chapter xxi

getting everything done

Do you want the old one to turn down Mr. Christmas? he asked him," yes, it needs to go so this one can take its place, said Parker * dah* Gah* they are calling them, " shh uncle P is talking boys, she unzips their bags and give them their pacifier, they went quiet, The Developer is going over the restaurant plans with him, telling him how it going to be built, Viktor locked their wheels and they sat down in the chairs, he put his arm around her, " I love you, babe, said. Viktor, " I love you to Reno, when is Hunter's match, asked? Kari, " I go check you okay, you good with them? asked. Viktor they kissed each other, he step out to call his partner, Parker phone rang again, " why can he leave us alone, she holds out her hand, he gives her his phone. " hand your business Parker I got it, said. Kari, " Kari, you and he are unclear, she just turns off his cell phone, " he knows I have the upper ground now, said, Kari, " boys never get on your mother's bad side, he went back to listening to what the Developer was saying again and agree, Viktor walked back in sat down, " in three days he wants to talk with you and Mike about it tomorrow, said, Viktor. " I told them we be there just come in, they were done talking and they shake hands on it, he walked up to them, " he said they are there tomorrow to knock it down and rebuild the new one, where to next? asked. Parker, " you pick, we on a business run uncle P, said. Kari, " I guess we could look at paint for the restaurant, said. Parker, Viktor unlocked the wheels they are fast asleep in the stroller, " we are in the city, everything is nearby and within walking distance, said, Kari, they put the tire and wheel locks on their cars and walked out of the parking lot and up the sidewalk, she gives him his phone back, " you know he going to know why I didn't answer him, or return his call. said, Parker, "baby brother the key to doing what you want and live your life is never look back and just do it, she looked at him and told him, " you remember that?" for someone that looks up to our whole lives is very wise, thank you for that, aid. Kari, " your turn P you going to be your old man puppet jump when he wants, talk when he says, or you going to be your own man making your dream yours, living your life? was that your dream? asked Viktor. they stop at a crosswalk, " having my five-star restaurant was my dream double expanding across the world, having celebr\erities come, said. Parker, " you still make that happen P, tell you what on your opening day we come to have dinner in your new restaurant, " you got that right we bring the litter with us, said. Viktor, " I hold you to that, I love to see the litter again, before they walk and talk, said. Parker, the light turned green so they walked across and inside of the painted house, " how may I help you find people, asked the owner, Parker told him that he needs paint for his new restaurant for his dining area and kitchen and restrooms, he told him he has what he looking for, and took him back to show him, " you want our living room repainted do you? asked, Kari. " no, we are advantageously going to need to get the six-room done, said. Viktor. " yeah, and furniture too, said. Kari, " life as parents get awesome every day babe, said. Viktor, "sure does baby, they kissed each other, he walk up to them. " aw, lover birds, do this mean I get more nephews? asked, Parker, " you both got six out of me, you don't think that is enough. how it go? said, Kari. " good my pains done he said he send his team of painters the following day to do it, Said, Parker, " flooring guys can I push? Viktor let him push the stroller, they lr\eft the store and walk down the sidewalk, they rub their little faces, they start to fuse a little bit Kari left up the blanket to see what was going on. " what the fusing about sons? asked. Kati, " what's up my sons it's almost feeding time huh, said. Viktor, she cover them back up and they put their masks on, " we stop get some lunch and feed them after we get the flooring, said. Kari, they walked inside the hardware store, Parking talking with someone, and the fusing is turning into crying. " okay yes, yes, you are hungry now, how about I get a table at a restaurant, when you did call me I tell you were we at, said. Kari, " okay we see you seven in a bit, they kissed each other and he had her their bag, she unlocked the wheels and walked with them, going to the restaurant up the street so she can feed them, he got the floor plan done, " let's go get our grub on bro, said. Parker, " you got that right, (babe were you at?) asked, Viktor. " ( up the street, follow my voice until you get to me,) they walked out and up the street to her, he take his mask down kissed his wife, she laughed, " this is going to take awhile man so you order first, they take the tops off their bottles and start to feed them, Parker order the sizzler, and iced tea, " guys you want to wait or you ready, asked, Parker. Kari and Viktor order the garden salads and water, " mm, drink up my litter, said. Kari, they give the air to breathe, and wipe their mouths, *Gah*Dah, they said." you six know who is taking care of you, Gah and Dah, said, Parker, they bring out their drinks and sat them on the table, " thank you, they all said. they begin to feed them again and they finished their bottles, "that's my babies, yummy dad knows how to make a smoothie, said. Viktor