chapter xviii

A few days in Seattle

They gave him directions to their house, and told him t program in the car and burn the paper up. so he did, Kari got dinner cooking on the stove as he pulled up at the gate, they let him inside, as he drives up the gate close behind him he pulled up at the house got his laptop case and bag, and knock on the door, they are learning how to crawl on the ground, " stay you, I will be back, they start to cry, as he got up to open the doot, " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton do you need a diaper change? they looked at , and crawl into the kitchen, " hey come in, said. Viktor, he walked inside the house, " welcome to Nevada castle, you got the boys babe, she getting dinner cooking, I get the table set, " wow this is a nice house, this must cost you guys a lot, said. Parker, " nope I had a team build it for, said. Viktor, as he set the table, as the food is simmering on the stove and oven, " come on let's say hi to uncle P, as she walked out they followed her, " Oh my, they crawling, " learning are we, Uncle P is going to stay with us few days and hang out with us, said. Kari, Viktor walked and crossed his arms, he put his stuff down, and pick them up, and sat down on the couch, " my nephews, you been good for mom and dad? " say when I want to be, dinner will be ready soon, Uncle P you want to give your new nephews their bottles with their father, asked, Kari, " can I, asked, Parker, " yeah you grab the wiggle butts I get these, dinner time boys, they pick them up, and walk into the dining room and sat them in their highchairs, she walked in with their bottles, " thanks mommy we love you, they kissed each other, she walked they sat down at the table and give them their bottles, " yummy that daddy dinner for us mango milk, said. Viktor, " I love being a husband and a father, man this is my treasures right here these seven, every day I get in the ring I donate it to my family, Parker looked at him, they give them air to breathe, Viktor wipes their mouths, and dinner is almost done, they finishing up their bottles, " that's it we all done, mom, he burped, and put the bottles in the kitchen, and rinse out the bottles and put them in the dishwasher, she put their food on their plate sand walked into the dining room, " wow sis that smells good, said. Parker, " I hope it tastes good, too, said Kari, they sat down and start to eat, " mm-mmm mm, oh my god this is delicious, mmm, " told you, I gold here, I love her food, my first time having when she invited me to dinner, I knew she was going to be my wife, said. Viktor, they let out a yawn, " aw we getting tired and went a big day with uncle P, she wipes her mouth andthey takes them upstairs into the nursing put their nightclothes on lay them in their cribs, they went right to sleep, the, cut the light off and crack the door and head back downstairs, and sat back in the table, " man that is good, you were not kidding, is there anything left. I never ask for seconds, said. Parker, " that because she is an amazing cook I want some more to babe please, " okay glad to know my husband and brother enjoy my cooking, he got up to get them some more, " can't wait for breakfast, so what we going to do first, " first we got so work, but first uncle P we take the boys to the park in the strollers, we give you mask and gloves before we leave, then we go to lunch and then get lost in the city, said, Viktor. " we got some training, but we can stop by the studio so you can see it, said. Kari gives them their plates, " thanks babe dinner is always good, said. Viktor, " man sis were you learn to cook like this? asked. Parker, " all over, and you always told me it is, they kissed each other. " mm, I love you, my queen, this food is fit for a king, " will then you are that king right? they finished w\eating she take up the food while they, it's wash and dry the dishes, " you never help in the kitchen either? asked, Viktor, " no, I am stuff, can I be that king too? she put the leftovers into the refrigerator, when they wake up start to cried, " diaper change come on dad and uncle P, they walked up the steps in the room, " uncle P take Vance and Vandor, I get Volance, and Vinatone and mm take Volume and Venton, they start to changed their diapers when his phone ring, " we got them, said. Kari, " no, it probably mom, size I here with you guys, said. Parker, they throw the dirty diapers into the trash can and put clean ones on them, and Viktor took the bag out, Kari put a fresh bag in the trash can, Parker is playing with, " whose uncle p favorite boys, you are, said. Parker, they giggle at him, " I see what he meant, I love being an uncle, thank you, Kari. said, Parker, " you are welcome, I'm glad you do because you don't have a choice to be an uncle, let them sleep, night sons, they walked out of the room and left the door crack," we can set you up in one the boys future bedrooms or you want the living room? asked Kari, " living room I good, she got him a pillow blanket and comforter, they pushed the couch back and set him up on the floor, " you good bro? asked, Viktor, " yeah going to return mom's call watch a little tv, then go to sleep. said, Parker, " okay we be upstairs if you need us, sleep like, Parker. said, Kari, " we keep it down tonight if you hear anything that will be us, he picks her up and carry her up the steps into their room, he return his mother's call and she was ferrous that he laid a hand on Jasmine, " (will no one told her to tell anyone anything or call them, she need to know here place!) said. Parker, " (you need to work this out and talk about this, where you at?) asked, Sara. " (I need time to think mom, she crossed the line too many times, and every time she goes crying to you and dad to fix what she did and I tired of it,) he told her, they kissed each other and started to make out,