chapter xv

the outbreak

After they few a few days in Maine so his parents can meet their new grandsons and spend time with them, they are back at home, this evening, they just got back in a few minutes ago, and now they are unpacking, and putting everything away, " baby nice save by the way the other night, I can not deal if they move here, I love my brother, I getting bad vibes from his wife, said. Kari, he spins her around, " we trying to live our lives and raised our family, they need to stay in Detroit and raised theirs, they kissed each other, they were about to make out when the hotline ringed, " ( yeah Stacie,) she walked down the steps, when Viktors phone ring, " (yeah Hunter what's up.) said, Viktor, " ( are you near a TV?) asked, Hunter. " there's something on the news K, turn on the TV now, how was the trip?) asked, Stacie, " (no, but I on the way down stairs man,) he walked down the steps, Kari cut the Tv on, Viktor walked up. there is globe new about a code -13 out break in the city is to be aware, " ( what we going to do, if we shutdown we lose business, ) said. Mike, " ( you need to get to the stadium man Reese is making the announcement.) said, Hunter. " (we not going to lose business, continue what you all was doing, and if out what is going on and what I should do,) " babe stay in the house with the boys, keep the windows closed, I will be back soon, said. Viktor, " be safe, here wear this, they kissed each, he put it on and walked out and got in the truck in left, she cut the tv on and walked in the office talk with John, he was aware of it he told even closed she will not lose business the broadcasting will still be bringing in business, that she the business owner to stay open or close is up to her. " ( make the announcement that we are closed for a while, and soon we will reopen, Stacie, you all go home to your families, be safe, stay safe, and the trip went well,) Viktor walked into the ring, Reese is inside the ring with the microphone, " (due to the news of the outbreak, MCW entertain not going to broadcasting for few days, no one is on the booster for a few days, go be with your families, girlfriends and boyfriends, you all will be in touch,) said. Reese, " dude this is a series, I have newborns now, said. Viktor, "mine two months, you have to e scared for them, said. Hunter, they got in their cars in left, he pulled into the gate and it closed behind him. He got ut of the truck and walked inside of the house, up to his wife's office. she looked at him, " just closed the studio, we have newborns Reno, " hey babe this will not last, how about we take the boys away and get out of the house, dressed them in their protection we do the same, said, Viktor, " okay, he helps her up and they walked up the steps into the nursing, dressed their sons up, and put them in their strollers and put a blanket over them and locked the wheels, as they got dressed and put their masks on they grab their diaper and food bags and carry them down the steps and unlocked the wheels and pushed them out of door landlocked, Viktor put in the code, and the gate open, as they walked out it closed behind them, they walked down the sidewalk, in Maine, they try to call Viktor and Kari, " hang on babe, it's mom and dad. He told her, he pulls out his phone and answered it. " (hey mm and dad,) said. Viktor, " ( are you all okay, how is Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton?) asked, Sam, " (they all good so are we dad, this is some stuff, we got newborns now dad,) said. Viktor, " (we glad you all good, just be strong for her, she probably scared to Viktor, and keep your new family safe, that all you can do ) carol, told him, " (I plan on doing that these days mon.) said. Viktor, " (Kari, hang in there everything is going to be okay.) she told her, and they hang up, he hugged her and continued to go on their walk, and Detriot at the house, " they give you their number Parker, asked. Sara, " yes, if you call she not going to answer, you know you and her do not get along, said. Parker, " who said we don't call your sister Parker, she told him, " I talk you just listen deal or she not going to talk to you, Parker said, he dials her number, Kari pulled out the hotline, " (Nevada,) as they went through the park trail, " (I bet you love saying that, you two safe, and how are you know what he asked. in a known voice, " ( they okay, we freaking out right now, what can you do if you can't keep your family safe?) asked. Kari, " ( I know the feeling, why can they stop this before it gets out. what about our kids that going to be exposed to it,)-("I am the one supposed to be losing or you, deep breathe little brother, calm down I sure it not going to be around that long,) he calm down now, " ( sorry I lost it there for a second, mom is a concern and walk to see if you all okay,) said, Parker, " (are you sure you okay, Parker that was strange, ) said. Viktor, " (yeah it was, thank you both be the rock for me, tell we are good.) said, Kari. " ( about time I try to talk to you later,) they hang up, " it, my job as your husband to be your rock, shield, and pillar if they didn't have the masked on they could kiss each other. the return home from their walk, walked inside the gates, and in the house, Viktor locked the gate with the remote on the wall and he locked the