chapter xvi

the thick of it still

Viktor got all six of their sons on the couch with him watching cartoons, Kari gives him his plate, put their bowls on the table, so they can feed them and eat too, the cartoon was disturbed for breaking new, " this better said it clear up and it safe again. said, Viktor, " that be nice would it, we have kids to take care of, sad. Kari, tell the whole world that quarantine is clear but be safer when going outside, the outbreak has not left yet. their phones ring, " (yeah Hunter we watching it now, ) said. Viktor, " ( let's take it easy Stacie take a call at home and if anyone as call-ins and call-ins only, go to the studio and train, and the broadcasting is still on it never stop, ) said. Kari, " (have you heard from Reese at all?) asked, Hunter, " (no, give it time he will let's just help our wives with their business, Hunter.) said, Viktor, " (good thing we have something both to fall on, see you soon man, ) they hung up, after they finished dinner and feed their sons, they cut the tv off and take them up the stair to put them down for the night, " whoever thought this be the greatest highlight of my life, no winning a title at the main event on paper view, but having a family, a wife that I am crazy in love with, six gorgeous sons that I love to death, this is the greatest highlight of my life, they fast asleep, they cut their monitor on cut the light off and crack the door they walked downstairs to clean up the dining room and kitchen, they walked in the off, he cut the monitor on," I do the screening interviews babe what do we need so far? asked. Viktor, " some to run the Physicalogy room, and maybe a jiantor, if thebudget isright maybe we can get all three, I do the paywall and counting, and your schedule and Hunter schedule for next week, " ( this is Kari and Viktor is everyone in their office?) asked, Kari. " (this is Stacie I in my office standing by the office hotlines, what do if someone wants to do a walk-in?) asked. Stacie, " (if it a fit check Laura will meet them there, for the package for weight, cardiology, Physiology, and coaching deluxe we are only taking call-ins right now,) said. Viktor, " (we slowly getting back to the way but we are taking baby steps, hand out masks and gloves and before we leave to make sure every equipment wash and spray with the hazard buttons,) said, Kari. they were busy at home taking call-ins meetings and training them, the sun went down in the sky, the babies are still away, Viktor got done the interviews, " no want yet babe, I think I should run it, said. Viktor, " Reno, you rising full tie wrestler, staff management, full-time provider, you can take on another thing without breaking, said. Kari, they look to each other, " babe I choose to be a rising superstar, I choose to be a husband and a father, I choose to help my wife out at the studio and home, your husband is not going to break, if I do pull me out of the fire, said. Viktor, " you know I will, they kissed each other, " okay the room is yours, baby, "(let's call it night fit family great work today, talk to you all tomorrow.) they hang up the phones and walked up the stairs and their room, they got ready for bed and in it, they were ready to settle down for the night when the phone ring, " who could've to call? asked. Kari, "probably Reese, " (Nevada talk to me,) said. Viktor, " ( Viktor it's me, we shooting again but it's a virtual match, you up against Quicksilver right after a diva match, ) said, Reese, " (great, in the morning or evening?) asked. Viktor, " ( in two weeks train up, and evenings see you soon.) they hang up the phone. " got my next match babe, said. Viktor, " when? asked. Kari, " it's a virtual shooting right after a diva match, in the evening in two weeks, think you can get us ready in time? asked. Viktor, " two weeks is cake baby we have yu both ready on time, they kissed each other and went to sleep, every wrestler got their match set up now, some is a single, tag team, or triple-threat march, as the sun comes up in the sky, the Nevada family is still sleeping peacefully until their alerm clock went off, and all six of their sons are crying, "morning Mrs. Nevada how you sleep? asked, Viktor, " good how did you sleep Mr. Nevada? answered, Kari. " great I got our sons to meet you in the bathroom with the first set, Viktor walked out of their room and the nursing, and Kari went to the family bathroom, plug up the tub and draw warm water into the tub, he walked in with Vance, Volance, and Vandor, he helps her to take the diaper and clothes and put them in the tub to bathe them, they splashing in the water giggling, " oh look at those guys we ready to splash mom and dad, you ready for the second set, asked, Viktor, " bring them to me, dad, they kissed each other, he walked out of the bathroom was about to enter the nursing when thehotline ring, he went to get, "(man no is not a good time, could you call back later?) he walked into the nursing, " (what's wrong is Kari at home?) asked, Jasmine, " (she busy, wegiving our son's bath getting ready to start the day, is there a reason you want to talk to my wife our the business hotline, looking to get fit?) said, Viktor, " (no, is she around whatever your name is,) -('Viktor, she busy, you need training to looking for a jonb?) asked, Viktor. " (no,) she told him, " ( either I not telling you again if she too busy to her spend money she is to busy t hear your mouth delete our number do not call us again,) he hang up on her and walked the nursing and pick them up and walked into the bathroom, " who was that? asked, Kari, " your brother is alright but his wife getting on my nerves, calling at this hour of the day, just because hers full-grown doesn't mean our is, I do not want you around her at all Kari okay babe, said.Viktor, " I don't you something is off with her, the women needs a job if she got to much time on her hands, do I look like have any time at all I have business to run, house to take care and family I helping my wonderful amazing, beautiful husband to raise our six newborns, talk and what ever she ding I do not have timefor, that upset her so bad, she told everyone that she had kids they got six of them,