chapter xix

everything is getting back tomorrow

If Everything starts to open back up again, as the outbreak is slowly dying away, soon the stadium with open up and so it the studio. Parker was sleeping peacefully on the floor, while the boys are still asleep, they walk into the office, " (morning everyone, last day in the offices, tomorrow we are reopening and be taking both ins,) said, Kari. " (morning mommy and daddy, is it clear up Kari?) asked, Tony. "(we haven't watched the news yet Tony, how's the coaching yesterday?) answered. Viktor, " (really good I coach to recovery-based ballplayers, ) said. Tony, Stacie came online, " ( morning, I did it starting to clear up but it still here, a call-in wants to know ding we have any training tips for training at home or do we do home training.) said, Stacie, " ( what they want to know about, if they can't make it to us, yes we can come to them, to help with the broadcasting we are going to do an emergency training express, ) said. Kari, " that is a great idea babe, with basic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, jumping jacks, walking, and running, said, Viktor. Mike came online, he drink some of his coffee, " ( morning, Stacie, Tony, K, and V how are the boys?) asked, Mike. " (morning Mike,) said, everyone, " (they are great, and sleeping still, which gives us time to do some work, how you did yesterday Mike,) asked Viktor. " (good, a bunch of questions like when we going to be open again,) said. Mike, " (I hope to open tomorrow morning, I going to put a masked and glove sign-on the door, Stacie think you handle the front counts ten inside, and everyone one customer at a time, let's get them in, let's get the train, let's get them fit, and out, we got this, yes and everyone gets to see the boys tomorrow,) said. Kari, Parker's phone rings which wake him up, he rubs his face, he picks it up and answered it, it was his wife, " ( Parker we need to talk when you coming home?) asked, Jasmine. " (not for a few days, you did wrong, first no one told you to get their number out of my phone in call them, why you did that ? you need to start using your head.) Parker told her, Laura came online, "( I got those same questions too, everyone loves the studio, morning family, we finally get to see Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, volume, and Venton,) said. laura, " (yes, tomorrow, and after us, hazard wash first bringing in a new customer, do the new open we order lunch again,) said. Viktor, " (I sorry I love you, Parker, I just want to talk to her, he mad e me mad,) said. Jasmine, " (dumb things happen in anger, what you should've done is said sorry I won't do it again, and respect there wishes Jasmine, you know how our family overreacts to this, you know how my sister and parents don't see eye to eye, they cast her out because she didn't want that crap I running because she didn't want to stay in Detroit, I love you too, but you just put their family at risk,) he told her, Adam came online, " (morning guys, sorry I am late,) said. Adam, "(you not late Adam,) said, Viktor." (still early Adam, so you are good.) said, Kari, " ( what about the kid's parker?) asked. Jasmine, " (what about them Jasmine, they will be fine. I working online, the restaurant is good, and am entitled to be away from you to relax and think,) said, Parker. They started to wake up, Viktor look at the monitor at them, Allyssa came online, " (huh, morning fit siblings and fit parents,) said. Allyssa, they all said morning again, Parker got up and walk up to the step, " Kari, Viktor can I get something to drink? asked. Parker, " (where you at? yes I know.) asked. Jasmine, " we in the office bro, and not upstairs, said, Viktor. " really you ask to get something to drink Parker, you don't need to ask you can get something. said, Kari, he walked up to the office, " (in Seattle they told me to come, you need to help me out, more at the restaurant it part yours to, and at home cook early not when you feel like it, clean, ) the wife, " (dag K your brother is sexy, now I know were the blue eyes blonde come, tell me if he is available?) she looks at her, " (wow did you just came on to my wife Laura?) asked, Viktor. " (she been coming on to me from the day I hired her, I don't are you available Parker?) asked, Kari. " cute, we are not twins, I guess this runs in the family on dad side, no I married with kids, I haven't met that one sis, he walked into the kitchen to get something to drink, " her name is Laura she, our fit trainer nurse, she does the checks, ( how that went,) asked. Kari, " (great, I am sending you their files now fit queen and fit king,) " we went from mother and father and king and queen all in one day babe, they kissed each other, " (they invite you?)-("yes, I have to go I have some work to do, I call the kids later,) said. Parker he hang up in sat his phone pour him some juice and got his lap case, " you have room for one? asked Parker, " yeah, this is a big office, baby go get gear and meet at the ring, it is time to train, before they are up, Mike he has a match in week any tip for your trainee? asked, Kari, he walked in sat down, " (who are you up against V?) asked. Mike, " you a boxer V? asked, Parker. " wrestler P, (Quicksilver, he only trying to get his steaks up, so he can get an international cotton title match against The Terror,) said. Viktor, " if you look on the wall in the living room you see his titles, she told him, you should go for that Reno, said. Kari, " (Quicksilver has 120# wins under his belt he either needs to beat someone that has more than him, or get his steaks to 200#, and he a bouncer V,) said. Tony, " The Terror has 340# wins, you got 400# wins by beating Taboo and the Latinos, you up the rocker board, safe both finishers until the end, power slams and over the top, work on them today, ) said. Mike, Parker went to see the belts, so they got to work, "