chapter xiv

the hotel for the night

They pulled up to the hotel entrance, they take their glasses off, they got the cars to stretch, " we are in Maine babe, we need to rest for the night, said. Viktor, " tell me about a nice shower why the boys are sleeping would be nice, he pulls her to him and said, " one with your husband is even better, they kissed each other, " I will be back I go check us into a room, you got the boys? asked. Viktor, " yeah, all six is fast asleep, he heads to the hotel, meanwhile in the hotel room in Seattle, " you talk you sister? asked. Jasmine, " yes, and my brother-in-law, I thrill that she got business up, happily married, said Parker, " course dad, do they have kids do we have cousins, said, Jimmy, " yes you have six cousins, we are not going to the family about your uncle or new cousins, that is the way it going to be, said, Parker, " don't grandma and grandpa have a right to know? asked, Emily, " your Aunt and grandparents are not on speaking grounds right now, if Kari did she would bring him home to meet them, I'm glad she didn't because that would not go well, Park told her, Viktor walked out and up to them. " we got a room on the first floor, they kissed each other, and got in their cars and drive around to the other side of the hotel, they pulled into the parking space, he got their cribs and strollers out, and they strap them in them and pushed them up the room, Viktor unlocked it, and they walked inside, he set the cribs on the side of the bed, andtake them out and lay them in them, Kari stays in the room while he went to get their things and locked their car doors and walked in with everything closing and locking the door, " that is everything. she take his hand and they walked into the bathroom and got in the shower, " I got a sister I go shopping with, talk to, hang out with, said. Jasmine, " we got cousin to play with, dad can we please move here, they begged him. " you know your father doesn't care what you do or say, he just find out that his oldest doesn't want his burn down debt restaurant, and want to leave Detroit, now he finds she doing great and married, Seattle is where dreams come true, " you all want to move here to stay near them, said. Parker, " Parker you and your sister are still closed as you said, you just find out you got a new brother-in-law and six new nephews don't you want to remain close to being in their lives around your sister and brother-in-law? asked. Jasmine, They got out of the shower and put their nightclothes on, " that feels great, you know nothing like having your wife laying on you, they kissed each other, as he pulls her to the bed, " don't we need to call me and let them know we are here, " no, they are in the bed already, he got her on the bed, " what about Parker Reno you said you call him back?" mm my blue eye queen or talk with her brother, I pick you and call him after, they were about to make out when all six is up and wired, " hey, hey go to sleep the six of you mom and dad trying to have a moment, she laughed, " he said they call once they get at a hotel for the night, we see what they say, " call him reno and I see what they need, said. Kari, he wouldn't let her up. " I still pick you, mom, they kissed each other and makeout, after that she got their bags and looked them, he called Parker, " (hey you made it to a hotel?) asked Parker, she give them their pasafier, that common them down, " mom know what we boys needs, said, Viktor. " (yeah, would call you earlier, oh man when that flame kicks I huger for her,) she sat on him, they kissed each other, " Mrs. Nevada want more, good reason to havemore, " children no, we got six that is enough for a growing empire, I love you, Mr. Nevada, they kissed each other, " I love you to Mrs. Nevadae thank you for marrying me andmaking me a dad, " you are welcome, thank you for being this loving, awesome, great, guy that shows me how you love someone, " hey wants I find my queen bee, I will always protect, love and honor her like I saidyou are it, you want to talk your brother? " your brother-in-law, ( hi again, ) " Parker can I talk to her please, begged Jasmine. " (your sister-in-law want to say hi,) said, Parker. " (so you married to, ) said. Viktor, he rubs his hand down her leg, they kissed each other, " (yeah going on fifteen years, they want to down here to be near you,)-(" who?) you are so wonderful you know that babe asked. Viktor, " (hi, I am Jasmine, what is it like to be a first-time mom?) asked, Jasmine. " yes Reno, so are you, they looked into each other eyes, " (wonderful welcome to the family, why what dad going to say you his golden boy parker,) said. Kari, " (plus, we not the cluster type, you be happier where you at.) said, Viktor, " (thank you, that be too big of a move to relocate, that means they ould have to change schools, I have to relocate my business here, we meet somewhere and things as a family what you say?) asked. Parker, " why not we like to see the boys grown up, and get to know you both do things, " ( we both are business, with our kids, and work, meet up will be good, ) Kari told her, " (you think just because you got a sister-in-law that you can go out do things wrong, my queen doesn't go out spend money unless it to our home and kids, and the boys when the at the age they are to business as well to spend time with your kids, you three thinking about yourselves, not about him, he hard on him to try to make his business grow here Detroit is happening for him, just like Seattle is happening for her, Seattle is not for everyone, we got to go we got full morning tomorrow, have a fast trip back home, and parker we'll you let you know when can we free to meet up.) said, Viktor, " (thanks V, congrats both on the new family.) -("samegoes for you, ) they hang up. " cluster what iswrong just want to be aroundthem?" n, you just find out I have a sister think that oh we can spend our husbands hard earn money, hit the mall, Kari not like you, she never a pompom, delta, or popular yes she had it all to be one, but she chose to make something of herself, she had a dream, they both are working to support their new family, they have more then we do, they putting their future and them first, like we should do for our no more spending Jasmine time to invest in their lives, Jimmy and marnie you want to be here because you think that you have a cousin to go around with, you don't they already go their lives head, a school like you should be a focus on, we get together with them when we can, we see the boys grow up, spendtime with Kari and Viktor that is good enough for me itsould be good enough for you too, said. Parker, they cut the lights off and try to get some sleep why the boys are asleep,