chapter xx

Getting lost in the city

After they finished breakfast and cleaned up the house, getting dressed and getting the boys ready, they walked out of the house, " who you want to ride with Parker, me or my husband? asked, Kari, " how about you ride with babe down and with me back, said. Viktor, they put their sons in their car seats and fasten them in making sure if it is secured, they got in and drive out the gate and it closes landlocked behind them, "I follow that match with Taboo, I was scared I thought he would lose, Viktor Reno Nevada is my new brother-in-law I have a wrestler for a brother-in-law, said. Parker, Kari looked at him and smile, " so you watch wrestling? baby full of surprises, that day he asks me to marry him, said, Kari, they giggle, " daddy is full of surprises ain't that right boy's, " when I can, no, right at the end the kids want to watch Tv, darn, why can they be more like yours, said. Parker, " you made me Aunt? mines are newborns so they know how to act right boys, we going to be like daddy and mommy, they pulled up at the park, Viktor got out of the truck, " let's have some fun, said. Viktor. got their strollers out of the truck bed, and they put them in the strollers and covered with the blankets and put their masks on, they got their bags and locked their car doors, they walk in the park and down the trail, " baby your brother-in-law is a fan of yours, said. Kari, " cool I never had an in-law as a fan, said, Viktor. they turn the corner as they walk through the park, going down the nature trail to the pond, " I am struggling with that crap hole, I want to sale just pack up my family move, dad said no, you won't be like your sister now, not be about the family, said. Parker, " was he be about the family had his problems of debt to us, that places need work down, new menus, she would help, I die here, they giggle at him, " uncle P having a meltdown if you want can go s you can talk with a business developer on the new look, said, Kari, " even take you around Seattle to some of the fine din ins so you can see how the staff is, dining rooms and kitchen speak with the cooks and owners. Said, Viktor. " I let you use my website to design your new menus, Said, Kari, " we can if that's okay with you guys, you got a website? asked. Parker, " P we told you don't need to ask us, you family, if you need us we there. said, Viktor, " yes, how I built my fit training deluxe packages for customers, that getting lost in the city, you need assistance up, when I open up I new I need one, that was my fault not showing him what to do, but my husband step in as my assistance off paid and train how to run the floor, he been doing his job when Reno is in the ring, we could print you out help wanted signs saying you hiring staff management, said. Kari, " actually I hiring for every position, I been training to find some to fix everything in that hole in the wall, said. Parker, " you in the perfect place to do everything bro, we talk with developers, painters, garden access, windows, and roofing, after we have lunch, then talk to restaurant owners see will they let us look around their kitchens dining rooms speak with chefs and cooks on dishes, good look at furniture for the dining room, and the kitchen, and we look at dining ware and cookware for the kitchen, then print out hiring sighs and make your business card, after going to dinner after putting them up in the city, then we go home so the queen can show you how to use her website so you can get your new menu print, said. Viktor, " we write them down first in order, then we will install them in the may frame sound goos? asked, Kari, he smile and hugged them with tears in his eyes, " you guys are the best, boys you got the world greatest parents, I love you guys, said. Parker, they laughed, " We love you to Parker, they both said, they walk back up the trail to their cars when they start to cry, " boys did we wet ourselves? asked. Viktor, they locked the wheels and changed their diapers, and wipe them off, " all clean now, let's help uncle P get his business off the ground, they giggled, they strap them in their car seats check if they are secured, they closed the door in locked it, they got in and head into the city, which it is always packed with people looking for jobs, and cars heading home or to work. " ( babe we going to a developing office first right, hey boys you having fun riding with mom?) *dah* all three say, " ( did they call me dah?) asked, Viktor, *dah* said Vance, Vandor, and Volance, they stop at a red light, he looks at them and smiled, " ( they know who their father is,) she told him, " (my sons are the best in the world, thanks mommy,) said. Viktor, " (you are welcome baby, they are,) Parker was about to say something when his phone rang, the light turn around, they pulled into the parking lot, " everything okay bro? asked. Viktor, " yeah it's my father, * dah, dah* " yeah sons who are that behind dah? *Gah, Gah* all six started saying dah and gah, they got out of the cars, *Gah, Gah, Gah* they call to her, " they know their mother too, they kissed each other, " said, Viktor, they take them out and put them in their strollers and walked inside, Parker and the Developer is talking about what he would like done to his restaurant, and the Developer is drawing it up on a blueprint, "