep, she burp the other there, and fasten them back in make sure they are secured in, they went back to sleep, " (what there names supermom?) asked, Parker. Viktor walked up to her, " ( if I tell you what their names are you can not tell anyone about them or my husband is that a deal-breaker little brother?) said. Kari, " (yes, sis you know it tells me.) -(" Vance, Volance, Vandor, Volume, Vinatone, and Venton.) she told him, he smiled, " (we got to go so we can get to a hotel by nightfall, what your number man, ) babe you got out hotline? asked, Viktor. " yeah it need to charge up first, said Kari, he give him his number and he writes it down on a napkin, " (we call when he are in for the night, keep our family safe, ) they hang up and after they got done eating they gt back on the road.