chapter xvii

I'm so sorry guys"

After they got them to bathe and dressed, they carried them downstairs and put them in their highchairs at the table, they walked into the kitchen to start cooking, when the phone rang, Viktor put it on the intercom, " (Nevadas talk to us,) they are tart to cry, " hang on boys we are getting your food, hee make their formula shakes made, as Kari got their breakfast cooking on the stove slowly. they sat down at the table and start to feed them their bottles, " ( I so sorry guys, I didn't spect that she stoop so low in blub,) they looked at each, as they give their sons a break, " (great, you did tell your family what their names are? I ask to keep them secret man, including from your freaking wife!)_( that not helping me protect them,) said. Viktor, " (I love you Park but maybe you need to live your in peace, I do not need everyone in my space, driving us apart I love my husband and sons, and we just don't want to be cluster and smuther by them or anyone, we just want to work in peace and raise our family in peace, ) said. Kari, " ( I hear you both, I sorry, I upset about this, I ready t smack the heck out of her,) said. Parker, " (I don't believe in hitting a woman, you do you, just keep them down there away from us, out of our lives, we don't need them, and don't want them here,) they went back to feeding them again, " easy boys, easy, yes I know that is good and it going to help you to grow up and develop your beaks, said, Viktor, " (Kari?) called, Parker, " and help you be big and strong like daddy, (I am still here park, you forgive, but get rid of our number, we call you,) said. Kari, " ( yeah, you can help wh you pick for a wife, our wives are different man mines a work aholic, help provider, that put us first, think of her family, and you don't give a darn about her family at all.) said. Viktor, " ( that is for sure, I sorry, I have to deal with and I might need to leave and go somewhere else for couple days, ) said. Parker, " ( okay, let us talk and think Parker, since my husband likes you, but can't stand your wife, your sister doesn't she right women for you,) what you say, babe, we could come here for a few days, show him the studio, he can get to know his new nephews, we don't have any room but he can stay in one of the boys from or we can move the couch back, said, Viktor. " if he wants to Reno, they finished their bottles, she got up to check their breakfast, while he burped their sons, " ( that is up to you man, we can do the thing as family, go to the park, walk around the parkway, have lunch, spend the whole day lost in Seattle,) said, Viktor, he wiped their mouths and she walked over with their plates in sat his on the table, " mm, babe I love your cooking this looked good, ( it be atreat for you never had your sister cooking, once you do you going to hate going back home your wife, ) he start to eat breakfast, " I glad you still do my king, she sat down at the start to eat, " buds you want some fried veggies, mom out did herself, he put some in their mouths they suck on, " (she must be a great cook?) asked, Parker, " mm, yeah, dinner and breakfast we boys love don't we sons,) want more? he gives them some veggies, " (I will be on my way soon after I handle this, thanks Kari and Viktor.) said, Parker, " (you are welcome,) after they finished breakfast and cleaned up the house, they got washed and dressed, they loaded the cars and left the house, meanwhile, in Detroit, Parking is yelling and cursing at Jasmine for open her mouth and telling everything, then he hit her so hard that it knocked her to the ground, he back a bag and got in his car in left, they pulled up at the up the studio, and walked inside, into the weight room, they locked the wheels and she starts to train him, " put the twenty pounds on babe, said. Viktor, " boys watch your old man work to provide for you and your mother, so she put the on and begging to spot him lifting, " you are doing great that one, said. Kari, he studying lifhing the weight, he is almost done, " you got this Reno, you do a good job, said. Kari, he starts to sweat and breathe hard, he is done, she set the weight down on the rack, as he slides out, she gives him a bottle of water and a towel, " cool down twenty minutes how you feel? asked, Kari. " good come her, he pulls her to him, " you supposed to be training Reno, they kissed each other, " I am babe you doing a good job, and they make out in the weight room, while the boys are asleep in the strollers, she strokes his face, " I love you so much my queen, they kissed each other again. they put their clothes on and she begins to train him again. the day is going down in the sky, " what do you want for dinner, need to make a stop at the store we getting low asked. Kati, " how are we on diapers and formula? answered, Viktor. " few diapers and one can of formula, said, Kari, " we need to go shop for supplies, said. Viktor, they got done training, they unlocked the wheels take them out of the from, she pressed the hazard button to wash the room out, they walked out of the studio, Kari locked the door and they head up the road to the nearest store to go groceries shopping